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India, Not China, Is Now Central To The Future Of The BRICS

If that is truly the case then BRICs is going sink like Brick with India at the helm.

Small hearted people never achieve greatness.
Lots of wishful thinking by reeducation camp educated brain washed and their cheer leaders.
If that is truly the case then BRICs is going sink like Brick with India at the helm.

Small hearted people never achieve greatness.
True. Which is why Pakistan and its people never have and never will achieve greatness.
True. Which is why Pakistan and its people never have and never will achieve greatness.
Ha, ha... Pakistanis are known the world over for their big hearts... it's plastered all over media and social media by anyone who visits pakistan!

"Chintaa, Chintaa" isn't in our vocabulary!
India is the only trojan horse in BRICS.

So what are we waiting for?? Lets remove the I and Insert P in Brics!!!

I'll give 2-3 years for the rest of the BRCS to pull out of BRPCS or it will become BRCS
Can be made redundant. :)
You people can pull all the theories you want. BRICS or geo politics do not runs on whims of PDF members.

BRICS is in the interest of every country that is involved in it. Outsiders can have their own wet dreams about all these.
Russia China Brazil enjoy far bigger economic and political clout..
You people can pull all the theories you want. BRICS or geo politics do not runs on whims of PDF members.

BRICS is in the interest of every country that is involved in it. Outsiders can have their own wet dreams about all these.

PDF memebers dont matter, true, but Pakistan does matter on international geopolitcs and it doesnt need any recognition from any organization or feel good factor to be part of any grouping. Pakistan has it own wieght and presence on global scale and it moves it weight whereever needed. You should listen to Abbasi views on India when he was asked about India's role in Afghansitan and how we laughed it out.
PDF memebers dont matter, true, but Pakistan does matter on international geopolitcs and it doesnt need any recognition from any organization or feel good factor to be part of any grouping. Pakistan has it own wieght and presence on global scale and it moves it weight whereever needed. You should listen to Abbasi views on India when he was asked about India's role in Afghansitan and how we laughed it out.
Yeah yea.. Keep believing that you are too important.

I stopped reading that blabber from the "feel good factor". Not worth discussing further.

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