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India may outpace China by 2048

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Ajit Mogan


New Recruit

May 28, 2012
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India is likely to overtake China to become the world’s largest economy by 2048, according to a leading academic.

In the first of a series of lectures delivered in London last week Professor Douglas McWilliams, of Gresham College, said that China’s economy was already slowing and the country’s growth would decline to around 4 percent per year during the 2020s.

And while China would overtake the US as the world’s largest economy “by around 2023” forecasts from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) suggested that India’s economy will outpace China’s in less than four decades.

However McWilliams warned there was “obviously a wide margin of error” in such forecasts.

China’s economy is expected to grow by 7.4 percent this year, a figure regarded in some quarters as a ‘hard-landing’ after the country’s phenomenal performance in recent years.

In his lecture McWilliams said that the scale of the competitive challenge from Asia industrialization for Western economies was particularly great “because the pace of change in the emerging economies has been so rapid that attitudes have not had time to adjust to prosperity.”

“In the east they do not take prosperity for granted and continue to work hard, support businessmen and keep taxes down. The average Singaporean works 2,307 hours a year; the average Hong Konger works 2,287 hours.

“We in Britain work 1,625 hours. It’s as if the average Singaporean worked over four months more a year in effect than we do,” he said.

Highlighting a more relaxed tax regime in Asian economies, McWilliams said if western regimes did not adjust their policies to match those of the competitive economies in the east there was a risk that the rest of Europe, including countries who were outside the euro, like the United Kingdom, “could slide in the same way that Greece now has into first stagnation and then economic collapse.”

Plastics News - India may outpace China by 2048
India needs to focus on the here and now-there are VERY serious issues that need to be tackled. If you sort these out everything else will naturally follow but that should not be the goal. The goal should be steady and inclusive growth for all. I'd prefer if India was number 2 but didn't have a single person in poverty (relativly) over being number one with millions still living a horrible life.
Addtionally I am sick of this "India vs China" news- if you look most of it comes from the West who are the onlly benificaires from the bickering and conflict that occurs between them. This is clear divide and rule, togeether India,China and the rest of Asia would be unstopable.

Why China's Economy Will Grow to $123 Trillion by 2040 - By Robert Fogel | Foreign Policy
China's Economy To Reach $123 Trillion? - Forbes.com

Same claims were made in 2010.


2 years later.


Sleep well, Chinese economy is the workshop of the world and not built on call centers and service providers which are directly linked to FDI- if that dries out so does the services. India won't be a fully industrial economy anytime soon and when it does, it can start to think about competing with China.

Indians talk too big and do nothing, Chinese talk nothing and keep working, call it a cultural difference but this is exactly why China was, is and will be a superior economy to India well ahead in the future.
I don't get what is the productive use of such articles, well keeping analytic previews aside, when you don't even know what will happen next year to say the most, then such articles are just cost creating activities with no productivity value.
Who cares if India is number 2 to China- it won't be by much (a few 100 BN). At the stage where is is true China and India will be the 2 largest ecomomes in the world-by FAR and a few BN here or there won't mean much.As long as both nations have brough t down poverty and reduced the between rich and poor who cares?? Rankings mean next to nothing to an ordinary guy-standard of living is what counts.
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