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India moved upgraded Mig 29 on forward airbase

I think the impact of S400 IS HUGE

The Indians plan to deploy 3 of the 5 battries against Pakistan.

The Radars can track up to 600km inside Pakistan.

They can engage upto 400km

That's a very large no fly zone https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...ainst-pakistan-china/articleshow/54893457.cms

WHEN you add meteore equipped rafales & 270 su30mki as well That's a lot of air power
good air power, good s-400 batteries.i remember one indian member said that f-16s will cease to fly after s-400 induction just because of the area s-400 covers.hahaha.this is the modern era of satellites and your enemy will keep an eye on you.any changes,any modifications and your enemy will surely know the place of your assets.s-400 is deadly but it's not invincible.
I'm missing Pervez Musharraf... during his time of being army chief India mobilized it's army to war positions twice and Musharaf reciprocated in same manner and before India commit for third time, Musharraf was sitting on their head in Kargil.
I'm missing Pervez Musharraf... during his time of being army chief India mobilized it's army to war positions twice and Musharaf reciprocated in same manner and before India commit for third time, Musharraf was sitting on their head in Kargil.
And then he abandoned men and distributed medals after realizing his idea was flawed and overreaching.

Still remember bloodied choopers in Murree CMH.
And then he abandoned men and distributed medals after realizing his idea was flawed and overreaching.

Still remember bloodied choopers in Murree CMH.

I only know of coffin less bodies in Dehli.
What was over reaching, when bunch of NLI was frying Indian army like pop corn.
All of Indian airforce was pissing in their pants… India refused to own it's PoW.
It was Vajpai followed by Nawaz Sharif went running to US.
Why should someone ignore the words of Pervez Musharaf and believe the words of Indians and Nawaz Sharif!
I only know of coffin less bodies in Dehli.
What was over reaching, when bunch of NLI was frying Indian army like pop corn.
All of Indian airforce was pissing in their pants… India refused to own it's PoW.
It was Vajpai followed by Nawaz Sharif went running to US.
Why should someone ignore the words of Pervez Musharaf and believe the words of Indians and Nawaz Sharif!
I believe my own eyes, not blinded by bravado like the commando who doesn’t return home to face accusations .
I prefer the soldier who knows war rather than worshipping these fake idols.
I believe my own eyes, not blinded by bravado like the commando who doesn’t return home to face accusations .
I prefer the soldier who knows war rather than worshipping these fake idols.

Who are you…. I believe every bit what boss of commandos has to say.
He actually tired to to deliver and did justice to his profession.
Going out with a small team was part of his plan, he succeed more than his expectations.
He gave bloody nose to Indians, which will continue to bleed for times to come.
Pakistan loose more soldiers yearly than we lost in Kargil, which was much due to treason of Nawaz Sharif.
If you still believe Pervez Musharraf was wrong in leading his troops as he deem good, than you are insulting every army chief.
Kargil war was ill-thought out but operationally gave a very bloody nose to the Indians. The fictional “surgical strike” they speak of these days was done to them on a textbook level. Pakistani forced clandestinely breached Indian defenses and knocked out their posts and proceeded to occupy them. For weeks, the indians didn’t even know what was going on. Pakistan still hold important peaks. But it was a political failure and for that Musharraf shares a big responsibility. He failed to update even his Air Force. He was a bold commander and spoke very well the only language the Indians understand.
1 : S400 , they havent got yet and even after receiving needs sometime to get operational on ground . And even in future when they get it .pak got fair counter strategy for it .
2 : Rafale , same thing not in IAF yet , coming in couple of months and will get full operational after 2020 as pilots needs required skills and experience on it . So dont worry abt it too .
3:IAF modern capable fighter jets ( su30s , Mirage 2000 , Mig 29s) are 350 -370 . And paf modern capable fighter jets ( f16 and jf17 ) are 180-200 in numbers . So ratio is 2:1 . And mind another thing iaf cant bring above whole air power to PAK border but we can bring whole on indian borders :) :) due to our geography :) . And dont forget latest radars , Awacs and SAM factor on pakistan side . The way our air defence batteries and air assets are spread around border , if IAF get in they wont get out :)
Moreover India is offensive, we are defensive, losses on offensive side are ten times more. India wont be able to take these losses. Pakistan will turn the area into graveyard of Indian army. They know it, that's why they have not attacked us even after Kargil issue, mumbai attacks, national assembly attacks, Uri attack and so many other occasions. This independence is not provided in charity, there are lot of sacrifices pf Pakistani nation behind it.
I think the impact of S400 IS HUGE

The Indians plan to deploy 3 of the 5 battries against Pakistan.

