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India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas

Banglar Bir

Mar 19, 2006
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12:00 AM, August 12, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 03:57 AM, August 12, 2017
India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas
Wants talks with Myanmar, Bangladesh, report says

Photo: Reuters
Diplomatic Correspondent

India is planning to deport around 40,000 Rohingya Muslims who it says are living in the country illegally.

The Indian government says only around 14,000 of the Rohingya Muslims living in the country are registered with the United Nations refugee agency and that the rest are considered illegal and liable to be sent back.

Reacting to the announcement, the Indian office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said it was "trying to find the facts" about New Delhi's plans to deport them.

India is not a signatory to UN conventions on refugees and no national law covers it.

Tens of thousands of Rohingyas have fled persecution in Buddhist-majority Myanmar to Bangladesh since the early 1990s, with some of them then crossing over a porous border into India.

"These things are being discussed at diplomatic level with both Bangladesh and Myanmar," Interior Ministry spokesman KS Dhatwalia said, according to a Reuters report from New Delhi.

"More clarity will emerge at an appropriate time," added the official.

However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Dhaka is totally unaware about any such talks with Bangladesh.

In fact, India didn't want to get involved in the Rohingya issue when Bangladesh requested, a highly placed source at the foreign ministry told The Daily Star yesterday.

“I have no idea whether Indians have changed their position and are engaging with Bangladesh on Rohingya issue,” said another high official at the foreign ministry.

Contacted, a senior official, who is the focal point on the Rohingya issue at the foreign ministry, expressed his total ignorance about whether India was in talks with Bangladesh on this or planning to deport thousands of the Myanmarese Muslims.

“I give you my 100 percent assurance that this has not come up to my level. I have no idea at which level the India held talks with Bangladesh,” the official said.

Reuters reported yesterday that Junior Interior Minister Kiren Rijiju told parliament on Wednesday the federal government had directed state governments to "constitute taskforces at district levels to identify and deport the illegally staying foreign nationals".

Rijiju was in Myanmar recently to attend an event, although it was not clear if he discussed the Rohingya issue.

Officials in Myanmar could not be contacted immediately for comment.

Rohingya refugees have been a big headache for Bangladesh as the country has been hosting 3,00,000 to 5,00,000 of them for over three decades. After the latest crackdown began on October 9, 2016, some 75,000 new members of the Myanmarese Muslims entered Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.

Myanmar's government already denies full citizenship to the 1.1 million-strong Rohingya population that lives in Rakhine state, branding them illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. This is while the Rohingya track their ancestors many generations back in Myanmar.

UN human rights and refugee agencies, Kofi Annan-led Rakhine Commission, UN Special Rapporteur Yanghee Lee and many other human rights groups have repeatedly been urging Myanmar to take back Rohingyas. But all such international calls fell on deaf ears.

Considered by the UN as the “most persecuted minority group in the world,” the Rohingyas have been under a military siege in Myanmar's western state of Rakhine since October 2016. The government used a militant attack on border guards back then as the pretext to enforce the siege.

There have been numerous eyewitness accounts of summary executions, rapes, and arson attacks by security forces against the Muslims since the crackdown began.

Amnesty International has said deporting and abandoning the Rohingyas would be "unconscionable".

Myanmar is against its demographics being displaced, these people would have a better life if they are infused in a anther Islamic country, free from persecution. Indonesia, Malaysia or Brunei
what Mayanmar doing is ethnic cleansing. indians advocating for ethnic cleansing and opening door for disintegration of india. You up for it?? Think before you open your yup.
what Mayanmar doing is ethnic cleansing. indians advocating for ethnic cleansing and opening door for disintegration of india. You up for it?? Think before you open your yup.

Lol, I was advocating for the safe transfer of the persecuted, idiot! Myanmar is a Buddhist country it's their land and how they govern it is for them to deal with. I have nothing to contribute to that nor do I care. I was, in fact, looking after the well-fair of the displaced people. Look at the situation in inverse what if it was an Islamic country and the majority is Muslim and the persecuted was other minority communities, your stance would be totally different, Shed the hypocrisy.

Think before you type and quote my posts in the future!
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what Mayanmar doing is ethnic cleansing. indians advocating for ethnic cleansing and opening door for disintegration of india. You up for it?? Think before you open your yup.

How many Rohingyas have you adopted?

How many refugees are there in your home?

We have 20 million of you idiots in my land.
Countries should find a permanent solution for these people,all 40000 should be placed in camps and taken care till a solution is found or some Muslim country will take them permanent

Why can't we provide that safety net for them?? They are refugees fleeing persecution.
Nice quick jab. lol
Seriously, 40,000
India should take them in. Its time to shove the lun of hypocrisy down Islam nations throat!
Don't see human suffering until there muslim. Than don't go the UN to complain! Go to your IOC!
India is a land of belonging. If 100,000 refugees makes the 180 muslims in India a little more happy so be it. Its a small burden.
Where would we be if India did not take in the 1/2 million Tibetans? The Nepalese? Hell, let the Bengalis in as well. Because in the end, India will remain Indian.
Few refugees does not turn India backwater banana republic. Idiots like the RSS and AIM do!
They should only be required to register under the UN refugee status as to bitch slap UNSC with the list of refugees under Indias care.
Do you know why so many Afghans like India? Because many Afghans fled to India called it its home. They felt welcomed in India were everyone was treated equally...like sh1te! Pakistan, they were discriminated against and so on.
Get your head out of our own *** and see the world as human first. The amount of islamaphobia from Indians is giving me diarrhea...only curry should do this.

Countries should find a permanent solution for these people,all 40000 should be placed in camps and taken care till a solution is found or some Muslim country will take them permanent
What muslim country is safer than India? Pakistan is nation built on Islam, they are not going to take them in. They are not going to Pakistan for obvious reasons. The rest don't want share their food.
They should remain in India as long as they want. If they find ways into the western countries so be it. But Muslim countries are NOT going to take them in. I can guarantee it. These muslim countries don't exactly have a constitution like Indias nore the heart.

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