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India must conduct two surgical strikes in a week

So the fact that you cannot enforce your own laws in FATA or Baluchistan without giving in to tribal laws gets a free pass. While I have to explain the presence of Indian army in Kashmir. Why? Because Pak army is not present in Baluchistan? Have you been able to get rid of the Quetta Shura?

You cannot even keep it safe enough beyond Quetta and Gwadar, which is a garrison town. The fact is, you feel all this because your standards have always been too low. As long as Quetta has a government controlled by Islamabad, and as long as heavily guarded convoys can arrive and leave Gwadar, you will keep maintaining that Baluchistan is well in control.
quetta shura is our asset.
frontier constablary is a local police. They are not a fully armed pramilitary.
I can see your frutration on kashmir. No problem. even your internal minister felt it yesterday.

Isn't Pakistan conducting surgical strikes on Afghanistan now?
Pakistan's feelings towards Afghanistan has parallels with India's feeling towards Pakistan.
Conducting 2 or 3 or 100 surgical strikes will not solve the problem unless the root cause is targeted.
i wish i could reply but i am going for an urgent surgical strike. much needed.
Why? Did Pakistanis ever stop to consider their socio-economic indices before embarking upon sponsoring trouble for India?

There is less violence in Kashmir as compared to Balochistan, any day. Does that make a difference? If you set the bar so low, anything short of Armageddon will seem rosy.

India has been growing economically and putting daylight between itself and Pakistan. Again, has it stopped Pakistanis from daydreaming about Kashmir, Khalistan, etc, etc? So why should ONE infrastructure project deter anyone?

There is no WE here, just YOU. Your evidence for India sponsoring trouble is Sartaj Aziz grinning stupidly while flashing an empty dossier. Now contrast that with the total silence when Fatso Sharif mentioned Kashmir at UNGA. What does that tell you?

That was hilarious.

You brought up Kashmir even when I didn't --- insecure much?

CPEC is a collection of many infrastructure projects (road, rail, energy, etc.) and it's real value is in creating a logistics hub out of Pakistan.

Comparing absolute numbers is useless because India is many times larger than Pakistan yet is having trouble isolating and containing Pakistan's ambitions. Trends are important. Balochistan is seeing more development than it ever has in its history. India-funded terrorists are surrendering in record numbers.

India hasn't even been able to provide evidence of Hafiz Saeed's / LeT's / JeM's involvement in Mumbai, Uri, etc. A country that doesn't even miss the chance to blame Pakistan for pigeon poop should really make the "damning evidence" it has public to further "isolate" Pakistan... unless, God forbid, India has no proof.

Remind me --- how many Army / Paramilitary troops are actively deployed in Occupied Kashmir by India in addition to the police force?
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