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India: Muslim warrior king's rocket cache found in abandoned well

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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More than 1,000 rockets belonging to an 18th-century Muslim warrior king have been found by excavators in an abandoned well in southern India, according to authorities.

The excavation of the open well in the Shimoga district of Karnataka state led to the unearthing of rockets and shells stored by Tipu Sultan for use in wars, according to the state’s assistant director of archaeology.

According to archeological records, the fort area in Shimoga was part of Tipu Sultan’s kingdom. The powerful ruler was killed in the fourth Anglo-Mysore war in 1799 after a string of victories in battle against the British East India Company.

He is credited with developing an early, indigenous rocket known as the Mysorean, a prototype of British Congreve rockets used in the Napoleonic wars.

Excavation of the open well led to unearthing of over 1,000 corroded rockets that were stored during Tipu’s times for use in wars,” R Shejeshwara Nayaka told Agence France-Presse from the site, 240 miles north-west of the state capital, Bangalore.

“Digging of the dry well where its mud was smelling like gunpowder led to the discovery of the rockets and shells in a pile.”

It took three days for the 15-member team of archaeologists, excavators and labourers to unearth the armoury and ammunition.

The rockets, measuring 23-26cm (9-10ins), will go on display at a museum in Shimoga.
View attachment 488968
More than 1,000 rockets belonging to an 18th-century Muslim warrior king have been found by excavators in an abandoned well in southern India, according to authorities.

The excavation of the open well in the Shimoga district of Karnataka state led to the unearthing of rockets and shells stored by Tipu Sultan for use in wars, according to the state’s assistant director of archaeology.

According to archeological records, the fort area in Shimoga was part of Tipu Sultan’s kingdom. The powerful ruler was killed in the fourth Anglo-Mysore war in 1799 after a string of victories in battle against the British East India Company.

He is credited with developing an early, indigenous rocket known as the Mysorean, a prototype of British Congreve rockets used in the Napoleonic wars.

Excavation of the open well led to unearthing of over 1,000 corroded rockets that were stored during Tipu’s times for use in wars,” R Shejeshwara Nayaka told Agence France-Presse from the site, 240 miles north-west of the state capital, Bangalore.

“Digging of the dry well where its mud was smelling like gunpowder led to the discovery of the rockets and shells in a pile.”

It took three days for the 15-member team of archaeologists, excavators and labourers to unearth the armoury and ammunition.

The rockets, measuring 23-26cm (9-10ins), will go on display at a museum in Shimoga.
He was Muslim and not a citizen of India but a ruler of one of today's Indian state, he lived independent and died independent.

@Indus Pakistan
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Tipu Sultan fought frequently against Hindus, forced Brahmins to eat beef, and ordered the destruction of Hindu temples. Yet Hindustanis love him.

Stockholm syndrome at its finest folks.





Anyway, this is a great achievement for MUSLIMS to be proud of (I'm referring to the rocket making, not the acts of barbarity, but they are somewhat excusable as it was the norm to commit atrocities back then).
View attachment 488968
More than 1,000 rockets belonging to an 18th-century Muslim warrior king have been found by excavators in an abandoned well in southern India, according to authorities.

The excavation of the open well in the Shimoga district of Karnataka state led to the unearthing of rockets and shells stored by Tipu Sultan for use in wars, according to the state’s assistant director of archaeology.

According to archeological records, the fort area in Shimoga was part of Tipu Sultan’s kingdom. The powerful ruler was killed in the fourth Anglo-Mysore war in 1799 after a string of victories in battle against the British East India Company.

He is credited with developing an early, indigenous rocket known as the Mysorean, a prototype of British Congreve rockets used in the Napoleonic wars.

Excavation of the open well led to unearthing of over 1,000 corroded rockets that were stored during Tipu’s times for use in wars,” R Shejeshwara Nayaka told Agence France-Presse from the site, 240 miles north-west of the state capital, Bangalore.

“Digging of the dry well where its mud was smelling like gunpowder led to the discovery of the rockets and shells in a pile.”

It took three days for the 15-member team of archaeologists, excavators and labourers to unearth the armoury and ammunition.

The rockets, measuring 23-26cm (9-10ins), will go on display at a museum in Shimoga.
oH Gawd the irony when you have to demonize them you Call em Muslim Invaders
but when you have to gloat about something they become Indian warrior
i still remember the thread on PDF where Indians were abusing and cursing him
More than 1,000 rockets
He was Indian. Period. Unless we can demonstrate that Tipu had roots to what is now in Pakistan. As far as I am aware that is not the case. And if the claim is on basis of of Muslim then every Muslim on earth could be considered 'Pakistani'. President Abdul Kalam of India could be 'Pakistani'. Furthermore this was not even anywhere near Pakistan but far, far away in South India.

So IMHO he [Tipu] was as Indian as Modi is.
Tipu Sultan fought frequently against Hindus, forced Brahmins to eat beef, and ordered the destruction of Hindu temples. Yet Hindustanis love him.

Stockholm syndrome at its finest folks.





Anyway, this is a great achievement for MUSLIMS to be proud of (I'm referring to the rocket making, not the acts of barbarity, but they are somewhat excusable as it was the norm to commit atrocities back then).
Naming missile after looter and who raped your women and burnt Lahore is called which syndrome?
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He was Indian. Period. Unless we can demonstrate that Tipu had roots to what is now in Pakistan. As far as I am aware that is not the case. And if the claim is on basis of of Muslim then every Muslim on earth could be considered 'Pakistani'. President Abdul Kalam of India could be 'Pakistani'. Furthermore this was not even anywhere near Pakistan but far, far away in South India.

