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India offers Pakistan joint naval exercises

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Apr 24, 2007
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India offers Pakistan joint naval exercises

NEW DELHI (AFP) — India, which recently staged its first military exercises with China, is ready to carry out naval manoeuvres with Pakistan, the navy chief has said.

Admiral Sureesh Mehta made the offer late Thursday on the sidelines of the inaugural Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) in New Delhi.

"It would have followed as a matter of course if they (Pakistan) were here," he replied to questions on the possibility of a joint naval manoeuvre with Pakistan, which has fought three wars with India since partition in 1947.

However, a first exercise with Pakistan may not happen in Indian waters, the admiral said.

"But now I suppose it (exercise) may happen in a third country," Mehta said.

Twenty-six navies have sent senior representatives including Australia, Egypt and France to the forum, seen by experts as an effort by New Delhi to assert its strategic presence.

Pakistan, which has never previously held military wargames with India, is represented at the meeting by its envoy in New Delhi and a junior naval officer.

Mehta said he hoped IONS would attract broader participation in the future.

"For the few against whom circumstances have so conspired as to preclude their presence in this inaugural event, I would like to send a message to say: ?rest assured that your places are reserved,?" he had said in a speech to the forum.

India's ties with its estranged neighbour have improved since the two launched a peace process in 2004.

In 2006, coastal security agencies from both countries set up a telephone hotline, but bilateral naval contacts remain limited.

India, which fought a brief border war with China in 1962 and still has unresolved border disputes with Beijing, carried out its first military exercises with the People's Liberation Army on Chinese soil in December.
it is a step in the right direction indeed. we need to have more ventures to build confidence between the two nations.
How would this benefit the two countries militarily or which country will be more benefited.

I am not talking about confidence building, i am talking strictly in materialistic terms.
it is a step in the right direction indeed. we need to have more ventures to build confidence between the two nations.

I'm sorry but I have no hesitation in rejecting any such ideas.
I always wondered who are the people who believe in such bogus, time wasting and counterproductive plan.
Why can’t they think of CBM towards Iran or Afghanistan or exchanging cultural sort of delegates with other Middle Eastern states? Why they only see India with whom we share the least?
Pakistan and India are two nations that failed to exist together even after living hundreds of years together under most tolerant and just rulers.
How can we build a trust which our forefathers and their forefathers failed to build? Whereas they were living together and we are spending on WMD to target each other.
Anyone willing to have peace with India is befooling himself, be it any neighbour of India.
Pakistanis can keep doing trust building gestures for hundred years but never expect that Indians will stop dreaming for the annihilation of Pakistan for a single day in all those hundred years.
If I have authority, I would declare it a crime to import any culture from India because it is like losing our identity and undoing 60 years of quarantine.
IF, and again I say IF we honestly wish to change our thinking towards each other, than the first step would be that both sign NPT and appoint neutral observers on common borders, stop conspiring against each other, diffuse spy wings and wait for two generations, perhaps you may achieve the impossible.
How would this benefit the two countries militarily or which country will be more benefited.

I am not talking about confidence building, i am talking strictly in materialistic terms.

It will help to spend respective defence budgets for the civil service purposes and Indian defence budget is manifolds higher than Pakistan so a poor and low cast Indian is a clear winner.

Indian industry will not only have access to one of the world’s biggest markets of world but will have advantage over its competitors because of good land connection and language.

Due to higher per capita income of 160million Pakistanis, Indian service sector will also benefit infect may harm our service sector owing to thier low price tag.

I'm sorry but I have no hesitation in rejecting any such ideas.
I always wondered who are the people who believe in such bogus, time wasting and counterproductive plan.
Why can’t they think of CBM towards Iran or Afghanistan or exchanging cultural sort of delegates with other Middle Eastern states? Why they only see India with whom we share the least?
Pakistan and India are two nations that failed to exist together even after living hundreds of years together under most tolerant and just rulers.
How can we build a trust which our forefathers and their forefathers failed to build? Whereas they were living together and we are spending on WMD to target each other.
Anyone willing to have peace with India is befooling himself, be it any neighbour of India.
Pakistanis can keep doing trust building gestures for hundred years but never expect that Indians will stop dreaming for the annihilation of Pakistan for a single day in all those hundred years.
If I have authority, I would declare it a crime to import any culture from India because it is like losing our identity and undoing 60 years of quarantine.
IF, and again I say IF we honestly wish to change our thinking towards each other, than the first step would be that both sign NPT and appoint neutral observers on common borders, stop conspiring against each other, diffuse spy wings and wait for two generations, perhaps you may achieve the impossible.

At one point Canada and USA was at war with each other todays its worlds longest undefended border.
during dark ages European were killing each others and now you can see the difference.point is simple every step in the right direction is a welcome step no matter who initiates it.:tup:
At one point Canada and USA was at war with each other todays its worlds longest undefended border.
during dark ages European were killing each others and now you can see the difference.point is simple every step in the right direction is a welcome step no matter who initiates it.:tup:

Time will definitely shape things, no question about that.

US/Canada is very, very different from India/Pakistan, in terms of conflict originality, people's mentality, international environment, etc.
Time will definitely shape things, no question about that.

US/Canada is very, very different from India/Pakistan, in terms of conflict originality, people's mentality, international environment, etc.

Time heals every thing.At one point German and French borders were heavily defended today i doubt you will see a soldier for miles there.
Due to higher per capita income of 160million Pakistanis, Indian service sector will also benefit infect may harm our service sector owing to thier low price tag.

Per capita income of India is higher.

I think Pakistan should accept, nothing wrong with holding a simple naval exercise.
It'll be a step forward in the peace process if pak accepts.

I am for peace too, why waste so much money in maintaining large amount of troops & fleets?

The only thing btw us is Kashmir
Well if india and china can hold such exercises why cant we. I dont see anything wrong in it.
Well if india and china can hold such exercises why cant we. I dont see anything wrong in it.

all kinds of military-to-military contacts should be encouraged. this will be a great CBM. after all after the 65 war, AM Arjun Singh of the IAF took a visit to pakistan at the invitation of the then AM Nur Khan. (now i would have loved to hear what was said between those 2 guys)
I am for peace too, why waste so much money in maintaining large amount of troops & fleets?

The only thing btw us is Kashmir

No it’s not only Kashmir. What if someone cuts your arm or abuses u? What would be your reaction towards him?
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