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India likely to enter missile tech control regime this week


Dec 7, 2008
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India likely to enter missile tech control regime this week

Shishir Gupta, Hindustan Times, New Delhi
For India, the membership will also help add capabilities to its high altitude, long range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with or without armed payload. (AFP File Photo)
India is widely expected to be the 35th member of Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) this week, a move that will boost the country’s efforts to export and import missile technology subject to non-proliferation rules from friendly nations.

If made partner in the regime, a precursor to being admitted into the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), India will also be able to further its quest for clean nuclear energy.

The Obama administration has strongly backed India’s membership bid – India had applied for it last year – and three other export control regime, viz., Australia Group, NSG and the Wassenaar Arrangement.

“We expect the membership of MTCR to be announced on June 7 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in Washington. India has been a unilateral adherent of MTCR since 2008 and have more than fulfilled all our commitments including signing of Hague missile code,” said a top Modi government official to Hindustan Times on the condition of anonymity. The Hague Code of Conduct is considered to be complementary to the MTCR.

Officials of the ministry of external affairs, however, continue to play their cards close to their chest.

Though tight-lipped, they said India’s entry into the multi-lateral regime will be completed this summer since the MTCR’s Reinforced Point of Contact meeting this April went as per Indian plans.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his team of advisors have made a relentless push for entry by constantly engaging the principals, President Pranab Mukherjee also added his weight to the effort by apparently reminding President Xi Jinping in Beijing last month that India has historically never opposed China’s entry into any multilateral fora including the UN Security Council.

Foreign secretary S Jaishankar, who accompanied the Mukherjee, also told his Chinese counterpart that India needs a defined path to a membership in NSG to plan for its future nuclear power needs.

China, which is part of the 48-member NSG, is yet to be made member of MTCR.

Established in April 1987, the regime is a consensus body which includes most of the world’s key missile manufacturers, and aims to limit the spread of ballistic missiles and other unmanned delivery systems that could be used for chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks.

For India, the membership will also help add capabilities to its high altitude, long range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with or without armed payload.

Although India is looking towards PM Modi’s diplomacy and US President Barack Obama’s heavy lifting for a push in the NSG at the June 9 plenary meeting in Vienna, American diplomats and corporate czars are very bullish on New Delhi’s membership into MTCR and NSG.

India application for NSG was submitted on May 12, 2016.

While in Washington, both Modi and Obama will also finalise discussions on the Logistics Exchange Memorandum Agreement (LEMOA), that allows two countries to share each other’s naval facilities. The document, though, will be signed by the respective defence ministers.

India likely to enter missile tech control regime this week | india-news | Hindustan Times
Because India succumbed to the issue of Marines who they surrendered unconditionally.
Which is a fair deal. India already made the point it wanted to, by detaining them.

But if letting the other one go, secures MTCR, NSG and Australia group then it's worth it.

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul type?

On NSG, China is thwarting India's entry.

How many Chinese prisoners do India have, to be released?

This is not how you play your card.

Indian dignity was compromised.
While Italian PM would say to his citizens "Told ya so"
India likely to enter missile tech control regime this week

Shishir Gupta, Hindustan Times, New Delhi

For India, the membership will also help add capabilities to its high altitude, long range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with or without armed payload. (AFP File Photo)
India is widely expected to be the 35th member of Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) this week, a move that will boost the country’s efforts to export and import missile technology subject to non-proliferation rules from friendly nations.

If made partner in the regime, a precursor to being admitted into the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), India will also be able to further its quest for clean nuclear energy.

The Obama administration has strongly backed India’s membership bid – India had applied for it last year – and three other export control regime, viz., Australia Group, NSG and the Wassenaar Arrangement.

“We expect the membership of MTCR to be announced on June 7 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in Washington. India has been a unilateral adherent of MTCR since 2008 and have more than fulfilled all our commitments including signing of Hague missile code,” said a top Modi government official to Hindustan Times on the condition of anonymity. The Hague Code of Conduct is considered to be complementary to the MTCR.

Officials of the ministry of external affairs, however, continue to play their cards close to their chest.

Though tight-lipped, they said India’s entry into the multi-lateral regime will be completed this summer since the MTCR’s Reinforced Point of Contact meeting this April went as per Indian plans.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his team of advisors have made a relentless push for entry by constantly engaging the principals, President Pranab Mukherjee also added his weight to the effort by apparently reminding President Xi Jinping in Beijing last month that India has historically never opposed China’s entry into any multilateral fora including the UN Security Council.

