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India Pakistan war would escalate out of control, Pervez Musharraf

So, Kashmir Problem solves?

Kashmir may be problem for you, not for us.
It is our land, not a problem.
If you have decided to use nukes then don't worry for any thing. Just press the button. We will take care of the rest.
Yes pakistan has only 1 nuke !

Please read the full article before commenting. He said that if we used even 1 Atomic Weapon then India would wipe out Pakistan and so we have only 2 options, first is to wipe out India with Nuclear Weapons and the other is to opt out of a Nuclear War. First one is unacceptable even to the most insane because if we are willing to kill a Billion Indians, Muslims included, and another Billion humans from the fallout, what kind of humans are we?
It is Pakistan who always wear it's Nukes on his d!ck. India never threatened to use nukes.
So why are you worried about the fall out ? Don't worry about any fallout. Just take care of your nation.
We will take care of the rest.
Kashmir may be problem for you, not for us.
It is our land, not a problem.
If you have decided to use nukes then don't worry for any thing. Just press the button. We will take care of the rest.

You lost the sense of difference between sanity and fear. You think we fear nukes? We have more than you and yeah, they work.
Kashmir is a problem, and sooner you will realise, the better. And yes, we will use nukes if we will sense appropriate time for it. Whatever.
You see this is what i was talking about...at the end of the day it would be Mutually Assured Destruction of both countries....do you guys want that to happen??????

I think overseas Pakistanis don't mind.
Musharraf saab aisi baato ko please avoid keejiyay. All it does is create negative headlines and shows immaturity.

....and, as we ALL know, that is SO unrepresentative.

Since when Indians started to believe in words of General rtd. Musharraf!!!!

Any stray Pakistani will do.

In fact, any stray random passer-by will do.

Even Batman will do.

You see this is what i was talking about...at the end of the day it would be Mutually Assured Destruction of both countries....do you guys want that to happen??????

Is that a choice being offered?

only problem here is when we attack it wont be with one, but enough of this nuclear threat no one is attacking no one


Let me get this right.

We spat in your face, we pissed in your garden over the dividing fence, we opened your gate and let the dogs out, we pushed in a couple of cobras, we kicked you in the stomach when you protested, we ran at you with sticks when you started clobbering the snakes because it is so gross to see the neighbour attacking animals that he worships, and when you hit us and had us on the ground and had a gun to our head, we promised to kiss your arse, so long as you let us get up and get back to where we wanted to be. That was to build a bigger stick to stick it you, right where we were supposed to kiss you. That's what happened. Now we will burn down your house, rape your grandmother and your mother, sell your wife and your daughter, castrate you and - hold on, we didn't say those things, we aren't threatening you. "...no one is attacking no one..."

Oh, this country of the peaceful and its abhorrence of violence.
You lost the sense of difference between sanity and fear. You think we fear nukes? We have more than you and yeah, they work.
Kashmir is a problem, and sooner you will realise, the better. And yes, we will use nukes if we will sense appropriate time for it. Whatever.

It's you, not us who lost the sense. Cuz it's you, not us who are bragging about nukes. We never said that we have more or less nukes than you, or "we are gonna nuke you". So why are you worried now ???
Just push the bloody button and forget everything. No, Kashmir is not a problem for us.
And even if Kashmir is a problem for us, then don't you worry about our problems
You just mind yours.
So, Kashmir Problem solves?
The only problem in Kashmir is lack of development and that can be solved only if Article 370 goes out along with 35A.
Once the business enters, brings in job and business opportunities all the empty heads who are roaming now with stones and guns will get busy and will be enjoying a decent life. And being part of India can only would ensure that. If its left as independent country, it nither has system in place not does it has needfull resouces to get a good functional govt.

If it becomes part of Pakistan, then also Pakistan doesnt have financial capabilities to develop Kashmir and for sure cannot sustain the kind of cost india bares at the moment for Kashmir.

i think half of our nukes are placed in protected caves and mountains which are resistant to nuclear attack even if india do massive first strike we can respond with 50 nukes on india.We should work on submarine launched ballistic missiles as soon as possible for good second strike on india

Dont you think the nukes would be required to be taken out of caves to fire up? Who will be left for that and wont they be tracked?
Well its called being preemptive, you dont wait for snake to bite you first, you hit first to safeguard yourself. For snake its last option of attack and thats known so pre emptive strike makes sense to safeguard oneself.
And this premptive strike will be massive ensuring that there is minimal return fireback capacity left out.

I mean, what is preemptive in it? :o:

Lol, he was talking in context of strikes and counter strikes, hence if one country launches attack with one, the other will reply with 20. ...but as always, Indians prefer to read it differently. :lol:

It's true .

Pakistan stands no chance against India.

Be it conventional war or be it nuclear war.

Musharaf knows what's he talking about.

As I said in the first page, I think there could be a border war, like Kargil 1999.

Neither country has the stomach for a full-scale war.
We spat in your face, we pissed in your garden over the dividing fence, we opened your gate and let the dogs out, we pushed in a couple of cobras, we kicked you in the stomach when you protested, we ran at you with sticks when you started clobbering the snakes because it is so gross to see the neighbour attacking animals that he worships, and when you hit us and had us on the ground and had a gun to our head, we promised to kiss your arse, so long as you let us get up and get back to where we wanted to be. That was to build a bigger stick to stick it you, right where we were supposed to kiss you. That's what happened. Now we will burn down your house, rape your grandmother and your mother, sell your wife and your daughter, castrate you and - hold on, we didn't say those things, we aren't threatening you. "...no one is attacking no one..."

Oh, this country of the peaceful and its abhorrence of violence.

you should start watching your media and you will be the first one to hate yourself as Indian Pakistanis would come 2nd and the rest of the world as usual in third place. You got one thing right no one is attacking no one and reason being this is not 71 and there are no Bangalis here to help you
What Mushi was trying to say is that "don't hit someone but if you have to then don't pull any punches".
you should start watching your media and you will be the first one to hate yourself as Indian Pakistanis would come 2nd and the rest of the world as usual in third place. You got one thing right no one is attacking no one and reason being this is not 71 and there are no Bangalis here to help you

If you have the time, you might like to look up the 'Tu Quoque' response.

Or you might not; it's a little close to the bone.
Well its called being preemptive, you dont wait for snake to bite you first, you hit first to safeguard yourself. For snake its last option of attack and thats known so pre emptive strike makes sense to safeguard oneself.
And this premptive strike will be massive ensuring that there is minimal return fireback capacity left out.

There is a problem with this theory, Pakistan will pick on Indian launches within seconds and it takes us 120 seconds to prepare and fire our Nuclear Tipped Missiles, which are preset with specific coordinates to attack. And I fear that in the event of a war, a miscalculation can lead to annihilation of both countries. Even if India is unable to fire a single Nuclear Weapon, the fallout from our own weapons on India would eventually travel back to Pakistan within days and weeks and wreak havoc here.
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