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India Missile Test: Wake Up, Washington!

How dare you to speak like that...are you guys be gratefull to U.S blessing for giving India the flawless political freedom for the Agni-5 test...LMAO

Do you even know what political freedom means? You are chinese, right? That explains why you think political freedom is something imported from somewhere.
Dont wish tooo much..you may get it..the hidden truth behind American tactical ignorance is preparing India to counter China which will only result in a war too bloody for both side but will benefit America by destroying two industrial power houses. Given the arrogant and foolish Indians it is not wise to assume that they will practice restraint given a chance or some background encouragement like one provided to Saddam.

Are we too dumb to not to realize that, but as long as China continues its military posturing vis a vis India and tries to contain India we will also do the same even if that means taking help from US or Devil himself.
No I dont...but if I need to know I will consult Indian expert :laugh:

Actually you don't need to consult anybody. There have been books written about it, political treatises etc. These have been written for centuries in other parts of the world, if you can beat your internet cesorship, then do try to read them. It will be an eye opener for you.

You will learn some novel ideas - like why people in power can't arrest anybody for political opinions, why governments cant mow down people en masse for demanding a change of government, why people should have the right to select their goverment or kick out the ones they dont like, why people whould have the right to read and speak what they want to, why the government shouldnt get to decide what you can read on the internet etc etc. In short you will learn the concept of self determination.
Dont wish tooo much..you may get it..the hidden truth behind American tactical ignorance is preparing India to counter China which will only result in a war too bloody for both side but will benefit America by destroying two industrial power houses. Given the arrogant and foolish Indians it is not wise to assume that they will practice restraint given a chance or some background encouragement like one provided to Saddam.

And you believe that like the destiny's ultimate mercenary, Pakistan, we will also follow straight into this 'imagined' plot of US... Inspite of your hatred and jealousy, do try to view 'some things India' relatively objectively (irrespective of how mind numbingly conditioned you are to hate everything good about India). India has a democratic system and a policy of behaving in a mature fashion (unlike some nations who go out with a gun to their head and threaten suicide almost at everything) historically and that is why we have earned this reputation that our defence preparations are and will always be holier (pun intended) than thou... Reduce your hatred slightly and do try to appreciate at least those some things that we somehow manage to do well... And good international diplomacy & relationships has certainly been one of them...

Rise with weapons when millions die of poverty, being burnt alive and the largest infanticide in the world?
And this is ALL that you have to say about that innocuous comment on 'living with India's ascendancy'... use the classic ploy to change the discussion, when you have nothing else to say? Why did you not notice the Right To Education being made a fundamental night (one of the first in the world to make so)? Why not notice the efforts on to sustain with one of the largest rural employment schemes in the world? Why didn't u notice that govt. compromised its growth rate, so that food prices can go down and down they did go? ... Ah, the hate blinder again, I would guess...

May be you have stayed for far too long in a system which believes that they will eat grass, but won't live without nukes... Sorry, we don't believe in that theory and certainly know better than you on how to balance the societal improvement with security scenario...

I thought, I'd give a more elaborate response, but then I saw your name and lost my motivation... :rofl:... Try n have a good night's sleep, as these guns are definitely NOT targeted in your direction...
Dont wish tooo much..you may get it..the hidden truth behind American tactical ignorance is preparing India to counter China which will only result in a war too bloody for both side but will benefit America by destroying two industrial power houses. Given the arrogant and foolish Indians it is not wise to assume that they will practice restraint given a chance or some background encouragement like one provided to Saddam.

Rise with weapons when millions die of poverty, being burnt alive and the largest infanticide in the world?

don't you think such thoughts came to our minds or Chinese Minds? Every one seeks their Interest and India China understand such things. Don't worry.
Its a well known fact that Eric Margolis is on Pakistani payrolls. Just read his other articles and you will figure out. He refers to Indians as "godless hindus" :D

Anyway, he is a nobody and for all I care he can take his article and shove it up his a$$. Then he can sit on it and hear it crumbling all day long :)
Everyone knows that we've always eyed the UN seat....
No Thanks to Friendly Neighbors..... pushed us to an arms race......!!!
guys prepare for an embagro from west. i am making a prediction it will happen before 2014. west wont let another asian country challenge them. they will try their best but fuuckkk yeah we r ready for it now.
guys prepare for an embagro from west. i am making a prediction it will happen before 2014. west wont let another asian country challenge them. they will try their best but fuuckkk yeah we r ready for it now.

Welcome to the club of "Embargo" if your prediction is right :D, India better buy as much as it can before the window of opportunity is closed for you guys.
guys prepare for an embagro from west. i am making a prediction it will happen before 2014. west wont let another asian country challenge them. they will try their best but fuuckkk yeah we r ready for it now.

Bro u should be more aware of international affairs...The current position of India in world stage
But Agni-V is not an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), as wrongly reported.

A true ICBM has a minimum range of at least 8,000 km and more likely 12,000 km. India and North Korea's missiles were medium-ranged ballistic missiles (MRBM's). The difference is important because MRBM's are theater weapons while ICBM's threaten the entire globe.
8000 km? Where did this figure come from? This is bullcrap! Just splitting hairs!

Definition of ICBM: A ballistic missile that is capable of traveling from one continent to another.

Agni V can travel from India (Asian continent) to:
Australian continent
African continent

Therefore Agni V is an ICBM. Period!

The most likely reason India would want an ICBM is the possibility that one day India may confront the United States over Mideast oil, or confront Russia in Central Asia.
What utter twaddle! This is absolute rubbish. The author of this clap trap has lost his marbles! And published in a cheap internet tabloid, Huffpost that has zero credibility! :cheesy:
Bro u should be more aware of international affairs...The current position of India in world stage

the position on world stage mean nothing. dude an embargo will happen from west, the day india launches a 10000km missile. nxt day will be very different. russia will be with us but west not support us militarily. economic cooperation will continue though.
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