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India offers to launch South Korean satellites

how could japanese(lapdog of american)become our master?I don't understand.
See this is what revised history does to you communists..now you know why?

Never mind, dude. You cannot afford to agree with me because your life would be in danger in your country.
if india follows through, PRC will likely feel inclined to quietly allow NK to follow suit

india is very backward.

29% is good for india, usually indian success rate is close to 5%.

india is a space joke.

says an 81ner
can you give a source for the 5% you are reffering to ?
please respect other nations space faring efforts...
just because you are successful doesn't mean that the other person can't be successful too
India has better launch record than China -

No of people dead due to rocket launch

India :0
China : 500+ (Actual figures are much much more)

why don't you say 50000+,it would be more impressive.
Such a waste of S.Korea's expensive high tech materials and devices.
Or maybe some Koreans are scheming insurance fraud betting on a launch failure.
yeah,believe what you want to believe,but obiviously ,your white master don't think so,hahahaha.
Master...You know in communist rigimes the first whole word that a child speaks is Master.....so its nothing new for you to use Master word here and there...but you it is little odd for the people living in democratic country..
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