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India: Muslim Woman Converts to Hinduism to Marry a Hindu who Kills Her After a Fight

WOW. You just post picture of a Random couple and claim they were murdered and that one of them was a muslim.

This is RUMOR, not News.

Pajeet is in denial apparently

Anyways here are all the details about this incident

So you are talking about Mohammad Akhlaq.

Here is the Forensic Report of the Meat he ate.

Dadri lynching: Fresh forensic report says meat in Akhlaq's freezer was beef, not mutton

This is a classic case about how Propaganda turn Lies into "truth".

Yeah it was a mutton first

But since to lie and deceit is integral part of Hinduism so hindu authorities also changed it to beef to save the murderers

It was mutton, not beef: Dadri probe report

There is NOTHING to deny when report is not available and one is expected to believe an unverified twitter troll.

Article Says he "married" her when he was 19 and she was 19. That itself is illegal since the legal age of marriage for Men is 21.

Clearly a passionate couple.

They had a fight and he in a fit of anger chocked her in the fight. It was clearly a crime of passion. He was just 20 years old. Not mature enough for marriage.

OTOH I bet they had to get married this early due to undue pressure from the girls muslim family and community. Probably threatening to stop her education or get her married off to someone else.

It was a hobsons choice for her. THIS is what happens when you don't allow muslims girls the freedom to choose her groom and age of marriage.

She is dead and he will spend the rest of his life in Jail. Both lives are effectively over.

Marrying idol worshipers is not allowed for both Muslim men and women. Period

Anyways good to see you coming out of initial denial about this incident

That is the magic of Indian "secularism".

No. That is 5000 years old way of life aka Hinduism where lies are used to cover the truth

Where mutton is turned in to beef to save murderers
Hindus are doing love Jihad to rape and kill Muslim women... New love jihad laws to the rescue! Oh wait, that's for Muslim men only.

Love Jihad laws are not all India ..not even most of India

Poor girl... She's burning in Hell in both lives... Stupid is as stupid does....

Stop playing God..may be she is in Heaven, nobody knows
This is what we call as "Yahan bhi zaleel. Aur wahan bhi"
@Old School @Clutch
Muslims are generally poor... they live in ghettos... no proper school, hospital in their area... so the disparity is another motive why women want to live a 'prosperous' life...

see how they were lured by bhakts, as a religious duty.. don't come in the mainstream news. so Hindutva portray itself as victim, when it is the main perpetrator..... and see their living conditions..
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in modis yinduu india haldar boy will be rewarded for his act!
Pajeet is in denial apparently

Anyways here are all the details about this incident

Yeah it was a mutton first

But since to lie and deceit is integral part of Hinduism so hindu authorities also changed it to beef to save the murderers

It was mutton, not beef: Dadri probe report

Thank you. but even sending those links to him he will consider it propaganda like he stated before, but then he sends indian news links as his proof. Also he makes some bs up that they stole someone’s cattle thus being killed in retaliation, which is the worst excuse I’ve heard. So this won’t ever get through his head.
Hinduism is a dogma. And dogmas can be questioned, altered and abrogated as per a person's wish. They are literally a joke. Fortunately we are clear of this fraud.
Really ,can you define dogma ?
Maybe I can relate Hinduism and Islam with that parameters myself.
We will find out ourself what is religion and what is overhyped desert cult.
na Khuda hi mila na wisal-e-sanam
na idhar ke rahe na udhar ke rahe
I thought the Lovely Jihad laws were all over India?....
No these are state specific laws...only UP has passed it last year second half...expect it to be repealed once BJP loses power there...and they are in the offing in some BJP ruled states...But overwhelming majority of India won't have such love JIhad laws
No these are state specific laws...only UP has passed it last year second half...expect it to be repealed once BJP loses power there...and they are in the offing in some BJP ruled states...But overwhelming majority of India won't have such love JIhad laws

Are they then imposing lovely Hindutva laws?
@Old School @Clutch
Muslims are generally poor... they live in ghettos... no proper school, hospital in their area... so the disparity is another motive why women want to live a 'prosperous' life...

see how they were lured by bhakts, as a religious duty.. don't come in the mainstream news. so Hindutva portray itself as victim, when it is the main perpetrator..... and see their living conditions..

Firstly, I didn't get notification for you tagging me I just chanced upon your post.

Secondly, good documentary all around.

Thirdly, the Indian Muslim middle class of the last 15 to 20 years has largely failed to be the entity that will enable the progress of all Indian Muslims. This set of people has become busy in appearing pious. This is the doing of the Tablighi Jamaat.

Sometime before 2015 I got to know that some TJ "brothers" in IBM-India had agitated in their office not for an employee union that would benefit all employees but agitated for special prayer place and time. These IT-type TJ drones used to then come to my house to invite me to the mosque. I mentioned to them that I had written a simple computer operating system but strangely no spark in their eyes. As if it is absolutely common for an Indian to write an OS. :lol: Now in early 2015 IBM-India removed thousands of employees without notice or valid reason. And these employees didn't have an employee union to challenge the management. And did not come of use the TJ-obtained prayer time and place. Please note that IBM-USA, the parent company, has employee union but not IBM-India. :lol:

AFAIK the typical middle class Muslim of nowadays doesn't marry non-Muslims but the poorer class of Muslim may, but he ( or in very rare cases she ) doesn't have the support of the wider middle class Muslim community who act all pious and consider such marriages as sinful. These middle class Muslims in India are not much different than many of the Hindu middle class who obeyed Modi's call to "Thaali bajao, Corona bhagao" ( watch this woman. Turn on the volume ).

But maybe, maybe, the anti-CAA protests of last year and the involvement in them of some progressive Muslim students may induce progressive thought in the Indian middle class Muslim and remove from them the self-suffocating ghetto mentality.
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