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India, Pakistan Nuclear War Could Spell Doom In China, Iran & Bangladesh

If Pakistan uses low yield nukes on Indian military bases and installation even then it will force America to immediately bomb and destroy your nuclear installations and establish no fly zone over Pakistan in order to avoid further nuclear exchanges... you will be sanctioned even worse than North Korea and even China won't help you with a single rupee.... nuclear war is not equal of taking walk in park my friend...

Even then you use GREEN WILD INDIA will recover faster than Pakistan.... Read my post #19

My friend, India will not wait for any other country response.

If Pakistan will drop a small nuclear bomb on Indian force then immediately India will drop many nuclear bombs on Pakistani military bases.

Most properly, Pakistani will drop bomb on Indian city as a response and the same way India will drop too.....

Moreover, Pakistan establishment never says that they will drop nuclear for Kashmir but says, we will use for self defense.

So, Kashmir drama will continue with limitations of tweets and internal political gains (pak and Ind)...
My friend, India will not wait for any other country response.

If Pakistan will drop a small nuclear bomb on Indian force then immediately India will drop many nuclear bombs on Pakistani military bases.

Most properly, Pakistani will drop bomb on Indian city as a response and the same way India will drop too.....

Moreover, Pakistan establishment never says that they will drop nuclear for Kashmir but says, we will use for self defense.

So, Kashmir drama will continue with limitations of tweets and internal political gains (pak and Ind)...

I don't think Pakistan will use nuclear bomb on any Indian city my friend .... they will never have that courage....you need someone like Hitler to take these kind of decisions... Imran Khan and Bajwa both are simply not Hitler type.... it's not how India will retaliate after Pakistan nukes it... it's about is Pakistan really prepared to face the world's wrath after he nukes India?
I don't think Pakistan will use nuclear bomb on any Indian city my friend .... they will never have that courage....you need someone like Hitler to take these kind of decisions... Imran Khan and Bajwa both are simply not Hitler type.... it's not how India will retaliate after Pakistan nukes it... it's about is Pakistan really prepared to face the world's wrath after he nukes India?

Why used by US against Japan?
Why is India buying s 400 missile?
Why used by US against Japan?
Why is India buying s 400 missile?

USA used it long back... but there's a difference what USA can do even today and get away with it.... Pakistan cannot be compared to USA... what USA can do doesn't apply to Pakistan.... it simply cannot use nukes and get away with it....

USA if wants use her nukes against India and it's possible India still won't dare to even retaliate with nukes on its bases which are in the range of our ICBM....Pakistan won't have that luxury....

S400 might just be a precaution... but I feel it's not purchased to deal with nuclear attacks of Pakistan.... it just might be an upgradation to our SAM network and to gain an upper hand in ariel warfare... for Pakistan nukes I think our homemade AAD and PAD system is dedicated....
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Why is India buying s 400 missile?
India is buying S400 missiles to protect its land from being attacked by missiles fitted with nuclear weapons.

"It can detect and destroy targets flying as low as 100 feet to as high as 40,000 feet. These missiles can address multiple aerial threats, from combat jets to cruise missiles and air-launched smart bombs, and are resistant to electronic jamming".
That horrifying scenario is just the beginning. Smoke from the incinerated cities rises high into the atmosphere, wrapping the planet in a blanket of soot that blocks the Sun’s rays. The planet plunges into a deep chill. For years, crops wither from California to China. Famine sets in around the globe.
Nonsense. The soot from fires from Brazil and Australia forests that burned simultaneously didn't cause the soot to block sun rays. The cities have far less combustible materials than the two Amazon and Australian forests. How van cities burning cause so much soot damage?

The Little Boy bomb attack by the US alone killed around 100,000 Japanese—between 30 to 40 per cent of Hiroshima’s population—and destroyed 69 per cent of the buildings in the city.
Japan at that time didn't have good Houses. Most were wooden houses and hence they git gutted in fire. But today we have cement or mud houses in India as wood is extremely expensive. So, the damage will be less. Secondly the number of people who died directly because of the blast is not 1 lakh. It is much less. But many people died of starvation and disease, water shortage etc as they had no house to live and no food to eat. Japan was fighting on different fronts and hence rescue was very time consuming. One can't consider these deaths as a result of bomb. It was simply that Japan had already lost lot of its infrastructure and hence was weakened to be unable to respond well

China could a 7th Navy fleet (US) for Pakistan. China is totally not interest on Kashmir issue and they more focus on do business with India.
Do you think Indian navy is weak? Indian coast guard is as strong as Bangladesh and Pakistan navy combined in the amount of steel and vessels. Secondly, China can't travel to Indian shores due to logistical problem.
World instead of these stupid articles need to understand that Kashmir need to be solved and Indians need to leave that region

Do not push Pakistan to a level where they give a sh1t what happens to the world
If Kashmiri can’t live in peace then Pakiatan need to tell the world we are watching and maybe no one in the world have a right to live in peace
Enough is enough and India need to back down

Your economy is is a terrible state since he came to power.
I think you are overstating the facts after IK was ushered into the premiership. It is just the opposite. He actually stopped the free fall of Pakistan economy and slowed down this process.

