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India plans a '5-layer-lockdown' of the Indo-Pak Border

Funny because India presented no evidence of the so called infiltration before the Pathankot false flag.

India had already shared all the evidense what it possessed not with the Pakistan but with the whole world.


Isn't it a funny that most of the evidence is in Pakistan, but Pakistan is asking from India. PS you can make the blind to see, but not the one who refuses to see with its eyes open.

And after doing all this the unwanted 'jannat fantasizers' will find some other way to enter the Indian Territory.

There are many holes still left not only in IB but with the LOC also. Of the total 770 KM of LOC 550 KM is barbed wire 12 M high with electricity running, but there are still lot of area, which was not sealed due to unfeseability and terrain problem.
There are many holes still left not only in IB but with the LOC also. Of the total 770 KM of LOC 550 KM is barbed wire 12 M high with electricity running, but there are still lot of area, which was not sealed due to unfeseability and terrain problem.
The same could be the problems with the sensors they are planning to install in the hot climate of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The temperature easily crosses 50` C here during the summers.
The same could be the problems with the sensors they are planning to install in the hot climate of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The temperature easily crosses 50` C here during the summers.

When the country, have decided, that they will make the border sealed completely, then you will see the new technologies developed/coming to the country and will be implemented to make it breachless. Good thing is that, it would be centralized monitored, thus making it difficult for the few idiots that could be lured before easily for smuggling drugs and arms.
When the country, have decided, that they will make the border sealed completely, then you will see the new technologies developed/coming to the country and will be implemented to make it breachless. Good thing is that, it would be centralized monitored, thus making it difficult for the few idiots that could be lured before easily for smuggling drugs and arms.
I wouldn't bet on that mate because you can easily find some stupid or the other who will betray their country for the sake of money.
This was few months ago-
4 postal dept officials 'spying' for ISI arrested in Jaisalmer - Times of India
People like you are the reason why your country is despised. You are either a shameless liar or brainwashed.

Hmm, well if I have learned anything online it is that one must not resort to personal insults when he does not have a counter argument, he should instead admit being wrong and correct himself.

I wont reciprocate, I cant stoop to your level.

As for the "shameless liars". You can know more about them in the video that I shared over here: India's attempt to prove that the video is fake (recreated)

Note the people from the other side of the border :).

There is a massive quantity of shameless liars here on this forum too, usually from our neighboring country ;)

As for the "brainwashed" people, you will see the (soon to be coming) comments of "brainwashed" people on the thread i posted.

Have a good day.

Frequency of intercepted call was going towards Pakistan. They still need some stronger proof as usual.

That was not a proof, it just as good as the "passport" discovered of the person involved in Paris attacks.

According to you, all attacks in India are either freedom movements or false flags and in your country are promotes by India (you created them though).

Nope, it is the other way around, the attacks sponsored/controlled by Daud Ibrahim are blamed on ISI :D.
We only blame the attacks on India that India is responsible for. We have caught a monkey that has confessed it.

India is lying, proofs are inappropriate and lying, entire world is lying and you are saying truth only. :hitwall:.

Yes India is lying, entire world does not agree with you, and yes we are saying the truth, we have a living breathing "monkey" as a proof
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