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india may cross LOC to attack Pakistan


Mar 18, 2006
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Thursday, August 10, 2006javascript:; http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/print.asp?page=2006\08\10\story_10-8-2006_pg1_10
Indian mag predicts war along LoC
* Army considering punitive raids in AJK to counter ‘attack by infiltration’ strategy

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: Forget back channel diplomacy, if the Indian army has its way it will unleash a new “war doctrine” to combat what it describes as Islamabad’s new strategy of “attack by infiltration” into Indian territory beyond Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).

According to this month’s issue of Force magazine, the army may attempt to persuade New Delhi to follow the Israeli example in Lebanon and authorise the attack of “terrorist” targets in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. This could include punitive raids against Pakistani posts along the Line of Control (LoC), cross-border pursuit of militants and the crushing of militant training camps.

Indeed, the magazine points out that “it is not difficult for the army to attack a nearby Pakistani post on the LoC and bring back their dead to show intruders into Indian territory”, noting that “both sides have attempted this in the past”.

Force also stresses that India is “well-prepared to meet Pakistan’s war threat (in retaliation) head-on”, going on to suggest that New Delhi would simply need to allow its military a timeframe of three to four weeks to accomplish its aims before bowing to international pressure for a ceasefire.

Thus it warns that the next three months - that is, before winter sets in and the passes in Jammu and Kashmir close for the season - could prove crucial for India’s relations with Pakistan.

The magazine also says that the armed forces have taken into account Pakistan’s military weaknesses to ensure the success of their war doctrine.

“Should Pakistan decide to enlarge the war theatre to ease pressure on the J&K front, the Indian military will seek to destroy its offensive forces, as well as capture territory inside the Thar desert to be used as a bargaining chip in the aftermath of war,” the magazine says in its unsigned cover story, ‘Peace by Other Means’.

Moreover, Force points out that President Musharraf understands this. Thus his offer to help India nab those responsible for last month’s Mumbai train blasts came with a warning to New Delhi to refrain from any hot pursuit across the LoC. In short, “he (Musharraf) is threatening action against likely raids by the Indian Army inside Azad Kashmir”.

The magazine notes that “New Delhi should understand its military strength too”. Army forces stationed in J&K say that following India’s fencing of the LoC and its employment of surveillance equipment in the area – cross-border infiltration has taken on a new guise.

According to Lt Gen Deepak Kapoor, the army commander of Northern Commands, “infiltration into J&K is unstoppable as the LoC is no longer the sole route of entering the state as terrorists infiltrate from all available routes and their area of interest is no longer confined to J&K”.

Given that terrorism is now spilling into India’s heartland, the magazine says that New Delhi may choose to look beyond diplomatic and intelligence-based solutions to dismantle the ever-expanding tentacles of terrorism.

Enter the Indian army, which has stressed that military action be seriously considered if all other options fail. It has pointed out that the country’s armed forces have come a long way since the end of Operation Parakram in 2002, stressing that air, naval and military forces now have “the capability, will and a war winning strategy against Pakistan”.

According to Force, the army would use Special Forces deployments, assisted by the Air Force, to win any battle with Pakistan. The magazine also identifies the significant areas of Pakistan’s military weakness that would aid Indian forces in defeating any attempt by Islamabad to expand its war theatre:

* The Pakistan Air Force’s capacity to conduct daily sorties is calculated at 260 per day, compared to the Indian Air Force’s potential of 450;

* Pakistan’s 11 and 12 Corps (reserves for the Indian theatre) are completely tied down in other ongoing military activities, such as the US-led Operation Mountain Thrust in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Thus most of these forces would be unavailable for any short war with India;

* Pakistan is already facing internal dissension in Balochistan;

* In operational terms, there are innumerable choke points in the Pakistan army’s lines of communications, rendering them vulnerable to interdiction;

* Karachi port remains vulnerable.