A country needs quite a long time to recover from the effects of past mistakes. However, I have reservations too about the future growth of that country because of military over-expenditures and the bureaucracy run by inefficient administrators.
If Pakistan uses low yield nukes on Indian military bases and installation even then it will force America to immediately bomb and destroy your nuclear installations and establish no fly zone over Pakistan in order to avoid further nuclear exchanges... you will be sanctioned even worse than North Korea and even China won't help you with a single rupee.... nuclear war is not equal of taking walk in park my friend...

Even then you use nukes GREEN WILD INDIA will recover faster than Pakistan.... Read my post #19
US will not do anything, as a matter of fact, no country will want to on a bad side of country that just launch a nuclear strike.
Japan at that time didn't have good Houses. Most were wooden houses and hence they git gutted in fire. But today we have cement or mud houses in India as wood is extremely expensive. So, the damage will be less. Secondly the number of people who died directly because of the blast is not 1 lakh. It is much less. But many people died of starvation and disease, water shortage etc as they had no house to live and no food to eat. Japan was fighting on different fronts and hence rescue was very time consuming. One can't consider these deaths as a result of bomb. It was simply that Japan had already lost lot of its infrastructure and hence was weakened to be unable to respond well
Bold part; So, your conclusion is that not so bad thing will happen to a city because of its concrete-steel buildings and structures even if a nuke is bombed. Very good conclusion from someone in India whose people claim they hypothesized atoms 5,000 years ago.

By the way, what do you think Japan's response would have been after the bombing? As far as I know many Japanese jumped into nearby rivers to escape the high radiation heat only to die in the water that was boiling and vaporizing due to intensive heat produced by the bombing.

Now, what is your remedy of saving oneself when one's skin falls off and he/she jumps into the boiling water of ponds, canals and rivers to save oneself? Please find out some clues. Please do not conclude now that human beings should also be built with concrete and steel.
Bold part; So, your conclusion is that not so bad thing will happen to a city because of its concrete-steel buildings and structures even if a nuke is bombed. Very good conclusion from someone in India whose people claim they hypothesized atoms 5,000 years ago.

By the way, what do you think Japan's response would have been after the bombing? As far as I know many Japanese jumped into nearby rivers to escape the high radiation heat only to die in the water that was boiling and vaporizing due to intensive heat produced by the bombing.

Now, what is your remedy of saving oneself when one's skin falls off and he/she jumps into the boiling water of ponds, canals and rivers to save oneself? Please find out some clues. Please do not conclude now that human beings should also be built with concrete and steel.
Here, see how absurd your notion on nuclear bomb is. This is nuclear bomb test on pigs. As you see no water boils nor do skin gets vaporized. In fact, the pigs even survived the test -

From where did you get the fake news that water boiled in Hiroshima?
Here, see how absurd your notion on nuclear bomb is. This is nuclear bomb test on pigs. As you see no water boils nor do skin gets vaporized. In fact, the pigs even survived the test -

From where did you get the fake news that water boiled in Hiroshima?
About 0.2 seconds after the detonation over Hiroshima, the fireball created reached a surface temperature of 7,700 degrees Celsius. From 0.2 to 3 seconds after detonation, the intense heat emitted from the fireball exerted powerful effects on the ground".

I thought water boils at 100 degree C and evaporates. However, your hypothesis says that water in Hiroshima and Nagasaki river forgot to vaporize when the the ground temperature reached even a high 7,700 degree C.

Marvelous!!! Now, I truly understand why Indians have failed to build normal toilets.
US will not do anything, as a matter of fact, no country will want to on a bad side of country that just launch a nuclear strike.

I didn't understand last part of your post... are you saying that USA will be afraid of Pakistan because it has just nuked India and hence don't want to be in Pakistan's bad books?
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About 0.2 seconds after the detonation over Hiroshima, the fireball created reached a surface temperature of 7,700 degrees Celsius. From 0.2 to 3 seconds after detonation, the intense heat emitted from the fireball exerted powerful effects on the ground".

I thought water boils at 100 degree C and evaporates. However, your hypothesis says that water in Hiroshima and Nagasaki river forgot to vaporize when the the ground temperature reached even a high 7,700 degree C.

Marvelous!!! Now, I truly understand why Indians have failed to build normal toilets.

What nonsense! The water boils when the temperature of water, not the surrounding goes to 100 Celsius. A welding tirch has heat of 3500 Celsius but that doesn't mwna everyone nearby will burn down and all water will boil. By the time the heat of nuclear explosion reaches the ground from a blast 1km above the ground, the temperature would have cooled significantly. Unless you drop a bomb directly on the ground surface, the temperature of the ground won't go to 7000 Celsius.
What nonsense! The water boils when the temperature of water, not the surrounding goes to 100 Celsius. A welding tirch has heat of 3500 Celsius but that doesn't mwna everyone nearby will burn down and all water will boil. By the time the heat of nuclear explosion reaches the ground from a blast 1km above the ground, the temperature would have cooled significantly. Unless you drop a bomb directly on the ground surface, the temperature of the ground won't go to 7000 Celsius.
I regret Einstein is dead. He could have learned physics from an intelligent scientist like you. It is a great waste of his soul that he departed so soon without waiting for your arrival!!
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