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India mulling shut down of American Embassy Club

What do you expect India to do, start arresting Americans based on false charges?

Of course, the charges should be legit.

As many Indians have pointed out, and most of us accept, there are always grey areas where people cross the line. Usually, you turn a blind eye -- especially for diplomats.

Even something as minor as a speeding ticket can be made into an issue. Wasn't there some talk about the tax on tickets purchased by the US consulate for the maid's family?

Certainly, something more legitimate than closing down an Embassy Club just because.

So what about the - Whats it to us, bit ? :azn:

I'm not taking sides.

As I've written before, I admire India for standing firm on principles of diplomatic protocols and the issue of respect. Their handling of the Italian affair was very nice.

This is certainly a far cry from what we can expect on this side of the border.

However, the fact remains that the US has the moral high around based strictly on facts and human rights.
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Of course, the charges should be legit.

As many Indians have pointed out, and most of us accept, there are always grey areas where people cross the line. Usually, you turn a blind eye -- especially for diplomats.

Even something as minor as a speeding ticket can be made into an issue. Wasn't there some talk about the tax on tickets purchased by the US consulate for the maid's family?

Certainly, something more legitimate than closing down an Embassy Club just because.

Oh they won't shut it down just for the sake of it. Am sure they ll have some legal reason to do so, violation of some obscure local laws perhaps. Just like they did with the issue of American Center screening movies, " the US was organising these screenings without any permissions or even the censor certificate".
India would have stopped playing cricket with USA if the US played cricket....so they are going after the alternative....Tennis....Very bold and smart move!

no India would have stopped their cricketers from playing in IPL
lol @ india .... :)

Well that is the MAX india can do here,
Silly retaliations send their own message: India is afraid to do anything more substantive.

You strip search our diplomat, we'll ... uh... take away your peanut butter sandwiches.

that's because indian politicans hands are tied...US knows all their little dirty secrets. once again: its indian politicians who let down india..not Americans.
Here's the difference.

US is denying diplomatic privileges for committing a crime.

India is denying privileges just because.

If India wanted to establish an equivalence, it would charge an American diplomat with a crime.

Right now, the US retains the moral high ground because their reasons for denying privileges is a "grave" criminal offence.

I agree that US has high ground here, but this is not about high ground. Anyway what would you expect India to do? Given up like Pakistan did on Raymond Davis case, when Raymond Davis was not even a Diplomat and Pakistan held high moral ground in that case

And how would India would 'charge' an American diplomat with a crime when none exist. Do you think India would not explored those things
It's all conjecture, at the moment. But despite what you may read in the local papers....the US has vast stores of dearly hoarded political capitol. This incident will be but a blip on the radar to most nations dealing with the US. The Indian handling was inept...and will cost them dearly. The shame is...India could have got at least some traction in the "US is great Satan club"...but due to very inept work by your politicians....you don't even get that (some lip service, tops.) I even conceded that the US handled this poorly, at first. But instead of using this to their advantage...your populist politicians ruined any chance of political capitol for short-term local support. Your boys turned this from a slightly embarasing incident that they could have used for advantage from US poor handling, to making themselves look like a drowning man clutching at straws to save face. You guys could have looked strong (indeed, did, for a day or two)....but managed to make yourselves look far weaker than we ever could have with out your active compliance.

Actually have seen you mentioning India could have gained more political clout again and again. But how?
I have seen many reports of US officials claiming, that they did not get this tough response from India, considering the treatment of ex-presidents, ambassadors and India's response in the past .
I, for one, sincerely believe, US wouldnt have even expressed "Regret" if not for strong "reciprocity" actions taken by us. if India havent given a response, I rarely believe, US would have behaved like in the past, expressing no regret, and would be trigger happy for another arrest. Now US will think many times before touching an Indian diplomat again.

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