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India needs to make Afghanistan less depended on Pakistan to get it back into its fold : Diplomat

Nov 8, 2015
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SOURCE: Firstpost


Over a fortnight ago, four former Ambassadors of India to Afghanistan gathered in New Delhi before an invited audience to discuss the future of that country. These were some of the finest Indian diplomats we have had in recent years — Satinder K Lambah, Vivek Katju, Rakesh Sood and our envoy until December last year and a serving diplomat, Amar Sinha.

But, their prognosis of the future for Afghanistan was far from encouraging. They all argued that the security situation would deteriorate further and it would take two-three years for conditions to stabilize. Frankly, they all shared pessimistic security outlook for Afghanistan and separately emphasised that they could not speculate where the war-torn country was headed. Moreover, the uneasy relationship between President Ashraf Ghani
and CEO Abdullah Abdullah could soon reaching a breaking point.

According to UN the number of casualties, dead and injured among civilians was the highest in 2015. Reports by security experts and international media have painted an alarming state of ground situation not only in Southern Afghanistan (traditional stronghold) of Taliban but, even Northern provinces like Badakshan, bordering Central Asia. Daily reports point to attacks in Nagrahar, Helmand, Kandahar and Kunduz provinces apart from Kabul getting increasingly targetted.

In this background India has finished the building of Parliament in Kabul which was inaugurated by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi in January and the Salma Dam project is nearing completion. In the coming weeks another milestone would be reached when $300 million Salma Dam project is completed. Damaged during Taliban rule the renamed Afghan-India Friendship Dam is expected to be produce 42 MW of electricity and water nearly 80,000 hectares of farmland.
It was reported in the local press that when the reservoir’s earth filling process was on, grateful residents of villages walked to Indian consulate and stood outside singing Bollywood numbers from Amitabh Bachchan old movies.
None can deny that Afghan people view India and the people with love and affection that are not shared with any other country.

India’s commitment to a politically stable and economically strong Afghanistan has remained steadfast and is evident from the previously pledged $2 billion in relief and construction activities of the country.

With two major projects coming to a close the government of India has announced the 3rd phase of 92 small development projects totalling $16-17 million.

But all planned funding or investment would necessitate a certain amount of political stability. That means New Delhi’s economic co-operation would slow down if not halt.

After Modi’s Kabul visit and a trip to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Lahore residence, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj called for co-operation from Pakistan to make Afghanistan an economic hub.

In Rawalpindi, the Generals have no intention to accommodate New Delhi. Afghanistan is too important for them to allow India any space or say in that country’s future. The Pakistan Afghanistan Trade and Transit Agreement is highly unlikely to be expanded to include India.

What options does India have given these realities? India’s former envoys in Kabul offered no new option from what is already known publicly.

A few months ago Firstpost had looked at different options that could look at. India’s conservative diplomats would not like to do anything that is dramatically different. But, if India wants to pursue a muscular foreign policy under Prime Minister Modi it must also look for out of the box options.

With Iran nuclear agreement under implementation and the US relaxing sanctions on Tehran, the Modi government must put all its energies in getting the Chabahar port project operational.

With access through Pakistan unlikely to materialise it is the Iranian route that India needs to seriously work on. For months Iran had sought India to expedite its decision making process to start investing in Chabahar Port in Sistan-Balochistan border that hold the potential for India to bypass Pakistan and reach Afghanistan. Growing restlessness with Indian bureaucracy led Iran to woo China for investment to get New Delhi to get serious about Chabahar.

Pressure from Tehran seemed to have worked and now Parliament has been informed that negotiations on an Agreement on India-Iran-Afghanistan Trilateral Transit Corridor have made progress and the next meeting of experts to finalise the clauses of this agreement will be held in India shortly.

A few weeks ago the Union cabinet extended a $150 million credit line to Iran to help develop Chabahar port.

Serious efforts must be made to make Chabahar take off.

At the same time India needs to deliberate on how it could provide succour to Pakistan-dependent Afghan exporters by making access to Indian market possible for fruit and dry fruit growers. Weekly chartered freight flights to ferry fruits and dry fruits to Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai would provide better price and lower their dependence on Pakistan.

Similar assistance that go beyond traditional dam and road projects need to be studied and options looked at, including sale of small weapons and infantry guns as requested by Kabul government for long. The political leadership needs to be less conservative and must explore options that would reflect India’s deep interest in Afghanistan’s future and seriousness to engage at more substantial level.

The US foreign policy establishment and some experts have for long tried to impress upon New Delhi since the tenure of Manmohan Singh that regional power or regional superpower status entails taking difficult foreign policy decisions at times. The Modi government must decide and move out of New Delhi’s “comfort zone”.

