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India overestimates its South China Sea leverage

China with its pragmatic attitude will work with its smaller neighbours in resolving the dispute. If past is any indication they are very practical when it comes to economy and trade.There is too much at stake to jeopardise its relations with Asean countries. Malaysia worked it out with China. Other nations will follow. China is investing heavily in their economies for this cooperation. China has the money to placate them and work out an amicable solution. India has no leverage to swing the process to its liking. China is a new dragon and every day we are seeing its tentacles stretch far and wide. That is the new reality. Japan and US are showing restraint as they are mired in their own domestic issues.

Soon Japan will follow the steps of Malaysia . how long they could play as a pawn.
Soon Japan will follow the steps of Malaysia . how long they could play as a pawn.

I do not look at it that way. Nations will work with others only if it is going to help them in some way. Japan and China trade in huge volumes. Japan is second biggest trading partner for China after US. China has not reached the same level of per capita income like Japan. China has long way to go and it needs Japan to reach there.
Since America backoff . india and others are no one . they could bark but cant change the ground realities .
well India didnt backed off when US 7th Fleet in Bay of Bengal in support of PAK.

Since America backoff . india and others are no one . they could bark but cant change the ground realities .
Bark? we have Oil Rig in Place.......

Soon Japan will follow the steps of Malaysia . how long they could play as a pawn.
lol, IF Japs open their military ... many countries will start having night mares.....As soon as japans decided to sell simple plane , china stop sleeping....
India has no leverage power on SCS except words. Vietnam has so far only been digging oil outside China‘s claimed areas. If India think they can walk in to dig oil in the areas it’ll be a big mistake.
well India didnt backed off when US 7th Fleet in Bay of Bengal in support of PAK.

Bark? we have Oil Rig in Place.......

lol, IF Japs open their military ... many countries will start having night mares.....As soon as japans decided to sell simple plane , china stop sleeping....
No you dont have any oil rig near chinese islands + japan isnt a headache for China + you people serve them (chinese) juice & chocolate while they camp in your territory .
India wouldnt involved in a dispute ,but if we involved it would be a worthy one .
Chinese are began to nervous about our move
India is a "Giant" in land mass and population wise but a "Midget" in international influence and strength
Thats why India has not been invited as participant of any important negotiation for conflict resolution of large scale international conflicts
Its simply crystal clear that you're not there yet period
nice Bharati self-reassurance post. How's the pat in the back by your own hand?
India has no leverage power on SCS except words. Vietnam has so far only been digging oil outside China‘s claimed areas. If India think they can walk in to dig oil in the areas it’ll be a big mistake.
How will it be a "big mistake" my Han Chinese friend?
India is a "Giant" in land mass and population wise but a "Midget" in international influence and strength
Thats why India has not been invited as participant of any important negotiation for conflict resolution of large scale international conflicts
Its simply crystal clear that you're not there yet period
care to tell which International Influence? China tried to Pledge India to acknowledge Climate deal when Leaders gather I China so that China called it a success, but India didnt and announced later.

India Didnt goes in Any conflicts resolution by itself... its depends on its area of Interest. Last time i heard Chinese peace keepers left their post fear of getting killed.

how many conflicts china is invited at all?
The tribunal ruling that claims of China are in violation validates the US and world opinion. This ruling will definitely presents China as aggressor and its activities in South China Sea as illegal. This puts China in dilemma, to change its policies or continue with its activities in south china sea in open defiance of the international ruling. This ruling presents a good opportunity for India and other Asean countries to engage China for peaceful resolution of disputes between all claimants. China on its part will have to play a major role in not escalating tensions in the region.
China has played a major role in the SCS. Vietnam and Philippines in 30 years time. Construction of islands and consolidation of military installations without interruption. Now Vietnam occupied 29 islands in the SCS, Philippines occupied the 8 islands of the SCS. This is China the major role. The name of the major role is --"shelving differences and seeking joint development".-Deng Xiaoping.
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