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India prepares to counter China's clout with INS Satpura


Jan 23, 2012
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NDTV Correspondent | Updated: June 10, 2012 08:36 IST

New Delhi: As global focus shifts to South Asia and the Indian Ocean region, US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta sought India's cooperation to jointly counter China. India declined saying it doesn't share the US perceptions on the Asia-Pacific region and yet Defence Minister AK Antony, obliquely referring to China and dispute around South-China Sea, said: "Large parts of the common seas cannot be declared exclusive to any one country or group."

So what is India's trump card in ensuring its control and dominance over the Indian Ocean and the Asia-Pacific region? The answer may well be INS Satpura.

The latest stealth warship in the Navy's stable, INS Satpura will put India in the league of six other countries which own such a ship. But how exactly will it help?

"It's all about who finds the enemy first. Stealth allows us to sneak closer to the enemy and not only that, it makes the job of enemy difficult when they come looking for you," said Lieutenant Commander Nitin Oberoi.

But this apart, the ship has several more features like never before. It has a heavy and medium gun to take on close targets, Shtil air defence system that can destroy anything within 30 km, Klub surface-to-surface-missiles to hit targets beyond the horizon and Barack surface-to-air missiles.

But stealth and increased fire power are not all. What adds to the Navy's capability is the speed at which this ship can operate.

Built by the state-owned Mazagon Dockyards Limited, INS Satpura is a 143-metre-long Shivalik-class warship with 6,200-tonne displacement, and the power it generates is about 600 SUVs pulling an object forward. It can reach upto a speed of 30 knots which is about 60 km per hour.

What it means is that the ship can sneak in, hit hard and run away fast. That's possible due to an array of censors that allow looking deep into enemy territory.

"I am completely networked. I can see where our assets are, look at the pictures on a real time basis, see what's happening around them and instantly decide what to do," said Captain Sharad Mohan.

This brings about a sea change in the way the Indian Navy functions. Everything from starting engines to closing doors can now be done at the click of button through computers, which means lesser manpower and better working conditions.

"In earlier ships, there were no air conditioners but this has a great AC. Water was problem in earlier ships, you couldn't take bath for days. Today, you have hot and cold water 24 hours. Earlier you believed in working, today we believe in working smart," said Sahu.

Over the next five years, the Indian Navy will add at least 46 ships to its fleet; it will also have two aircraft battlegroups by the year-end. India's second aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya, will join the fleet this year along with three more stealth frigates. Besides INS Chakra - the nuclear powered submarine - that joined fleet this year, INS Arihant the nuclear powered submarine that will carry nuclear missiles being built in India will go through sea trials this year.

The Navy will also get Kolkata class stealth Destroyer next year.

There is a silent yet a definitive change that the Navy is going through and the INS Satpura embodies that change. It has sensors for air, surface and sub-surface surveillance, electronic support and counter equipment and decoys for soft kill measures.

One thing is clear: While India may not have joined the US bandwagon to counter China, it is developing its own muscle and sea legs so that it can effectively police the Indian Ocean region.

India prepares to counter China's clout with INS Satpura
INS Satpura is already in the navy..rt?

I thought India will get the last among the Shivalik class, INS Sahyadri this year?
INS Satpura is already in the navy..rt?

I thought India will get the last among the Shivalik class, INS Sahyadri this year?

Satpura was already inducted in August last year :)
and yes Sahyadri will be in service soon

at 6200 tons they are classified as frigates?

Differs from country to country, Iranians would even classify our corvettes as destroyers

Displacement (Max) 5,600 tons
Length 143 m
Beam 16.9 m


76mm Super Rapid Gun Mount (SRGM) (Main Gun)
2 x AK-630 Rapid Fire guns
24 x CIWS/SAM systems - KASHMIR
16 x Barak 1 VLS SAM
24 x Shtil SAM
8 x VLS Klub or BrahMos Cruise missiles
90R missiles (ASW)
DTA-53-956 torpedoes
RBU-6000 (RPK-8)

Anti-air defence : Radar-guided Shtil missile system.
Point Defence : Two Barak-1 Vertical Launch Systems (VLS)
Missile System and Two AK-630 Rapid Fire Guns
Anti-surface : Eight Klub Vertical Launch System (VLS)
missiles cruise missiles, with a range of almost 300 kilometers
Anti-submarine : RBU 6000 rocket launchers, total 24 barrels. Also,
two onboard helicopters, with sonars and torpedoes
Main gun : OtoMelara 76 mm Super Rapid Gun Mount (SRGM)
manufactured at BHEL, Haridwar. This can fire at ground and aerial targets 15-20 km away]
Aircraft Two Sea King / Dhruv helicopters for surveillance and anti-submarine operations.
Propulsion 2xFrench-made Pielstick diesel engines
2xGE LM 25000 gas turbines
Max Speed 30 kts
we have 14 Type-054A built since 2007.