How India is planning to take trade through Afg and Iran .Mean how you guys are planning to get access to Iran .


Already Pak has choked the Arabian sea that threatens even pipe line from Iran/Oman

How India is planning to take trade through Afg and Iran .Mean how you guys are planning to get access to Iran .


Already Pak has choked the Arabian sea that threatens even pipe line from Iran/Oman
Pipelines can be laid in ECS without Pakistan's permission.

Article 4 Subject to its right to take reasonable measures for the exploration of the continental shelf and the exploitation of its natural resources, the coastal State may not impede the laying or maintenance of submarine cables or pipelines on the continental shelf.
Convention of the Continental Shelf
Pipelines can be laid in ECS without Pakistan's permission.
Already this request is being denied as Pak has taken up this case

Stuck in the pipeline: A $4-billion deep-sea gas project | The Indian Express

A UN resolution last March has dashed India’s hope for a natural gas pipeline from the Middle East. Internal assessment is that a proposed deep-sea gas pipeline from Oman and Iran would run into a diplomatic roadblock following the UN approval.

The $4-billion deepwater pipeline was proposed by South Asia Gas Enterprise (SAGE) from the Middle East — bypassing Pakistan — after the onland Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline got stuck on New Delhi’s decision to backpedal on the project because of geopolitical and security reasons.
Already this request is being denied as Pak has taken up this case

Stuck in the pipeline: A $4-billion deep-sea gas project | The Indian Express

A UN resolution last March has dashed India’s hope for a natural gas pipeline from the Middle East. Internal assessment is that a proposed deep-sea gas pipeline from Oman and Iran would run into a diplomatic roadblock following the UN approval.

The $4-billion deepwater pipeline was proposed by South Asia Gas Enterprise (SAGE) from the Middle East — bypassing Pakistan — after the onland Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline got stuck on New Delhi’s decision to backpedal on the project because of geopolitical and security reasons.
No, that's not what it says.
We should have our army presence in Afghanistan and time for Indian private companies and GOI to invest too and improve the economy. This would choke Pakistan.

Afghanistan trade OEC - Afghanistan (AFG) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners

We can import minerals :

Afghanistan holds 60 million tons of copper, 2.2 billion tons of iron ore, 1.4 million tons of rare earth elements such as lanthanum, cerium and neodymium, and lodes of aluminum, gold, silver, zinc, mercury and lithium. For instance, the Khanneshin carbonatite deposit in Afghanistan's Helmand province is valued at $89 billion, full as it is with rare earth elements

$1 Trillion Trove of Rare Minerals Revealed Under Afghanistan
With US and ISAF pulling out you are favouring to send your army to AFG i think this is what really Pak wants ,As kick back will be tremendous
We should have our army presence in Afghanistan and time for Indian private companies and GOI to invest too and improve the economy. This would choke Pakistan.
No, no and no again. These would be lambs to the slaughter as the Pakistani state would channel every "strategic asset" they had against them. Right now Indians are already being targeted by such groups, sending in combat troops would be a bloodbath as the Afghans are unable to seal their Eastern border.

It's better to help from afar- provide training and military aid (the donated Mi-35s were a good start)
This is exactly why Pakistan MUST integrate Afghanistan into CPEC heavily, make Afghanistan almost completely dependent on Pakistan.
You dont understand. We can use Afghanistan as a base of operations , we already have personnel stationed at
Farkhor Air Base in Tajikistan.

The use of the base was speculated to include the acquisition of military and energy assets from the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, given India's primary reliance on Soviet/Russian weaponry. India also sees the bases providing access to the oil and energy resources of Central Asia. India also promised to aid in Tajikistan's defence and is providing training to the Tajikistan Air Force. Though the presence of an Indian Air Base at Farkhor has been objected to by Pakistan, which sees it as a threat.
One base doesn't change what I have said. A lot of blood would be spilt by Indian forces for very little gain. The current policy of "hands off" invovlement is the best course of action- support Afghanistan from afar by supporting them to the fullest degree possoble with training and military equipment but NO "boots on the ground".

If needed, the IAF should fly CAS missions from Tajikstan for their Afghan brothers in arms.

@PARIKRAMA @Taygibay @Spectre @Nilgiri @MilSpec @nair @AUSTERLITZ @ni8mare @Parul @knight11 @Unknowncommando @Levina @Roybot @Skull and Bones @Stephen Cohen @randomradio @Armani @Vauban @danish_vij
Pie in the sky. Geography can be a b*atch. This is good example of this. Central Asia is being pulled more and more into the Chinese orbit. As Western China develops and the road network ties in Central Asia with China India will be out in the cold. China has the economic and geographic advantage. End of.

