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India must shed CPEC concerns after UK’s endorsement: Global Times

China & Pakistan are just playing goody goody :) . no one want to give india an access to central asia .
India cannot stop CPEC and they can't isolate Pakistan ever so they should stop this campaign against CPEC.
Central Asia is a very small market.And why will India need to use Gwadar when we have much larger and better equipped ports on Western coast?

You guys are trying to keep your eyes closed from the largest economic development project that ever existed in the human history.

Central Asia is a small market? Is the project limited to the Central Asia only? No. It is a trans-ocean project to connect the Siberia sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Gulf all the way to North Atlantic and then Pacific on the other side. You guys are clearly not paying attention to common sense and where this is headed. If India doesn't join this, it would be the biggest loser to be honest.

And while Pakistan and China will integrate the world and in the next 10-15 years, over 50 countries will be linked to this project directly or indirectly (so much for India's useless efforts to "isolate Pakistan"!). The only way forward (and a sensible way) is to join the project. Otherwise, India will be wasting time, energy and efforts in silly activities that can't stop the project, can't stop Pakistan from closely integrating her economy with over 50 countries and can't stop the growth of Pakistan into a modern and better South Korea like society over the next 10-20 years or so.

Let me know tell you the size of this project. This project will connect 60% of the world's population in its first three phases. China: 1.3 billion, Pakistan: 220 million, Russia: 150 million, Central Russian states: 150 million, ME: 250 million, Europe: 740 million and South Africa: 1.2 billion = Estimated 4 billion people (out of 7 billion world population), and in over 60 countries ( In Asia, the ME, Africa and Europe).

As you can see, these 4 billion consumers are more than enough for a country like Pakistan to grow her economy more than 5 times. Which is why Pakistan has been placed in the emerging markets category and is slated to be the top 15 economies over the next 20 years.

Just through the new port and the trade route, Pakistan will generate $ 40-60 billion in just tolls and fairs to use the port and the road network to China and Iran, to Central Russian states, etc, and from these places to Europe and Asia. These tolls and fairs don't factor in the internal growth and regular trade that Pakistan will herself be doing as a result of direct connectivity all the way to Europe and Central Russia through the rail and road links. Pakistan, like India, will become a Services Economy due to educated and cheap labor (over 50% population is male and between ages 17-25, meaning they have full 30 years work life ahead of them, and over 94 million of them can speak English, one of the main reason behind India's boom and China's lack in services competition due to a lack of a large English speaking population).

Just for your reference, the Panama canal (only linking the US to the South America) generates $ 40 billion in just tolls every few years. This is money just to use the canal and go through it. No trade or business of their own.

So if India joined, they will have access to the same 4 billion people connected through one port and the road. Also, the consumer size will go from 4 billion to 5.2 billion, reaching 70+% of the world population.

If the Indian government can't understand these basic numbers and if a country of 1.2 billion people (where over 700 million are still very poor), decides to stay in a negative and unproductive relationship, than that's your leaders call.

I feel bad for the sheer stupidity to be honest. No one would pass on this opportunity, it can only bring much more money to everyone and more peace as everyone will be connected economically; so hostilities will end. Its time India let's the ego trap go due to its natural hate against Pakistan. This is 2017 and mutual cooperation on CPEC, far exceeds the hate-filled political drama that Mr. Modi brings to the table. He should instead be working on joining this project as a quick opportunity to bring about more change to the Indian lower / lower middle class (over 700 million people) that are very poor today and can find tremendous opportunities through this project.
either india join or not who cares ? we already tried to tell indians but they are keep denying.. infect they are sabotaging CPEC.. so why are we showing the interest in india to join Us..?
India must shed CPEC concerns after UK’s endorsement: The Hindu

With the United Kingdom endorsing the $46-billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), India should shed its concerns over it and sign-up for the Silk Road project, state media in Beijing said on Friday.

“The U.K. is poised to be a key partner of CPEC” and will host a conference in Islamabad in May, an article in the state-run Global Times said. “The news offers a positive signal that the CPEC has received an increasing amount of attention from developed economies.”

‘U.K. to be key partner’

The U.K.’s International Trade Minister Greg Hands held a roundtable with leading British businesses, policy experts and senior representatives of the Chinese and Pakistani governments earlier this week.

“The U.K. is poised to be a key partner of the CPEC,” an official British government statement said in an endorsement of the project even though it goes through the Gilgit and Baltistan area of the Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) over which India has protested.

“New Delhi is yet to sign up for the Belt & Road (Silk Road) initiative and has claimed that the CPEC violates its sovereignty because it passes through Azad Kashmir,” the Global Times article said.

China’s huge CPEC investment

“China’s enormous investment in the CPEC has become an inharmonious factor in Sino-Indian ties. However, it would be unwise to think that increasing investment in the CPEC means a lack of respect for India’s sovereignty,” it said.

The article said that such ideas could lead to unnecessary opposition between India and the West as developed countries show an increased interest in the CPEC and China’s Belt and Road (B&R) initiative.

“The CPEC is simply an economic project. Beijing has no intention to use to the B&R initiative to recognise any geopolitical spheres of influence. Hopefully China’s open mind towards cooperation on the B&R initiative can help dispel misgivings held by India and some other countries,” it said.

There is great potential for developed economies, like the U.K., to join CPEC and other projects in B&R initiative, it has said.

“China is likely to welcome enterprises from the U.K. and other developed nations to participate in construction of the CPEC, which has long been seen a flagship project in the B&R initiative,” the article said.

Platform for China

The B&R initiative not only provides a platform for China and countries along the route to enhance cooperation, but also adheres to the principle of openness and inclusiveness in global economic development, it has said.

Currently, China is encouraging wider participation from developed economies in the initiative, it said.

In March, New Zealand signed a cooperation agreement with China on the B&R initiative, a first for Western developed countries.

A B&R initiative summit, to be held in Beijing in May, will also provide an opportunity to enhance cooperation between China and developed countries, the article said.

Pak luring investors?

The steady development of the CPEC has made Pakistan more attractive to foreign investment, it has claimed.

Some Western developed countries, as the traditional foreign trade partners of many emerging economies along the B&R initiative, have a clear intent to increase trade with those countries, Pakistan included, it said.

Additionally, Pakistan’s nuclear power sector and other high-tech industries are also likely to gain more opportunities if developed economies participate in the construction of the CPEC, the article said.

post reported for changed title.
correct title is.
"India must shed CPEC concerns after UK’s endorsement: Global Time"

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