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India Must Master the Great Game: WSJ


Aug 4, 2009
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India Must Master the Great Game

The smart response to brash diplomatic moves from China is a levelheaded one.

Strategic tensions between Asia's rising giants, China and India, are palpably worsening. While there's enough blame for this situation to go around, much of it does lie with China. But India also needs to rethink its approach to great power rivalry in order to manage the contest sensibly.

Last week, China denied a visa to an Indian general on the grounds that he was based in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir. On Sunday, Chinese warships visited Burma for the first time. This stoked Indian fears of encirclement, a fire already lit by Beijing's port construction in Pakistan and Sri Lanka and its indefinite antipiracy presence in the Gulf of Aden.

By Tuesday, India's external affairs minister was telling parliament that Beijing was showing "more than normal interest" in Indian Ocean affairs. The opposition seized on media reports of Chinese troops being based in Pakistan's northernmost corner of Kashmir. And the China chill was lead item at a meeting of the prime minister's national security committee.

In recent years, Beijing has stepped back from earlier indications that it was willing to negotiate the disputed border, over which the countries fought a war in 1962. The state-run media have begun to attack India for supposedly hegemonic designs, with some publications hinting at the merits of a confrontation. Beijing has taken offense at visits by the Dalai Lama and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, over which China has rekindled a long-dormant sovereignty claim.

In April, Canadian researchers exposed the systematic penetration of Indian government computers from locations in China. And Chinese support for Pakistan shows no sign of abating, although these days it involves nuclear energy reactors rather than bomb designs.

For its part, the India military's transparent reinforcement of its border deployments—however long overdue—has fed Chinese claims to be the aggrieved party. And India's clamorous media and excitable strategic commentariat have fanned the fears. The echo-chamber of Indian television treats rumor as news—false reports of border incursions in Ladakh last September were widely repeated. This makes formulating a rational China policy harder still.

New Delhi must act calmly but firmly in response to the latest challenges. China relations should be governed in part by the notion that discretion is the better part of valor.

There are mixed reports about whether India intends to snap all defense ties with China in response to the visa affront. To do so openly and clumsily would be a mistake—precisely the kind that China made with its suspension of Sino-U.S. military dialogue over this year's Taiwan arms sales. Mistrust and wounded pride are not rational reasons to strangle the communications channels that might prevent military encounters from escalating into war. Nor should New Delhi sacrifice the upsides that its complex interactions with China have produced in recent years: India's largest trading relationship; dialogue on climate change and global finance; and a leadership-level hotline arrangement, however little-used.

But India does have several opportunities to play the game of strategic diplomacy more adroitly, in part thanks to China's own wider missteps in maritime Asia. From the waters off South Korea to the South China Sea, Beijing's recent assertiveness has gone down badly with many states, including South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia. These nations, like the United States, are keen to boost economic and security ties with India. New Delhi could credibly portray its rocky relations with Beijing as being of a kind with their own, and cultivate security partnerships accordingly.

While China has legitimate interests in Indian Ocean security thanks to its shipping and energy-importation, India has a growing and justified stake in sea lanes east of the Malacca Strait, too. Its seaborne trade with Asia-Pacific powers is rising rapidly—China, ironically enough, foremost among them. So the Indian Navy has a rationale to step up exercises with partners beyond its old horizons. And if India seeks energy from locations far afield, whether Sakhalin gas or Vietnam's claimed zone of the South China Sea, then China with its own global quest for fuel can hardly feign surprise.

In more familiar waters, India has plenty of scope to expand its maritime surveillance and patrolling. This could be combined with support to weak, well-situated nations such as Mauritius, Madagascar and Maldives, as strategist C. Raja Mohan has argued.

For instance, it might not be too late for Indian commerce to play a role in the second stage of building Sri Lanka's China-funded Hambantota port, due to begin receiving cargo ships in November. Engagement of this type could be a springboard to cooperation with external powers, including China. Once it is bargaining from a position of confidence in its own regional relationships instead of paranoia over China's, India's strength will become apparent.

Despite its promising return to 8.8% economic growth, India is right to follow the advice of its former Naval Chief Sureesh Mehta to not try to match China's military weapon-for-weapon, dollar-for-dollar. Instead, New Delhi could pursue something like the asymmetry that Beijing seeks against Washington, including in the maritime, cyber and nuclear realms. A mix of development, deterrence and diplomacy will make India ready for rivalry.

Rory Medcalf: India Must Master the Great Game - WSJ.com


Nice article. Particularly the ending part. India's response to Chinese military muscle flexing is as simple as these three points --

1) Steady and sustainable economic development
2) Continual of credible nuclear deterrence development program ranging from ICBMs, to SLBMs
3) Forging close ties with other East Asian nations
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It's sad actually. India and China were originally the two greatest ancient civilizations to date. Together, they could've held a economic, military, and more importantly, cultural hegemony over the world :confused:
For its part, the India military's transparent reinforcement of its border deployments—however long overdue—has fed Chinese claims to be the aggrieved party.And India's clamorous media and excitable strategic commentariat have fanned the fears. The echo-chamber of Indian television treats rumor as news—false reports of border incursions in Ladakh last September were widely repeated. This makes formulating a rational China policy harder still.

Guys, to love India, you don't have to hate China !

To make India strong, you don't have to (think to) make China weak.
One day India talks about rising releations and not taking matter too serious and next day it wants to make a bollywood movie out of visa denials?? Whats going on??? The chinese are proving more professional in pulling indian strings than the other way around.
One day India talks about rising releations and not taking matter too serious and next day it wants to make a bollywood movie out of visa denials?? Whats going on??? The chinese are proving more professional in pulling indian strings than the other way around.

u also know the truth,how much good relations are.
The WSJ is a conservative rag - the Neo-Cons haven't yet awoken to the reality that the Cold War is over, and will continue to vilify the 'ChiComs' and paint them as the enemy.

