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India more important market than Pakistan: Afghan minister

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Well lets take the US out of the equation and leave the UN in the end result is still not a rosy one.

But thats the whole issue US led sanctions againist Iran will affect Indian companies doing business with Iran whether we like it or not.
But thats the whole issue US led sanctions againist Iran will affect Indian companies doing business with Iran whether we like it or not.

Thats exactly my point, so in future it will be in indias and Pakistan's and Afghanistan's interest to work together in trade sector, this might ease up the rest of the issues. Cause

Well yeah of course in a ideal world we would like greater economic ties with Pakistan and Afganistan but Pakistan has not granted us MFT and does not let us trade with Afganistan through Pakistan so we have to use Iran as a transit destination in the meantime.
Thats a good news,both for Afghan and Indian trade meanwhile it will b a complete farce to tell that Afghan dont need Pakistan atleast for trade,Afghan is a land locked country influenced by U.S so the likely trade routes will definitely pass through Pakistan rather than Iran
afganistan want big investments & india is one of those who can provide it. kites always go with the wind.
i will appreciate if pakistan,afganistan and india trio fulfill each others need and do trade with each other
I don't know abt u guys, but I fell that we south asians alaways try to pull each other legs down (and I am no saint). Had we completemented each other we would have been a serious force to reckon(both economic and military). Agree or not we need each others development for our own good.

Welcome to the club
we are going to see a lot of Pak-India trade via Afghanistan now!
Pakistani economy itself is on life support how can they provide a large consumer base to a country which is starting from zero and needs a fast recovery to defeat extremist elements.!
This kinda news is expected from neighbors because PM Gilani was in A'stan (Dec4,5)on the invitation of Karzai and Pakistan and Afghanistan form 5 working groups to strengthen cooperation both side agreed to work jointly to achieve the target of $5 billion bilateral trade by 2015.
Many strategic projects.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency )

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Gilani urges Pak-Afghan business communities to benefit from opportunities
Yes ... More population = more the consumption of opium .

A very reckless response from you Aamir Zia!! Opium dont have place in legal trades of Afghanistan with the other countries. When we say trade it includes both export and import. Afghanistan have been exporting dried and fresh fruit for many decades to India and at the same time we have received medicine and other things from India. Dont forget that we also have trade with Pakistan, but there is also one sad side of our trade with you, many of the products especially medicne we receive from Pakistan are not good quality and people back home always prefer non pakistani products especially Indian and Iranian.
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