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India offers small, mid-sized n-reactors for sale


May 5, 2010
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India offers small, mid-sized n-reactors for sale


MUMBAI: India is poised to become a global player in the nuclear industry business by offering a variety of options to countries requiring cost-competitive and proven technology like pressurized heavy water reactors (PWHR), a top official said Wednesday.

Addressing the 54th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna Wednesday, Atomic Energy Commission chairman Srikumar Banerjee said that the Indian PHWRs offer a basket of options for countries looking for cost-competitive and proven technologies in small and mid-sized reactors.

Accordingly, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) is ready to offer PHWRs of 220 MWe or 540 MWe capacity for exports.

"Indian industry is not only poised to make a bigger contribution to India's own nuclear programme, but also is on the way to becoming a competitive supplier in the global market with regard to special steels, large-sized forgings, control instruments, software, other nuclear components and services," Banerjee said.

In this context, he mentioned that India is in the process of setting up a Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership, which would provide a forum for joint work with international partners in areas of topical interest.

Banerjee added that the government had granted in-principle approval to five energy parks at five coastal sites in India.

"Each such park would be populated with a number of water-cooled reactors to be constructed through international co-operation," he said.

These would enable India expand its installed nuclear power capacity to about 60GWe by 2032, even as the global nuclear power generation is expected to touch 500 GWe by 2030.

"International cooperation will not only provide an additionality to India's own programme in meeting immediate requirements but also fill up the energy deficit in the coming decades through the operation of the closed fuel cycle," said Banerjee, who is the secretary of the Department of Atomic Energy and head of the Indian delegation at Vienna.

He pointed out that the global nuclear renaissance has been largely the result of maor investments by industry over the decades to enhance the safety aspects of nuclear energy.

Recently, the Indian parliament passed the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill that which would go a long way in boosting public confidence and creating a predictable environment in which leading vendors can participate in India's nuclear programme, Banerjee said.

India offers small, mid-sized n-reactors for sale - The Economic Times


:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
This is excellent news.

India has the technology and its high time we earn some money through it.
India should offer some soft credit for those purchasing these reactors otherwise we will loose out to China
sorry guys i don't agree with that.. we don't have money to build our reactor and u r taking of soft loan.. see guys we haven't yet reached level of giving lots of soft loans and all... we have long way to go.. we can admire and aim for or even better what china has achieved .. but still we haven't reached that stage yet....
good move but pretty late when compared to NSG wavier which was in 2008 (correct me if im wrong ) should sell thorium based reactors once commissioned which is ideal for the non proliferation
Do you have a buying lead?? First sign NPT then come and start selling otherwise keep dreaming. :azn:
good move but pretty late when compared to NSG wavier which was in 2008 (correct me if im wrong ) should sell thorium based reactors once commissioned which is ideal for the non proliferation

Yup. India selling nuclear reactors = proliferating.
Missed the report.

Other than just exporting, India needs lots of small and middle size plants. Specially for remote and north east regions where demand are low.

Do you have a buying lead?? First sign NPT then come and start selling otherwise keep dreaming. :azn:

India gets everything without signing NPT than why should we???? Nuclear weapons states have signed NPT and can do business. Non-nuclear weapon states also signed NPT and can do business. India got nukes and didn't sign NPT but can do business.
India may export nuke-reactors to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam
PTI | 09:10 PM,Oct 06,2010

Kolkata, Oct 6 (PTI) The Nuclear Power Development Corporation of India is in talks with some countries of the Asia-Pacific region for the sale of its mainstay 220 MWe and 540 MWe reactors, its chairman S K Jain said today."We are having detailed discussions (about sale of the reactors) with Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam," Jain told newsmen on the sidelines of a technical session at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre auditorium here.NPCIL, which has two models of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PWHR) on sale, has signed an MOU with a company in Kazakhstan on the export of the reactors and it was in its "final phase", Jain said.India had moved a resolution in 2007 at the IAEA General Conference of Member States in Vienna to enable export of small reactors. :) The country had been targeting exports of indigenous PHWRs to developing nations that wanted nuclear power, but were constrained by small grids.The 220 MWe reactors, according to sources, were particularly useful for countries with small grids and it involved relatively low investments.Major developers of nuclear reactors in the European Union and North America have moved on to reactor size of 700 MWe or 1,000 MWe and above.

India may export nuke-reactors to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, IBN Live News

Awesome ... getting through Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand should be good for India.

Nice message: "You come to our backyard. We come to yours!!" :)

Vietnam is no country backyard. But if you want to raise the matter this way, how about India become Vietnam's backyard. We will offer India protection against China and Pakistan. Our army are highly regarded in the world and war-time proven.
HaHaHa, thinks a lot Indians, save your Hi-tech nuclear-reactors to yourself only since we don't have a billion population for experiments, last time i heard on the news about some leaking issue in your nuclear site......:D
Is this news some kind of a "practical joke"? you expect us to trust a country that failed to produce a decent rifle for more than 50yrs and still counting to sell us "nuclear reactors"? :no:
Come on Indians, get real, we ain't some "April fools".:whistle:
HaHaHa, thinks a lot Indians, save your Hi-tech nuclear-reactors to yourself only since we don't have a billion population for experiments, last time i heard on the news about some leaking issue in your nuclear site......:D
Is this news some kind of a "practical joke"? you expect us to trust a country that failed to produce a decent rifle for more than 50yrs and still counting to sell us "nuclear reactors"? :no:
Come on Indians, get real, we ain't some "April fools".:whistle:

Keep your BS with you. Its proved that you are a Pakistani and ashamed of that. So more you talk is more you revealing yourself. :lol: Why are you ashamed of your nationality???

Vietnam is no country backyard. But if you want to raise the matter this way, how about India become Vietnam's backyard. We will offer India protection against China and Pakistan. Our army are highly regarded in the world and war-time proven.

Guys from Vietnam, Thailand, Chad, Chili, Madagascar are now against India for supporting Pakistan and China. :lol: Is your nationality is so shameful to you???
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