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India makes a stab at global arms selling


actually,India started making Kaveri after Sanction.at first,the plan was to equip them with F-404 while kaveri was a parallel development.but as Kaveri's development took a lot of time as well as it failed short to the specification,the F-404 and F-414 bagged the deal.

actually,India started making Kaveri after Sanction.at first,the plan was to equip them with F-404 while kaveri was a parallel development.but as Kaveri's development took a lot of time as well as it failed short to the specification,the F-404 and F-414 bagged the deal.

No india started the development of the Kaveri 9 years before the sanctions.

The DRDO LCA project was "officially" authorised in 1986, using the F404 as a interim powerplant, in 1989 the indian goverment authorised the fullscale development of the GTX-35VS Kaveri power plant to replace the F404 in production models of the LCA.

The US sanctions was a result of the Pokhran 2 nuclear weapons tests, IN 1998. The development work on the Kaveri started 9 years before the nuclear tests and the imposition of the US sanctions, please get the facts right.

The Kaveri was never a parallel project (fighter jet engines are made with a fighter in mind) it was tied directly to the development of the LCA, how ever beceause it failed to achieve its revised thrust targets, and because the US relaxed export controls to india allowing her to access US and other western engine tech, it was delinked from the LCA project.
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India lacks the basic industrial base for developing engine, you have to work harder.
The marketing is always more than what can be realistic. LCA is out of question, we mighy be able to so some other items. However in next ten years story will change little bit. I am not sure when they say indigenous are we building our own chips and electronics or assembling them?
The indignation process of defense equipments started in 1983 with missiles and in later years many other like LCA, MBT, Radars, Sonars etc. might start showing results now in right earnest


is pragati srbm a nuclear capable for our needs?? i think its export version is only for convectional payload
Isn't it an irony that the worlds biggest arms importer is trying to sell its arms to other countries..lol..

It takes grey cells for trolling. Take a hint one of the largest arms importer and wannabe seller .....ok..its name starts with C and ends with A.................... C-H-I-N-A
The most potent system will be Brahmos to export there will be many takers for this missile indeed.

But dont know when will this be available for export.
I don't think any one is going to compare indian weapons exports to that of China's. India has been very poor in terms of its defence self reliance, it's always goes for the quick fix of importation, that from a nation whose defence expenditure of $46bn and ranked the fifth largest. In fact look at Turkey, who's defence budget is less then half of indias at $18bn has a far better local defence industry and far higher exports.

Why this difference, well it's to do with the way india work or more to the point in defence production doesn't work. Here are a few:

1. Public sector monopoly in defence production and supply (inefficient and encourages laziness) infact where other nations actively encourage the private sector to take up design and development. In india the relatively advanced and effective private sector entities were actively discouraged.

2. Short term planning (or no planning) in fact ALL indian governments are guilty of this, knee jerk reaction to what ever threats they see, resulting in those quick fix imports. If they actually had a long term vision like the Turks, Chinese, Koreans etc they would actually be a net exporter by now, but that's not the way South Asian mind works.

3. Corruption, this goes hand in hand with the above, those who are the decision makers and involved in the purchase of large contracts, have no incentive to encourage local production. Politicians don't matter what side of the political divide are making commissions and black money hand over fist, that's the fact in all importing nations, so why would they change?

Until these and other factors I would rather not bore you with change, the indian defence exports will be limited from their potential.

You are right on bro. I don't expect too much from this expo. other than PR stunt. We don't have production capabilities to expand and then export.
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