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India not at ease with any neighbors, China at ease with all neighbors except India

Haha Don't worry bro, I'm packing heat. LOL Can't be too careful nowadays. Plus it is our right and duty as Americans to own guns.

I am ethnic Chinese, but American.
Happy fourth of July.

Just give one example how much BS he is spewing. Cambodia and Burmese are staunchest ally of China. This is why China sided Burma over Royhinga issue.
True. I agree about Burma.
Thanks. Normally would go to the lake and BBQ but I can't even do that because of this COVID bullshit.
Same here.

Tomorrow is Canada day. And it sucks.

2020 dam it!!
Happy fourth of July.


Just cuz Cambodia and Burma are diplomatic allies with China doesn't mean their people like China. Mainland Chinese are not liked anywhere they go, even to ethnic Chinese territories like Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore. Many have stunted social skills, are rude and arrogant. People in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar deeply resent the obnoxious and arrogant Chinese business people who go there.

Anyone can be any ethnicity and nationality in PDF. The content of the post is more telling than the flag displayed.

I think my level of insight and inside knowledge of China and Chinese culture makes it obvious I am Chinese.
Just cuz Cambodia and Burma are diplomatic allies with China doesn't mean their people like China. Mainland Chinese are not liked anywhere they go, even to ethnic Chinese territories like Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore. Many have stunted social skills, are rude and arrogant. People in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar deeply resent the obnoxious and arrogant Chinese business people who go there.

I think my level of insight and inside knowledge of China and Chinese culture makes it obvious I am Chinese.
I dont know much about south east asia.

But here in Vancouver i grow up with Chinese friends and i love them.
Just cuz Cambodia and Burma are diplomatic allies with China doesn't mean their people like China. Mainland Chinese are not liked anywhere they go, even to ethnic Chinese territories like Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore. Many have stunted social skills, are rude and arrogant. People in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar deeply resent the obnoxious and arrogant Chinese business people who go there.

I think my level of insight and inside knowledge of China and Chinese culture makes it obvious I am Chinese.

Lmao, you're debunking your own BS.

Your level of insight = google, then cut and paste. I'm not first, others have called you out before.

I dont know much about south east asia.

But here in Vancouver i grow up with Chinese friends and i love them.

Chinese Canadians are /= Mainland Chinese.

Granted the most problematic are the middle aged Mainland Chinese, especially the business people who go to Southeast Asia. Just obnoxious, uncouth and socially stunted people overall.
Chinese Canadians are /= Mainland Chinese.

Granted the most problematic are the middle aged Mainland Chinese, especially the business people who go to Southeast Asia. Just obnoxious, uncouth and socially stunted people overall.
Middle aged people from most countries sucks.

One thing i agree with you. China lacks in soft power greatly. Thats where usa do lot better.

South Korea did good job with K POP boom.
Chinese Canadians are /= Mainland Chinese.

Granted the most problematic are the middle aged Mainland Chinese, especially the business people who go to Southeast Asia. Just obnoxious, uncouth and socially stunted people overall.
I am a Chinese Canadian and also a middle aged Mainland Chinese. At least in the sample of me, these two are equivalent.
Ill have to strongly disagree here. They are serious disputes and are taken quite seriously by participant and international (USA and EU and others) countries. You have an advantage of size and proximity there, but if China will have to see war in the next 2-3 decades, it wont be India but SCS.
China's not going to have a war with the US anytime soon. They know the gap is very significant, especially in numbers. Besides the most the US does in the SCS is FONAP patrols and routine show of forces ... they don't interfere with Chinese operations there at all. The only possible spark of war would be an accident, like if a Chinese or US destroyer fired on each other, which is pretty unlikely. But India is a much different story. There would be significant advantages to going to war with India and minimal repercussions, unlike with the US or her allies. I bet the Chinese are only waiting for India to fire first as a casus belli, that way China does not get painted as an aggressor.

FYI. China has 14 neighbours and has territorial disputes with roughly 23 countries.
The only boundary disputes that actually matter and nations are willing to go to war for are land boundaries. Do you actually think the Philippines, Vietnam, or Indonesia would be willing to go to war with China over some tiny islands in the SCS? Besides the Philippines, they are even reluctant to go to court against China. Most importantly, China only has one land border dispute, and it is with India. As such, China can apply as much pressure on India as possible because there is only one overland dispute.
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