There is therefore reason to read conservative commentators with skepticism when they address/analyze China, since the American Conservative's tendency is to often paint it as a bogeyman in the former USSR's mold, out to take over the world and 'convert it to Communism'.

The conservatives just can't live without an opponent to bash - if its not the Chinese, its Muslims.
here the writer is saying "From the waters off South Korea to the South China Sea, Beijing's recent assertiveness has gone down badly" citing many states as dying for joining India whereas talking about the same phrase about (the Chinese assertiveness) viz a viz Indian Ocean, an Indian analyst was warning about Chines growing muscles.

It seems that US wants to keep Indian in "Sab acha ha" state and at the same time trying to put the gun at Indian shoulder to shoot at China.
here the writer is saying "From the waters off South Korea to the South China Sea, Beijing's recent assertiveness has gone down badly" citing many states as dying for joining India whereas talking about the same phrase about (the Chinese assertiveness) viz a viz Indian Ocean, an Indian analyst was warning about Chines growing muscles.

It seems that US wants to keep Indian in "Sab acha ha" state and at the same time trying to put the gun at Indian shoulder to shoot at China.

Jana ,

If we can make our country the second fastest growing economy
If we can become the ray of hope of the western world during its worst economic crisis after the great depression
If we can lift millions out of poverty in 20 years
If we can...leave it!

Are we fools that anybody will use us and we will let them use us? 15000+ posts and you still haven't realised what we Indians are capable of!

We are not fools!

Heck, we never let even USSR use us. What makes you think we will let US or any other country do that?

Our govt. is headed by some really sane people. They know what's right and what's not right for their country and that's why we are where we are and you are where you are.

We know what our problems are and we are working really hard to solve them. Can you say the same about your Govt./country?

AgNoStIc MuSliM said:
The WSJ is a conservative rag - the Neo-Cons haven't yet awoken to the reality that the Cold War is over, and will continue to vilify the 'ChiComs' and paint them as the enemy.

There is therefore reason to read conservative commentators with skepticism when they address/analyze China, since the American Conservative's tendency is to often paint it as a bogeyman in the former USSR's mold, out to take over the world and 'convert it to Communism'.

The conservatives just can't live without an opponent to bash - if its not the Chinese, its Muslims.

Well we definitely know this part is true ...

No room left for scepticism here?:D
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here the writer is saying "From the waters off South Korea to the South China Sea, Beijing's recent assertiveness has gone down badly" citing many states as dying for joining India whereas talking about the same phrase about (the Chinese assertiveness) viz a viz Indian Ocean, an Indian analyst was warning about Chines growing muscles.

It seems that US wants to keep Indian in "Sab acha ha" state and at the same time trying to put the gun at Indian shoulder to shoot at China.
here the writer is saying "From the waters off South Korea to the South China Sea, Beijing's recent assertiveness has gone down badly" citing many states as dying for joining India whereas talking about the same phrase about (the Chinese assertiveness) viz a viz Indian Ocean, an Indian analyst was warning about Chines growing muscles.

nah, Jana I think you're reading it the other way around. The writer clearly mentions in the next line that we could simply show these affected states "Hey look, we got the same problem as you have with the Dragon" and warm up. We aren't having a cold war here between us and Chinese (maybe or maybe not) that people will take up either our side or theirs. It is a multi-polar world and common grievances lead to countries searching similarly affected countries.

It seems that US wants to keep Indian in "Sab acha ha" state and at the same time trying to put the gun at Indian shoulder to shoot at China.

We don't actually care. As Patrician clearly says in his post, we got some level-headed leaders (although corrupt, selfish and cowards in many of them) to deal with world powers. We welcome our friendship with US which will be on an equal basis and even if it is a little skewed in their favour sometimes, so it is in some cases in our favour.

However, if with this balance we are able to achieve a commonly desired goal.. then what's the harm? Oh and yeah; don't imagine that US and China will be coming to blows anytime soon with India taking up sides on either side; we kind of learnt it from you guys never to lean too much on one side. Cheers.
No room left for scepticism here?:D

No - its validated from our own experience of the Indian media when it comes to the claims attributed to Headley, distortions of Musharraf's comments, accusations against the UN spokesperson (which resulted in the UN criticizing the Indian media along similar lines) etc.
No - its validated from our own experience of the Indian media when it comes to the claims attributed to Headley, distortions of Musharraf's comments, accusations against the UN spokesperson (which resulted in the UN criticizing the Indian media along similar lines) etc.

Do you believe that no such things happen in Pakistani media, British media or American media...so why singling out Indian media?

[ps: ToI, Rediff.com...etc. do not represent the entire India media...similarly...Rupeenews & likes do not represent the entire Pakistani media]
Do you believe that no such things happen in Pakistani media, British media or American media...so why singling out Indian media?

[ps: ToI, Rediff.com...etc. do not represent the entire India media...similarly...Rupeenews & likes do not represent the entire Pakistani media]

Rupee news is run by an Indian Hydrabadi. Its not a Pakistani site..and Pakistani, America and western media does not fall to shallowest depth of fact distortion and manipulation. Something the indian media is famous for!

the best of indian media can be described as pathetic, poor and rubbish!

The saudis and chinese never said they were with india to attack Pakistan. What they saidn infact was they were with India in its mourning but do not warrant attack on Pakistan but the shameless indian media as usual twisted the words to make it look like the best pakistani allies are now in the indian camp (wet dreams)
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