The Radars can track up to 600km inside Pakistan.

They can engage upto 400km

That's a very large no fly zone https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...ainst-pakistan-china/articleshow/54893457.cms

WHEN you add meteore equipped rafales & 270 su30mki as well That's a lot of air power
You are a big fool. You do not even know how to calculate the impact of weapon systems on warfare. India and Pakistan are neighbour states. Our missiles are deployed right on the border. If you shoot our aircraft one meter inside our territory or you shoot it 400 km in our territory, war will start in any case. Once it is war then we will shoot you with every weapon we have in our arsenal (including nukes). Then will u survive? this is not Bangladesh or Nepal or Bhutan you are dealing with. Fcking with a nuclear country is not easy. You think you can impress and cow-down PAF with these toys ? and you think Pakistan will sit idle? Before your Meteors and S400s arrive Pakistan will have HQ9 and PL15s in its arsenal. We are a shallow country geographically and we are well aware of our weaknesses but imagine if 400 km of air space of India is denied it will cripple your dreams of a shiny India for ever, so trust me your country will never initiate a full-scale-war against Pakistan. The only option left with India is to go for terrorist activities and propaganda, which you are already doing to the fullest. So relax we are neither worried nor intimidated by these new toys of yours. We know how to deal with BANYA in these last 72 years.
From the mouth of horses:
I think the impact of S400 IS HUGE

The Indians plan to deploy 3 of the 5 battries against Pakistan.

The Radars can track up to 600km inside Pakistan.

They can engage upto 400km

That's a very large no fly zone https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...ainst-pakistan-china/articleshow/54893457.cms

WHEN you add meteore equipped rafales & 270 su30mki as well That's a lot of air power

Every weapon system has its pros and cons, also every man made thing can be countered by another man made thing.

When Titanic was built the makers claimed it is unsinkable and it sank in its first trip.
We must not delude ourselves.

Wars we had with India were either evenly matched or we lost. Evenly matching against three times enemy maybe win for few but in absolute terms it was not.

Other side is a professional army/airforce. Working of which is almost similiar to us as we had similar origins.

Training wise we did probably slightly better job, upkeep and equipment wise too but we have major deficiencies in Armour, Attack helis, transport helis, long range air defence. We have reasonable numbers in fighter jets in defense role but no deep offensive capabilities. We have good sortie rate and overall capability to keep our jets in air but to what end. There is a limit to what human skill can stretch mediocre technology.

In short our esteemed Generals have learnt nothing from 71. Then we had gambled everything on US and now on tactical nukes.

Enemy knows this is the only time they can attack to good effect, Each passing year this dream of theirs will be less likely fruitful, as Pakistan is predicted to grow strong in coming years.
Your reply is the only sain post here....
The rest think we will fight on playstation with india...
..our dilema ...
New govt.
No experience.
Blunders upon blunders..
Economy in dire straits..
Opposition scattered..headless..
Eastren n westren borders ..not secured...
Terrorists hibernating ..
Publics stomache empty..
Moral in deep waters..
...opt sitution for the hyena to catch the goat.
I'm missing Pervez Musharraf... during his time of being army chief India mobilized it's army to war positions twice and Musharaf reciprocated in same manner and before India commit for third time, Musharraf was sitting on their head in Kargil.

You do realize mobilisations cost money? I agree .. let us keep doing the same every other year for prolonged periods ... can your economy sustain it?

Every weapon system has its pros and cons, also every man made thing can be countered by another man made thing.

When Titanic was built the makers claimed it is unsinkable and it sank in its first trip.

I agree. On the other hand, the impact is significant if you do take into account the existing surveillance capability of India into your airspace. Many keyboard warriors here certainly fail to factor in the fact that our capability to look into your airspace is quite .. unsettling?

The rest is a matter of using your capabilities to act after those capabilities perform their tasks. This is where the S-400 may be a new toy that may force more calculations into your planning.

From the mouth of horses:

I was on Planet Mars ..... 4 legged humans are there ....

Now I am the horse ... :D
For tasting AIM-120?
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