As regards Afghanistan - well both Af-Pak are intertwined and like so often happens very close relationship can also be cause of heated emotions. However ethnic, economic, geographic linkages are not going to overcome by building up Chah Bahar. It simply does not work like that. Most of the Afghan population is adjacent to Peshawar. Peshawar is mere 140 miles from Kabul. That is less than Chandigarh to New Delhi.

The fact is Peshawar is the terminus of the Pakistan motorway network. From Kabul to Peshawar is only 140 miles. This road will be improved to dual carriagweay standards by Pakistan.

Source > Pakistan to build Peshawar-Kabul motorway

Even as things stand once truck has covered the 140 miles from Kabul, crossed the border at Torkham and arrives in Peshawar the eight lane M1 awaits. From then on its M2, M3 etc until Karachi. This is now established logistic chain and has evolved post 2001 US invasion. It supplied most of the NATO 120,000 (peak) force and this chain is not going to be beaten by any other route simply because of scale, established and distance.


This is the start of the M1 in Peshawar.


After that it is 100s miles of tarmac to Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan and on to the Arabian Sea.



This geographic and physical infrastructure is not about to be overcome by Chah Bahar. That point has sustainability but that compliments the regional network. It does not replace anything.



Here is is time lapse from Peshawar to Islamabad by M1. And as I already said the former is only 140 miles from Kabul which is the largest Afghan population centre. Nothing is going to change these facts on the ground.

We should voluntarily start deporting all Afghanis to Wahgah border...during East Pakistan war India took 10 Million Bengalis...why cant they take 4 Million Afghanis?
We should voluntarily start deporting all Afghanis to Wahgah border...during East Pakistan war India took 10 Million Bengalis...why cant they take 4 Million Afghanis?
In that case, we should ensure Jamaatis and Biharis get deported from BD to Pakistan.

Quid pro quo !
In that case, we should

And who are you? Even US can't "ensure" such a thing... Much less a 3rd world poverty stricken south Asian country.

ensure Jamaatis and Biharis get deported from BD to Pakistan.

Jaamatis are Bangladeshis and Bengalis by origin... We will be more than happy to accept 2-3 lac Biharis (if push comes to shove)... That will also force us to throw out the 2.5 million illegal Bangladeshis living in Pakistan! Maybe india would be interested in giving refugee to 5 mil afghans and 3 mil Bangladeshis (registered and unregistered).
Quid pro quo !

To be or not to be!
You dont understand. We can use Afghanistan as a base of operations , we already have personnel stationed at
Farkhor Air Base in Tajikistan.

The use of the base was speculated to include the acquisition of military and energy assets from the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, given India's primary reliance on Soviet/Russian weaponry. India also sees the bases providing access to the oil and energy resources of Central Asia. India also promised to aid in Tajikistan's defence and is providing training to the Tajikistan Air Force. Though the presence of an Indian Air Base at Farkhor has been objected to by Pakistan, which sees it as a threat.

Time for our Su30MKi 's to be stationed there. It would be really difficult for 3000 km of CEPC to be manned by Chinese forces alone considering the active gun culture in Pakistan. We need to increase presence in pakistan as we can monitor both china and pakistan from the other border. This is justified as china is incresing its presence in P.O.K we got to move and do things right.

CEPC is an economic corridor with upcoming rail lines and oil pipes, but it passes through Azad Kashmir running parallel to the Line of Control that divides the Himalayan state between India and Pakistan. Pakistan has gifted 1,942 sq km of Kashmir’s territory under its illegal occupation to China for building the Karakoram highway that passes dangerously close to the Siachen glacier. India is on its way to undoing the "string of pearls" too . Time to start stationing troops in afganistan with a full fledged air base. Just in case the chinese/pak try something funny. plus we choke the oil supplies from West Asia in case of war.

if you write this in Times of india you might get this chakra award :) hey but i guess you have to die to get that anyways .. its up to you ..
Tajik Uzbek kargy are not Afghani they have stable govs and intelligents having base doesnt mean you own it.. you think you can operate it like you want .. before you moved we had people there they all know who was the reason behind their independence and non of them are planing to convert...
Deal with reality that India cant get pipe line from west and cant get land rout till you have Pakistans ashirwad.. CPEC is ours and we know how to protect it..
india's best plan is to involve in Afghanistan with ground troops to protect its interest or forget this 3000 miles far base will do nothing but to sucking indian rupees..
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