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India, Pak should start joint anti-militancy operations'

its nothing personal u see....
if ur govt. will stop....then we will too...
if ur govt. will step up for friendship...we will too....
Thanks for the offer but I think we'll pass !!! ;)
lol...i always knew pakistanii will turn shy when asked to clean the anti india militants un Azad Kashmir...
lol any way...if u will keep doing it..then we too will continue supporting anti pakistan elements...like ttp and boloch seperatetist group....

but still i think pakistan india should come together and clean up this terrorist mess...once and for all...
How about cleaning Afghanistan and your backings there first...even US held their war there meaning that is more important ...

Thank you for admitting supporting terrorist activities in Pakistan!
AJK is more peaceful than anything in India. You just need to control clowns like the guy who came up with this suggestion. Everything else is fine.
AJk is peacefull.What about Wazirstan, More then 30,000 people killed due to the bomb blasts by TTP.What about the Hazaras who are demanding Asylum in different countries.What about the prosecuted Ahmediays who are demanding asylum in China.Every 2nd day there r bomb blasts & attacks by different militant groups in Pakistan.
Thanks for the offer but I think we'll pass !!! ;)
lol as if we are the one signing the indo -pak peace agreement...:lol:

There is no such thing as Azad Kashmir, IOK is the term you were lookin for
yeah ... like i care what they taught u in school...
its always Azad Kashmir(Pakistan occupied kashmir)
kashmir is non negotiable issue... u can keep whining all day and night...
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How about cleaning Afghanistan and your backings there first...even US held their war there meaning that is more important ...

Thank you for admitting supporting terrorist activities in Pakistan!
lol ... i never said afghan terrorism is less important... but it was ur Generals who wanted to bleed india with thousands cuts.... they arw doing it from 1989 after the soviet war in afghan.....and countless have died and suffered because of this in india....and any neighbor thinking that after burning other house they will escape the fire are naive... may be yes india supports terrorism in Pakistan , but it just doing what Pakistan started in india two and a half decade ago..... because of this terrorism all Kashmiri pandits have to leave their home , many many died , children abducted, women raped...and threre were numerous bomblasts and killing in many parts of india and this trend is still there....
so, if india is taking the retaliation measures ...i don't find any wrong in it....
i don't know if india can support these groups openly with arms or training but i think india do provide monetary aid to these groups...
both our nation have a huge trust deficit and if Pakistan help india in eliminating the anti india elements in its country then i think india will.surely help Pakistan in its afghan issue...even india may get ready for greater pakistani involvement in Afghanistan...
Pak should start joining anti-India operations

By 'joint' do you mean PA + Rangers + LeT + JeM + HuM etc??? You guys are already at it since decades, but have come a cropper so far. :P

Change of this failed strategy is required immediately as this one is getting you nowhere! :fie::P
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