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India lost 10% of Arunachal Pradesh area to China PLA Military

You can bluff with colonialism all you want, but I mean it was still a treaty and you yourselves signed it with the Brits.

How is it Indians' fault that you guys don't honor any bi-lateral treaties of the past? What if it was them claiming in reverse? By your logic, they could also consider past treaties of all land bordering China null and void because of colonial era.

For the sake of peace, can you just be ethical and honorable in international relations? I hate childish land-grabbing arguments. It's not just India you have disputes with, it's almost every neighboring country of yours.
According to our history, we had never signed those BS treaties. If you say we signed, show me.
And your so-called McMahon Line is fake by the British and already been debunked.
we have already solved land disputes with almost every neighboring country except India, everybody knows why. we tried to negotiate it many times,but you rejected. now we know that you India only understand power, so we show you power.
on the other hand, your so-called peace-loving India has land disputes with every neighboring country but solved no one , instead, India has annexed many countries in its 70 years history. want me to list them for you? you are good at crying out in pain while you strike others. You're the most shameless people in the world!
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According to our history, we had never signed those BS treaties. If you say we signed, show me.
And your so-called McMahon Line is fake by the British and already been debunked.
we have already solved land disputes with almost every neighboring country except India, everybody knows why. we tried to negotiate it many times,but you rejected. now we know that you India only understand power, so we show you power.
but your so-called peace-loving India has land disputes with any neighboring country but solved no one , instead, India has annexed many countries in its 70 years history. want me to list them for you? you are good at crying out in pain while you strike others. You're the most shameless people in the world!
Go ahead prove it, and Go ahead list them.
Go ahead prove it, and Go ahead list them.
When India became independent, there were only 15 states,now there are 29.
NOW you know how many countries have been annexed by India.
and as a "proud" Indian, you should not be shameful to show that in your profile. But what can I see?
country PAK, location US, such a proud Indian!
Salami slicing continues by China...one small invasion at a time.
And Modi won't name China, not even utter her name. Pakistan wins them electorates, so bashing the country is in the BJP manifesto.
or does that mean your forces couldnt hold on to 10% and chinese plan to takeback remaining 90%! ahhh magic of words i am sure Siri Modi g "the hindu jameen loojer" thought you that!
Did you hear that in one of his speeches?
Did you hear that in one of his speeches?
i dont need to hear supreme leaders speeches to know what he is trying to say! like all safrooni bakhts he thoughts are etched into my brain!!

wah Modi g wahhh!!
90% to go, village by village.

They are indeed weak and hyped up by some disinformation labs but both China and Pakistan know whats up. Once you hammer the north the remaining of India is open. Both the heart, brain and body of India is solely located in north India what remains south of that is garbage.

Sun Tzu - Know yourself and your enemy and you shall not be defeated in 100 battles.

Pakistan single handily can penetrate all of India once it crushes the North but Indians are far to deluded to ever realize this
Heights of desperation.. a clinker making a video in robotic voice is the source discussion for a bunch of Chinese
We now have Raffles , we are strategic partners of US. This surrender is tactical master stroke of Modi G which Chinese and Pakistanis don't understand.

We will soon take not only whole Arunachal Pradesh but Azad Kashmir as well. Just wait and watch. We have many super pilots like Abhindan.

source: Indian Bakhts
We now have Raffles , we are strategic partners of US. This surrender is tactical master stroke of Modi G which Chinese and Pakistanis don't understand.

We will soon take not only whole Arunachal Pradesh but Azad Kashmir as well. Just wait and watch. We have many super pilots like Abhindan.

source: Indian Bakhts
I know the next episode after this as well 8-)
"........only if we had F22 Raptors, results would have been different"
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