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India made no concessions in Ladakh's Chumar region: China

LOL what a stupid title not even a 3 years old will believe india made no concession, is it like 6 strong men enter this old man house try to grab something and this old man managed to talk these men leaving the house emty handed:laughcry:

okkk okkk..you had your say..believe what you want to believe.now shoooooo shoooooo..use your brain somewhere else..
Guys, read Posts 15 and 19 and then decide for yourself.
@arp2041 , your own media is taking you on a roller-coaster....why blame me.

Destroying some small brick/ tin structure till negos are completed isn't a big deal.
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This is from the horse's mouth so I think we can put to rest all speculations - seems the chinese went back empty handed and all other reports were just what they were - assumptions.

The GOI and the chinese version both match, and if there was any indescrepencies trust the Indian media to find them out in due time.

I think we can stick with the official statements of both govts for now.
(Reuters) - India has agreed to
a Chinese demand to demolish
bunkers near their de facto
border in the Himalayas, Indian
military officials said, as part of
a deal to end a standoff that threatened to scupper slowly
improving relations. Indian and Chinese soldiers
faced off 100 metres (330 feet)
apart on a plateau near the
Karakoram mountain range,
where they fought a war 50
years ago, for three weeks until they reached a deal on Sunday
for both sides to withdrew. The tension had threatened to
overshadow a visit by Indian
foreign minister Salman
Khurshid to Beijing on May 9.
China's Premier Li Keqiang is
expected to visit India later this month. Details of the deal have not
been made public but a senior
official from the Indian army's
northern command said India
had agreed to abandon and
destroy bunkers in the Chumar sector, further south along the
disputed border. "The bunkers in Chumar were
dismantled after we acceded
to Chinese demand in the last
flag meeting. These bunkers
were live-in bunkers," the army
officer told Reuters on Tuesday. India said up to 50 Chinese
soldiers intruded into its
territory on the western rim of
the Himalayas on April 15.
Some Indian officials and
experts believed the incursion signalled Chinese concern
about increased Indian activity
in the area. India said the Chinese soldiers
were 19 km (12 miles) beyond
the point it understands to be
the border in the Ladakh
region of Kashmir, a vaguely
defined line called the Line of Actual Control, which neither
side agrees on. China denied it had crossed
into Indian territory. China won the border war they
fought in 1962, which soured
relations for decades, but ties
between the Asian giants have
been improving in recent
years. China is India's top trade partner. India has been beefing up its
military presence for several
years on the remote Ladakh
plateau, building roads and
runways to catch up with
Chinese development across the border in a disputed area
known as Aksai Chin. The decision to agree to the
Chinese demand and demolish
the bunkers followed heavy
criticism of the Indian
government over its handling
of the incident by the opposition. The Indian officer said earlier
that Chinese officers
demanded that India stop
construction of bunkers,
tunnels and huts along the Line
of Actual Control, as the vaguely defined border in
place since the 1962 war is
known. They also objected to nomads
crossing from India to grazing
meadows on the Chinese side,
the Indian army officer said.

An official in India's Defence
Ministry said on Monday the
deal to end the standoff as a
"quid pro quo" and said China
had also demanded India take
down listening and observation posts in the
Chumar area, which is close to
a Chinese road through Tibet. It was not clear if India was
dismantling those posts.

India agrees to some Chinese demands to end Himalaya standoff | Reuters
Guys, read Posts 15 and 19 and then decide for yourself.
@arp2041 , your own media is taking you on a roller-coaster....why blame me.

Not blaming you, had already said this thing in another thread:

Actually it's your own media exposing the reality.
Isn't it ironic, when the same media points finger at Pakistan, it puts wind in your sail otherwise you play the victim card....Cherry picking or what. !!

"LOL" (copyright: @Umair Nawaz INC.)

Who does the Cherry Picking??

The Thread with a credible US source that said that 90% of Kashmiri Terrorists were of Punjabi Origin Got closed, God knows why?

While words of an ANONYMOUS source has suddenly become the word of GOD.

I don't know about others, i take every media report with a pinch of salt, esp. when they aren't even present on the Ground Zero.

So, it can be said to be Speculative at best b'coz just in 2-3 days, i have read 5-6 different version of the same news,

Some said Both sides have maintained Status Quo.

Some said that Chinese have vacated but demanded dismantling the bunkers.

Some said that India haven't given anything.

Now this report is saying that Chinese haven't vacated completely (30 Chinese soldiers are apparently controlling the entire stretch of LAC on Indian Side......again a LOL).

can you explain why this news is more believable than others??
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One thing is truth ... Chinese ran away from so call their own land....rest is speculations
India only had 2 options

1) fire the first shot and expect a beating
2) come to the negotiation table and agreed with our demands

None happened, and china ended up looking a fool.

However, we did make one concession: we let kequilang come to delhi.
enough amount of trolling guys...the same info was repeated again and again in each thread that India only will dismantle the Chumar post,nothing else will be given to China.but Trolls find new subjects every now and then to troll..

by the way,India didn't loose much I've to say.I mean,India uses UAV to patrol those areas.so,those UAVs will do much better job to keep eye on western Highway of China than the cams of Chumar,am I right??but yes,we lost a post right next to the border.

I don't think chumar had cams. Just visual observation when our boys went patrolling.
Reuters is a news agency and picks up news from other news outlets -they do have correspondents - but majorly are tied to other media outlets.

(Reporting by Fayaz Bukhari in SRINAGAR; Additional reporting by Nigam Prusty; Writing by Frank Jack Daniel; Editing by Robert Birsel)
1 Bunker has been removed in Chumar.

That bunker was initself setup last month as a response to Chinese provocations. The Chinese have decided to stop the provocations in return for the bunker being removed.

The other posts are to remain as they are.
1 Bunker has been removed in Chumar.

That bunker was initself setup last month as a response to Chinese provocations. The Chinese have decided to stop the provocations in return for the bunker being removed.

The other posts are to remain as they are.

Source ???
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