Thus the race is on in the next three months to determine what the choice will be for India and Pakistan: war or peace?
This news article in Forceindia.net is interesting because a few on here were also predicting that india is studying Israel's Lebanon assault and may lose its mind and commit the most stupid mistake ever....which is to pretend that india is Israel and Pakistan is Lebanon.....:lol:

Nuclear mined Borders, Missiles pointed at every indian city........
RAPTOR said:
This news article in Forceindia.net is interesting because a few on here were also predicting that india is studying Israel's Lebanon assault and may lose its mind and commit the most stupid mistake ever....which is to pretend that india is Israel and Pakistan is Lebanon.....:lol:

Nuclear mined Borders, Missiles pointed at every indian city........

India might be Israel,but Pakistan is not Lebonon!!!

Nuclear mines??? :confused:

Missiles pointed at very city..hw many do you have?
This particular discussion are years old,probably during the Kargil period and after the parliament attack.
Samudra said:
Dont tell me all this was not happening before.

Not in reality.
I have seen missiles pointing towards Indian cities from my eyes, but im not sure how many cities and it cant be every city though.

There is not going to be any war between these two nuclear armed countries. Again media is playing its games by giving too much air to such nonsense info or news as making another issue for people to believe.
melb4aust said:
I have seen missiles pointing towards Indian cities from my eyes, but im not sure how many cities and it cant be every city though.

What did u mean by you saw?Where you ate the base?where?
melb4aust said:
I have seen missiles pointing towards Indian cities from my eyes, but im not sure how many cities and it cant be every city though.

who are you??:disappointed: how did you be able to get there?
this is nothing but a joke punitive actions against more then 1.million + pak army 620,000 + paramilitary 330,000 + reserves 500,000 airforce 350 combact ready aircraft an avarage navy with nuclear armed agusta submarines, and not to forget to mention 25 -50 NUCLEAR BOMBS + babur(cruse missile),shaheenII(with a range of 2,500km),ghauri,abdali,ghaznavis, yes i agree india is stronger no doubt about it but a punitive action against the above mentioned simply does not make,s any sence pakistan is not lebennon by any chance and for sure katusha rocket,s fired by hezbollah are not NUCLEAR BOMBS by any match.
melb4aust said:
I have seen missiles pointing towards Indian cities from my eyes, but im not sure how many cities and it cant be every city though.

1) If you've seen missiles, they're pointing up in the sky.
2) No one is that stupid to tell a civie what rockets are doing what.
There is not going to be any war between these two nuclear armed countries.

And you're forgetting how close to war the two countries were during Parakram.

I have seen missiles pointing towards Indian cities from my eyes, but im not sure how many cities and it cant be every city though.

Anybody can say that.We need something more credible than that.
Bull said:
Missiles pointed at very city..hw many do you have?

Did you see what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki? If even 5 of India's major cities were hit, the effect would be catastrophic. The Indian economy would be shattered, and millions would be dead.

Also Pak. nuclear weapons are now tritium boosted, this increases yield above that of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.

I read somewhere that Pak. had around 60 nuclear bombs (is it true?).
Bull said:
What did u mean by you saw?Where you ate the base?where?

Yes i actually saw the missile from my eyes thats was shaheen, i have already told you that i have relations in the army, i have spend 6 yrs with them. I cant disclose the location as i have already been advised.
Officer of Engineers said:
1) If you've seen missiles, they're pointing up in the sky.
2) No one is that stupid to tell a civie what rockets are doing what.

Yes offcourse they are pointing in the sky, but no one is that much stupid to understand why they put them close to the border of India.;)

This is just a missile, i've been to Indian villages that are close to border through border, that was in 1992. I've also got the chance to learn how to drive a tank sitting beside with the driver.

In Airforce and Navy i did'nt get the chance meet someone or see some thing.
melb4aust said:
Yes offcourse they are pointing in the sky, but no one is that much stupid to understand why they put them close to the border of India.;)

1) You would not know if they were carrying nukes are not.
2) You would not have known their targetting priorities (only that they're Indian).
3) You would not have known their firing procedures
4) You would not have known their nuclear procedures.

All you've known is that you've seen a bunch of missiles.
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