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India OK with Gen if he can check jihadis


Oct 7, 2007
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India OK with Gen if he can check jihadis
8 Nov 2007, 0055 hrs IST,Indrani Bagchi,TNN

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NEW DELHI: Call it the new realism or maturity in Indian diplomacy. Days after Pervez Musharraf imposed emergency in Pakistan, the Indian assessment is centred on the fact that New Delhi will concentrate its energies on persuading the general to go after the jihadis.

After the Myanmar episode, India will once again demonstrate that its foreign policy in the neighbourhood is governed by more realistic considerations. In short, it will have little qualm living with a general-led Pakistan if the authorities there expand the crackdown they plan to launch against the jihadis to target anti-India groups as well.

India is, in fact, looking forward to Musharraf launching an offensive against the jihadis, who are virtually challenging the Pakistani state. India believes that if it can maintain its links with Pakistan, there will be some way of persuading Musharraf to act not only against Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) and Taliban, but also against Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed. The last two organisations have close links with al-Qaida and Taliban, but concentrate their activities against India.

India operates on the premise that it has limited leverage in Pakistan, unlike the US. But so far, India has remained untouched by the present turmoil in Pakistan, and that gives it manoeuvring space, say sources.
who gives a fcuk about india

USA/BUSH, UN, EU, China, Pakistan, OIC, Indians and oh a Lady called Hillary who maybe in the White House soon. Why start a flame bait ?

Anyway on a serious note Kidwaibhai how do you know a jihadi taught to fight in PAK will not come and bomb a Tube train in London or go back to FATA and attack the PA instead of following orders and going to IAK only to wage war ?

USA/BUSH, UN, EU, China, Pakistan, OIC, Indians and oh a Lady called Hillary who maybe in the White House soon. Why start a flame bait ?

Anyway on a serious note Kidwaibhai how do you know a jihadi taught to fight in PAK will not come and bomb a Tube train in London or go back to FATA and attack the PA instead of following orders and going to IAK only to wage war ?


Dude im not saying that we shouldnt take those freaks out of the country for good i am saying who cares what india thinks about general musharraf we have much larger problems at hand :cheesy:
Dude im not saying that we shouldnt take those freaks out of the country for good i am saying who cares what india thinks about general musharraf we have much larger problems at hand :cheesy:

Its not only India who wants Pakistan to control the Jihadis the whole world wants Pakistan to at this moment.

Its not only India who wants Pakistan to control the Jihadis the whole world wants Pakistan to at this moment.


i agree but the sort of situation that we are in i dont think that what the indians think really hold much wieght when it comes to the sitauation that we are in.
i agree but the sort of situation that we are in i dont think that what the indians think really hold much wieght when it comes to the sitauation that we are in.

Yes, that is true. The article itself mentions that.

However, it is interesting to note the pragmatism in indian foreign policy, since only a few years ago Indian leaders used to make jingoistic speeches about the "enemy".
If Mushraff ever gets total control, i suspect he would like to keep the jihadis in check. Just hope that Bush doesnt wind up his WoT anytime soon.
Its not only India who wants Pakistan to control the Jihadis the whole world wants Pakistan to at this moment.


Pakistan always in Control in Jihadi's do u know PA, PN, PAF they all are Jehadis don't belive me ??? ask G.Musharaff :bounce: :bounce:
We are also ok with India if she stops killing her own people just to blam it on ISI.

BTW it is such a laughble to hear BJP trying to make US hear it over recent emergency in Pakistan.

What joke an Indian Party that had itself born out of an Emergency Imposed by Indian PM Indira Gandhi is crying about emergency in Pakistan.

:cheesy: Indeed Indian leaders are masters in ranting
We are also ok with India if she stops creating troubles in own country just to blam it on ISI.

BTW it is such a laughble to hear BJP trying to make US hear it over recent emergency in Pakistan.

What joke an Indian Party that had itself born out of an Emergency Imposed by Indian PM Indira Gandhi is crying about emergency in Pakistan.

:cheesy: Indeed Indian leaders are masters in ranting
We are also ok with India if she stops killing her own people just to blam it on ISI.
Dont post BS. Bull got banned for more or less the same reason, unsubstantiated slander.Take a hint here...

BTW it is such a laughble to hear BJP trying to make US hear it over recent emergency in Pakistan.

What joke an Indian Party that had itself born out of an Emergency Imposed by Indian PM Indira Gandhi is crying about emergency in Pakistan.
Yes, an emergency that was lifted, and not once in Indian history has democracy ever been replaced by dictatorship or autocracy. Something you cant quite say for your country.

:cheesy: Indeed Indian leaders are masters in ranting
Sure they are, but they have a record to prove that they do their stuff right, i dont see a general ruling over India.

You are Bull's Pakistani counterpart, if Bull is gone, you deserve to be gone as well.
I didn't even bother to read the article considering it degrades the term "Jihad". And like all other posts....India has no business in Pakistan.
Its not only India who wants Pakistan to control the Jihadis the whole world wants Pakistan to at this moment.


More important than the world is our own people and their perception of Pakistan.
Average Pakistani wants an end to violance.
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