Type 054A frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think india stands any chance to challenge our lead.

keep the duplicate, sub standard overhyped toys in your shores.. and u cant match Indian Navy ever... coz we are already much better then you and the gap will only increase with time.

and these toys whose new versions u roll out like candy bar every year, are only good for museams.. :lol:
we have 14 Type-054A built since 2007.

Type 054A frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think india stands any chance to challenge our lead.

1) Training and Development -- India >> China ( India more then dozen exercises with Top Nations, China 0)

2) War Experience -- India >> China

3) Aircraft Carrier Operations -- India >>> China ( 50 years experience compared to 0 for China)

4) Submarine, Indian Akula and Arihant >>> any Chinese NOISE BOX sub

5) Indian Stealth Destroyers and Their Technologies (Developed with the cooperation of best minds in the world) >>>> any chinese Ship

6) Mig 29 (Indian Carrier based fighters) >>> any plane in Chinese inventory(PLAAF and PLAN included)

7) Indian sailors experience of navigating the world waters >>>>>>>>> Chinese ships (which remain in maintainence rooms or in their dock)

8) India naval war doctrines >>>>>>> Chinese naval doctrines ( India have achieved great naval victories in past and achieved great milestones, Chinese like dumb in this area)

9) Indian Navy Personnel Bravery >>>>> Chinese puny navy men

10) Indian Submarine Hunter (P8I) >>>>>> Chinese cant dream in next two to three decades :lol:




Any comparision between Indian Navy (like top grade) and Chinese navy (like childish amateurs) is a joke.. :lol: :lol:
Why does India care so much about a peaceful country like China?
indians questioning the quality of Chinese weapons? what a huge load of crap.

are you guys suggesting LCA, Arjun is more reliable than Chinese weapons?

that is pretty huge wet dream.

Why does India care so much about a peaceful country like China?

because their economy is sinking, they need excuses

1) Training and Development -- India >> China ( India more then dozen exercises with top nations, China 0)

2) War Experience -- India >> China

3) Aircraft Carrier Operations -- India >>> China ( 50 years experience compared to 0 for China)

4) Submarine, Indian Akula and Arihant >>> any Chinese NOISE BOX sub

5) Indian Stealth Destroyers and Their Technologies (Developed with the cooperation of best minds in the world) >>>> any chinese Ship

6) Mig 29 (Indian Carrier based fighters) >>> any plane in Chinese inventory

7) Indian sailors experience of navigating the world waters >>>>>>>>> Chinese ships (which remain in maintainence rooms or in their dock)

8) India naval war doctrines >>>>>>> Chinese naval doctrines ( India have achieved great naval victories in past and achieved great milestones, Chinese like dumb in this area)

9) Indian Navy Personnel Bravery >>>>> Chinese puny navy men

10) Indian Submarine Hunter (P8I) >>>>>> Chinese cant dream in next two to three decades :lol:




Any comparision between Indian Navy (like top grade) and Chinese navy (like childish amateurs) is a joke.. :lol: :lol:

sure, that is the exact reason why China lost the 1962 war, that is also the exact reason why China lost the recent economic compeition with india.

your cities are far modern
your economy is like 4 times stronger
your technology is like 40 years more advanced
indians questioning the quality of Chinese weapons? what a huge load of crap.

are you guys suggesting LCA, Arjun is more reliable than Chinese weapons?

that is pretty huge wet dream.

because their economy is sinking, they need excuses

sure, that is the exact reason why China lost the 1962 war, that is also the exact reason why China lost the recent economic compeition with india.

your cities are far modern
your economy is like 4 times stronger
your technology is like 40 years more advanced

look at the chinese, from Navy to Army to 1962. Next he will go back to 200 Years BC. :lol:

Chinese last resort - toilets and 1962 when they get confused :lol:
look at the chinese, from Navy to Army to 1962. Next he will go back to 200 Years BC. :lol:

Chinese last resort - toilets and 1962 when they get confused :lol:

I have already made it very clear:

india's economy is like 4 times stronger than the Chinese one.
india's military are relying home made high end weapons when China keep buying stuff from the US.
india's LCA is 5th generaton fighter while Chinese J-20 is just 2.5 generation junk.

we are not in the same level, since you guys already have such a huge lead, you guys should leave us alone. :)
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