So IMHO he [Tipu] was as Indian as Modi is.

Tipu Sultan's ancestors were from Punjab. He has origins in Pakistan. So yes, I consider him just another Pakistani warlord who ruled over the dirty savages of bharat.
Naming missile after looter and who raped the women and burnt Lahore is called which syndrome?

Lmao Lahore flourished under the Ghaznavids and acted as the winter capital for the empire. Same goes for the Ghaurids, who also happened to be Pashtun (Pakistan has the worlds largest number of Pashtuns), and the Mughals under Babur. The Durranis were also Pashtun, with Peshawar flourishing under their rule and Ahmed Shah Abdali himself came from Multan. In fact, the Durranis remain a major tribe in Pakistan to this day.

All these empires were also Muslim and fought in the name of Islam, with many people from modern day Pakistan fighting in their army's. We are also genetically related to them.












There is also no evidence for your claims of rape.

He was Indian. Period. Unless we can demonstrate that Tipu had roots to what is now in Pakistan. As far as I am aware that is not the case. And if the claim is on basis of of Muslim then every Muslim on earth could be considered 'Pakistani'. President Abdul Kalam of India could be 'Pakistani'. Furthermore this was not even anywhere near Pakistan but far, far away in South India.

So IMHO he [Tipu] was as Indian as Modi is.

Tipu's grandfather was Punjabi.

Also, it's not just about being born Muslim, it's about what type of Muslim these figures were. Do you really think Muslim figures like Aurangzeb or Tipu would have opted to stay in Hindustan during partition? I highly doubt it considering how negatively they viewed Hindus.
Tipu Sultan fought frequently against Hindus, forced Brahmins to eat beef, and ordered the destruction of Hindu temples. Yet Hindustanis love him.

Stockholm syndrome at its finest folks.





Anyway, this is a great achievement for MUSLIMS to be proud of (I'm referring to the rocket making, not the acts of barbarity, but they are somewhat excusable as it was the norm to commit atrocities back then).
Sure source hindutva propaganda sited or open source and editable wiki page made by by hindutva propagandists using hindutva propaganda material in references ;)
Sure source hindutva propaganda sited or open source and editable wiki page made by by hindutva propagandists using hindutva propaganda material in references ;)

Asalamu Alaikum

The sources cited on Wikipedia are legitimate (some of them anyway), and you can find plenty more reiterating the same point if these ones aren't legitimate in your eyes.
He was Indian. Period. Unless we can demonstrate that Tipu had roots to what is now in Pakistan. As far as I am aware that is not the case. And if the claim is on basis of of Muslim then every Muslim on earth could be considered 'Pakistani'. President Abdul Kalam of India could be 'Pakistani'. Furthermore this was not even anywhere near Pakistan but far, far away in South India.

So IMHO he [Tipu] was as Indian as Modi is.
Modi and Tipu same :)
Pakistan was made by Muslim of Indian subcontinent to preserve Muslim rights and heritage .
India of today is different entity formed from parts of British Indian empire which itself was made by mostly conquering Muslim dominated subcontinent so in no way tipu was same as modi

Asalamu Alaikum

The sources cited on Wikipedia are legitimate (some of them anyway), and you can find plenty more reiterating the same point if these ones aren't legitimate in your eyes.
Its your claim Sonny so u provide reliable source not your clearly biased hindutva propaganda ;)
Its your claim Sonny so u provide reliable source not your clearly biased hindutva propaganda ;)

I already told you, not all the sources cited are from Hindutva propaganda. You can find more if you wish, I've demonstrated the point I wanted to make.
He was Indian. Period. Unless we can demonstrate that Tipu had roots to what is now in Pakistan. As far as I am aware that is not the case. And if the claim is on basis of of Muslim then every Muslim on earth could be considered 'Pakistani'. President Abdul Kalam of India could be 'Pakistani'. Furthermore this was not even anywhere near Pakistan but far, far away in South India.

So IMHO he [Tipu] was as Indian as Modi is.
Tipus father was a migrant from Panjab according to some texts.
Tipu Sultan fought frequently against Hindus, forced Brahmins to eat beef, and ordered the destruction of Hindu temples. Yet Hindustanis love him.

Stockholm syndrome at its finest folks.





Anyway, this is a great achievement for MUSLIMS to be proud of (I'm referring to the rocket making, not the acts of barbarity, but they are somewhat excusable as it was the norm to commit atrocities back then).
Here is passage form that wiki page link u gave
In 1788, Tipu ordered his governor in CalicutSher Khan to begin the process of converting Hindus to Islam, and in July of that year, 200 Brahmins were forcibly converted and made to eat beef.[124] Mohibbul Hasan, Prof. Sheikh Ali, and other historians cast great doubt on the scale of the deportations and forced conversions in Coorg in particular, and Hasan says that the British versions of what happened were intended to malign Tipu Sultan, and to be used as propaganda against him.[117] He argues that little reliance can be placed in Muslim accounts such as Kirmani's Nishan-e Haidari; in their anxiety to represent the Sultan as a champion of Islam, they had a tendency to exaggerate and distort the facts: Kirmani claims that 70,000 Coorgis were converted, when forty years later the entire population of Coorg was still less than that number. According to Ramchandra Rao Punganuri the true number of converts was about 500.[125]

So first make a lot allegations for genocide mass forced conversion
then in end give facts that these numbers were historically impossible :)
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