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India producing 7500 MT oxygen daily

347k infected in last 24 hours, and 2,600 dead in 24 hours, another record, yet they are boasting on forums.

This mentality put them in this very situation, and I genuinely now think this mentality will cause India to fracture....

infected people are getting remedied too, recovery rate is 99 percent , it is a pandemic which claims lives . your PM has called the army to control corona .

But still no Oxygen for its own people.

in your dreams , oxygen supplies are enhanced now .we don't depend on china .
Problem is transportation. Most of the producers are based in eastern and southern India. north is facing acute shortage.

More selfish problem is state governments blocking shipments of oxygen. Seems very unpatriotic to ban shipments to other indians.
infected people are getting remedied too, recovery rate is 99 percent , it is a pandemic which claims lives . your PM has called the army to control corona .

in your dreams , oxygen supplies are enhanced now .we don't depend on china .

Your recovery rate is not 99 percent...

Plain and simple lies....

Atleast 5 people are dying for 1 acknowledged by your govt
347k infected in last 24 hours, and 2,600 dead in 24 hours, another record, yet they are boasting on forums.

This mentality put them in this very situation, and I genuinely now think this mentality will cause India to fracture....
one is banned, more will come..their boasting has no limits.
producing oxygen...i am speechless, they need ventilator.
infected people are getting remedied too, recovery rate is 99 percent , it is a pandemic which claims lives . your PM has called the army to control corona .

in your dreams , oxygen supplies are enhanced now .we don't depend on china .

You are not embaressed or ashamed writing this as people are being turned away in hospitals and dying due to lack of Oxygen? These are your own fellow Indians? Do you have no humanity at all? "Enhanced"!?

Read the below

I am genuinely shocked at how little Indian posters on here care about fellow Indians. Explains a lot though....
You are not embaressed or ashamed writing this as people are being turned away in hospitals and dying due to lack of Oxygen? These are your own fellow Indians? Do you have no humanity at all? "Enhanced"!?

Read the below

I am genuinely shocked at how little Indian posters on here care about fellow Indians. Explains a lot though....

you should be embarassed and ashamed for not doing anything about COVID
shekh chilli ke khwab :enjoy:

Every disease has an inherent death rate...
This one is scoring 2.5 to 4 percent in USA and Europe and 1 percent in India.... It means that you are grossly under reporting

I think v all have seen people dying on foot path in Delhi by now.....so no you are not doing better than US... U are hiding deaths
Every disease has an inherent death rate...
This one is scoring 2.5 to 4 percent in USA and Europe and 1 percent in India.... It means that you are grossly under reporting

I think v all have seen people dying on foot path in Delhi by now.....so no you are not doing better than US... U are hiding deaths

Are you sure about Pakistan?

Because it openly seems that the government is not doing sufficient number testing to avoid the collapse of the healthcare system.

Pakistan hospitals are unable to manage even the count is not more than 6000/daily and struggling.

Officials said hospitals in major Pakistani cities, including the capital, Islamabad, are nearly filled to capacity with coronavirus patients.

Federal Minister Asad Umar, who heads the national response to the outbreak, said authorities were struggling to maintain the much-needed supply of oxygen to hospitals across Pakistan for COVID-19 patients, as the number of cases soars.

"We have reached 90% capacity of oxygen supplies and a big chunk of it is being used to treat patients with coronavirus infection," Umar said while speaking alongside Khan.

Are you sure about Pakistan?

Because it openly seems that the government is not doing sufficient number testing to avoid the collapse of the healthcare system.

Pakistan hospitals are unable to manage even the count is not more than 6000/daily and struggling.

Officials said hospitals in major Pakistani cities, including the capital, Islamabad, are nearly filled to capacity with coronavirus patients.

Federal Minister Asad Umar, who heads the national response to the outbreak, said authorities were struggling to maintain the much-needed supply of oxygen to hospitals across Pakistan for COVID-19 patients, as the number of cases soars.

"We have reached 90% capacity of oxygen supplies and a big chunk of it is being used to treat patients with coronavirus infection," Umar said while speaking alongside Khan.

We are fine.... No one is dying on roads like dogs... And death rate is 2.7 percent vich is within international norms...
We are fine.... No one is dying on roads like dogs... And death rate is 2.7 percent vich is within international norms...
The same question!

Are you sure that government is not hiding the death rate and data as you are talking about Indian government.
The same question!

Are you sure that government is not hiding the death rate and data as you are talking about Indian government.

So do you see dead bodies lying on foot paths in Pakistan like u see in India?

A plastic doll has more brain paa jeet

Question arises only when your data is better than world and fate of your citizen is worse than animals in Western countries
So people ask what's going on as it doesn't add up
So do you see dead bodies lying on foot paths in Pakistan like u see in India?

A plastic doll has more brain paa jeet

Question arises only when your data is better than world and fate of your citizen is worse than animals in Western countries
So people ask what's going on as it doesn't add up

Man, the real question is why other countries are banning flights from Pakistan?

The answer is "they are not trusting on government data and also doing less testing maintain healthcare system otherwise will be collapsed".
So do you see dead bodies lying on foot paths in Pakistan like u see in India?

A plastic doll has more brain paa jeet

Question arises only when your data is better than world and fate of your citizen is worse than animals in Western countries
So people ask what's going on as it doesn't add up
T minus 3 days

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