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India: Odisha girl held hostage for 3 days, raped by 6 men

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Why don't you compare sex ratios if India and Pakistan, isn't that simple ??

usually Indians says, no body believes Pakistan... even if we provide evidence of Indian hand behind TTP.

In a similar fashion no one believe Indians, if they justify shortage of girls by giving some fake comparison index.
Why Rape news in every day???? It is because of the brave delhi girl... The whole youth, public,media, even police and govt. the whole nation stood against the most hated six.... Law makers made solid laws ...Police taking immediate action...Media reporting every news... Girls and parents are now brave enough to complaint... The positive result will come soon... according to delhi police the complaints recieved is 1333 this year against last years 345.., Good sign na??

Rape statitics gives number of police recorded offences in USA are 84767 aginst india's 22172.. doesn't mean number of rapes higher in usa... That only means rapes are reported more in developed nations...

But the condition in pakistan is not so gud... The scene didn't even change after Uzma Ayub... On 12th July, Council of Islamic Ideology of Pakistan dismissed DNA tests as evidence for rapes, and declared that without witnesses no rapes would be recognized. This is the worst law made by a modern country... Because of pakistan's socio religious state the complaining against the sexual crimes are very low... Now the reporting will decrease more... So youth in pakistan also must do something against these type of laws....
No. Riots happened because Muslims attacked on Jats returning from Mahapanchayat. Muslim leaders cutting accross party lines (SP/BSP/Congress) were inciting Muslims (which like the good old mob they are - were giving cries of bravo) from the same platform.

Video has surfaced where BSP MP Qadir Rana is saying in public rally "Tau khuda ki kasam Muzaffarnagar main koi [Hindu] baccha bhi nahi bachega." Further he says "tumhara baal baanka nahi hoga". India Today has the video. This is 30th August.

Sounds like 'Narendar Moodi 2' in making......
usually Indians says, no body believes Pakistan... even if we provide evidence of Indian hand behind TTP.

In a similar fashion no one believe Indians, if they justify shortage of girls by giving some fake comparison index.

Are you total nuts ??

TTP and sex ratio are as different as cheese and chalk, why a country will provide fake data. I just asked you to bring in data backed by your government and I will give you data backed by my government , what's problem in that ??
But the condition in pakistan is not so gud... The scene didn't even change after Uzma Ayub... On 12th July, Council of Islamic Ideology of Pakistan dismissed DNA tests as evidence for rapes, and declared that without witnesses no rapes would be recognized. This is the worst law made by a modern country... Because of pakistan's socio religious state the complaining against the sexual crimes are very low... Now the reporting will decrease more... So youth in pakistan also must do something against these type of laws....

You're ridiculous and this section here proves your ignorance.
One of CII's COUNCIL leader said it. Doesn't mean its A LAW. Do you even know how laws work, kid?
Oh the pakistanis are getting hard on with rape threads everyday i guess.Continue
You're ridiculous and this section here proves your ignorance.
One of CII's COUNCIL leader said it. Doesn't mean its A LAW. Do you even know how laws work, kid?

This is so important and must be opposed as Council of Islamic Ideology is a constitutional body responsible for giving legal advice to the Government of Pakistan....

An also It is just a CII's council leader's opinion...

The country’s top Islamic guidance body, Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), on Wednesday declared the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) test unacceptable as evidence in case of forced rape, besides terming cloning as unethical and un-Islamic.

The members of the Council of Islamic Ideology met under the chairmanship of Maulana Mohammad Khan Sherani during a two-day sitting of the council.

CII members declared the cloning process ‘Haram’ or ‘forbidden’ under Islam, saying it would not be permitted.

However, the cloning procedure could be used for the replacement of damaged body parts, or the growth of new parts of the human body for which the body is reviewing the issue, the council members stressed.

The council on issue of forced rape held a detailed debate in relation with the evidences acceptable under the law.

Most members of the council were of the opinion that Islam gave detailed guidelines in connection with the nature, accusation, justification, punishment and compensation in case of rape of any member of the society.

Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi, Maulana Sherani, Mufti Ghulam Mustafa Rizvi and some other members of the council termed DNA test in connection with forced rape as insufficient evidence, saying weak evidence could affect the health of the issue as well as distorting it from the reality.
Why do Indians on here refuse to accept that due to this ongoing rape epidemic the image of your country is really at an all time low, not that it's a recent phenomenon; just the first time the country is getting so much bad press.

It was 2003, me and my ex-wife spent our honeymoon in India (against my wish :undecided:). We covered an extensive trip in and around Mahdya Pradesh; places like Khajuraho, Mandu, Bandhavgarh, Ujaini, - I was warned by tour guides to always keep an eye on the missus's safety. There were several warnings that the rape epidemic is serious particularly in Madhya Pradesh and women shouldn't be alone after dark. Nothing really happened but we did encounter plenty of lecherous and aggressive men. Legend goes that Madhya pradesh is home to traditional Indian dacoits and bandits who don't really see rape as morally evil. Indeed, in these parts of India, rape is seen by men as a means to validate their manhood. I'm not joking, that's exactly how these people think. Even as a man, it can send a chill down your spine.

When will you slumdogs see the writing on the wall? Never, cause most of you are part of the problem. Shining India indeed.

A trip to India can get you raped! That’s the message the country is sending across the globe. In the wake of the latest gang rape incident involving a Swiss female tourist , various western countries have issued travel rape advisories for their women travellers!

India is no longer seen as a safe country for women tourists. Western countries are forewarning their women travellers.

However shameful it may sound but India out of the whole of South Asia, has been picked by rape travel advisory.

United Kingdom has warned its women from travelling to India by saying:
“Women should use caution if travelling alone in India. Reported cases of sexual assault against women and young girls are increasing; recent sexual attacks against female visitors in tourist areas and cities show that foreign women are also at risk. British women have been the victims of sexual assault in Goa, Delhi, Bangalore and Rajasthan and women travellers often receive unwanted attention in the form of verbal and physical harassment by individuals or groups of men.”

United States of America goes a way ahead by saying:
“While India is generally safe for foreign visitors, according to the latest figures by Indian authorities, rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Among large cities, Delhi experienced the highest number of crimes against women. Although most victims have been local residents, recent sexual attacks against female visitors in tourist areas underline the fact that foreign women are at risk and should exercise vigilance.”
Why do Indians on here refuse to accept that due to this ongoing rape epidemic the image of your country is really at an all time low (not that it's a recent phenomenon; just the first time the country is getting so much bad press).

When will you slumdogs see the writing on the wall? Never, cause most of you are part of the problem. Shining India indeed.

Why don't you shut yer a$$hole and use your real flag.
Slumdog False flag barking in thread and needs a tight kick on the back to shut his trap. Lol!
Indians could care less. They will come out in droves complaining the REPORTING of the rape make India looks bad.
Indians could care less. They will come out in droves complaining the REPORTING of the rape make India looks bad.


I guess Pakistanis should stop posting news about terrorism in Pakistan, after all if everyone ignores it thats mean it doesnt exist.
Oh the pakistanis are getting hard on with rape threads everyday i guess.Continue

Get up early in the morning, do your morning chores, eat breakfast and then search Indian newspaper for any rape news in India and then post it with a troll comment. This is the daily duty of specific members from Pakistan and China. Arre bhai, kuch kam dhanda hai ki nahin?, kuch kam bhi karte ho ya nahin? Or may be as, just you mentioned they must be getting a hard on, Rapist mentality!!
Hang the six b@stards ........ :angry:

Let the Delhi case be a start .
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