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'India needs to resume medical, engineering scholarships to Afghan students'

Hmm, in Pakistan there are reserved seats in Medicine and Engineering for Afghan students.

Article here, excerpts below:

New Delhi, April 20 (IANS): India gives numerous scholarships to Afghan students every year to study humanities subjects but has discontinued for several years the practice of giving scholarships in applied sciences and medical courses, due to high demand of such seats from Indian students, it was pointed out at an event here on Sunday.

During an interactive session with senior civil service officers of the Afghan government, organised by O.P. Jindal Global University here, an Afghan participant sought to know why the Indian government had discontinued giving scholarships in applied sciences and medical courses, which the Afghan students are keen to pursue in India.
mean while pakistan continue to give seats in high end colleges at least in KPK province under the federal seats allocation

They had access to 91% Afghans seriously? What are the actual causalities of US and NATO in Afghanistan?

Bhai maray -- it's called sampling -- when conducting such a survey they sample in such a way that they can infer what the population at large says.

Not really to insult you - but if you really did not know that - I'm a bit disappointed
We Pakistanis are our own worst enemy -- lol
what can i say, we educated, gave health care and kept a population the size of newzealnd.

even today whole afgahnistan doesnt has a single dialysis unit and people travel to peshawar for that and get it done under zakat for FREE and than go back in Toyota 2013 model car parked in khyber agency (bordered with peshawar) which is 3-5 km from main peshawar hospital.

well, Pakistan is building one unit in mazar shrif for free i think it was completed last november
I have met a few Afghan students myself.

Not a single chick yet though. :(

I have a very basic question. Afghans are supposed to be these big huge fair pathans right? Kabul Express? But in real life why are they not very big, and definitely not very fair?

P.S. They pick up Hindi in no time.
Save some money and get laid.Your desperation is out of bounds.:lol:
Exactly. Take them in too. Not that we love them here.
Bhai maray -- it's called sampling -- when conducting such a survey they sample in such a way that they can infer what the population at large says.

Not really to insult you - but if you really did not know that - I'm a bit disappointed

Do I need to say more? They must have visited population at large in Afghanistan I guess as ISAF, US and NATO hold control over major of areas of Afghanistan. Sample must have consisted people from Kunar, Helmand, Kandahar, Wardak, Paktika, Logar, Zabul, Tora Bora, etc etc right?
Do I need to say more? They must have visited population at large in Afghanistan I guess as ISAF, US and NATO hold control over major of areas of Afghanistan. Sample must have consisted people from Kunar, Helmand, Kandahar, Wardak, Paktika, Logar, Zabul, Tora Bora, etc etc right?

I had seen them discuss their methodology of their study in a video and it seemed pretty solid to me -- I have studied sampling formally but I'm not an expert in it.

Do you have a background in statistical theory?
I have met a few Afghan students myself.

Not a single chick yet though. :(

I have a very basic question. Afghans are supposed to be these big huge fair pathans right? Kabul Express? But in real life why are they not very big, and definitely not very fair?

P.S. They pick up Hindi in no time.

Wow, you sound desperate buddy. Calm down.
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