Foreign secretary S Jaishankar, who accompanied the Mukherjee, also told his Chinese counterpart that India needs a defined path to a membership in NSG to plan for its future nuclear power needs.

China, which is part of the 48-member NSG, is yet to be made member of MTCR.

Established in April 1987, the regime is a consensus body which includes most of the world’s key missile manufacturers, and aims to limit the spread of ballistic missiles and other unmanned delivery systems that could be used for chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks.

For India, the membership will also help add capabilities to its high altitude, long range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with or without armed payload.

Although India is looking towards PM Modi’s diplomacy and US President Barack Obama’s heavy lifting for a push in the NSG at the June 9 plenary meeting in Vienna, American diplomats and corporate czars are very bullish on New Delhi’s membership into MTCR and NSG.

India application for NSG was submitted on May 12, 2016.

While in Washington, both Modi and Obama will also finalise discussions on the Logistics Exchange Memorandum Agreement (LEMOA), that allows two countries to share each other’s naval facilities. The document, though, will be signed by the respective defence ministers.

India likely to enter missile tech control regime this week | india-news | Hindustan Times
Abhi toh party shuru hui his

Because India succumbed to the issue of Marines who they surrendered unconditionally.
Yes, they get to fly away at the end..after languishing more than 3 years in Indian custody putting Italian diplomats running pillar to post exhausting all platform & channels pleading their release. Finally they got the chance to blackmail India on MTCR.
Initially Italians thought to bully "weak" Indians with their comfort but got a good lesson.I think we made our point and chose to move ahead with our priority of MTCR.
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul type?

On NSG, China is thwarting India's entry.

How many Chinese prisoners do India have, to be released?

This is not how you play your card.

Indian dignity was compromised.
While Italian PM would say to his citizens "Told ya so"

Once India enters MTCR, India would be even with China.

If China continues to thwart India's NSG membership India could thwart China's MTCR membership.

Just see how quickly China would drop Pakistan's NSG membership excuse ...
Once India enters MTCR, India would be even with China.

If China continues to thwart India's NSG membership India could thwart China's MTCR membership.

Just see how quickly China would drop Pakistan's NSG membership excuse ...

India is aspirant to be the SCO member.
India can hardly pin Veto power China down. Toothless India can not play any concrete role without being a UNSC member.

Then India has stake in the Brics along with China for an alternative to IMF type borrowing.
China has more muscles to edge India out, then otherwise.

In this game China has the leverage.
India is aspirant to be the SCO member.
India can hardly pin Veto power China down. Toothless India can not play any concrete role without being a UNSC member.

Then India has stake in the Brics along with China for an alternative to IMF type borrowing.
China has more muscles to edge India out, then otherwise.

In this game China has the leverage.

India would be getting into SCO due the support of Russia not China. It is Russia which put the condition that Pakistan's membership would be supported only if India is also made a member.

UNSC membership without the Veto is useless. This is not even a China issue but an issue with all the P5 members. India should stop expending political capital on this endeavor.

With regards to BRICS and AIIB, India's membership is as important to China as it is for India. It bestows legitimacy.

Apart from the money, India brings democracy , 1/6th of world population and independent voice to the table.

China would rather have Russia and India on it's side for majority control rather than Australia & EU

How China Plans to Run AIIB: Leaner, With Veto
The Beijing-led investment bank aims to give developing nations a greater voice in multilateral organizations

China's President Xi Jinping, center, meets with guests at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank launch ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing last year. Photo: Reuters
Mark Magnier
  • BEIJING—A new China-led infrastructure bank aims to differentiate itself from other lenders with a leaner, more efficient structure that ultimately gives Beijing veto power over major decisions, people close to the institution said.

    The bank’s voting structure means that China will retain the upper hand as the largest shareholder, according to its articles of incorporation and people close to the bank. China has offered to forgo outright veto power in day-to-day operations, which helped win over some key founding members.

    The articles, agreed to at a meeting of the bank’s 57 founding member countries last month, call for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to be overseen by an unpaid, nonresident board of directors, unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. The new bank, which will be based in Beijing and use English as its operating language, will open bidding for projects to all, unlike the ADB, which restricts contracts to member countries, according to a copy of the articles reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

    The new Asian bank also gives a bigger voice to developing nations—a turnaround from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, which China lobbied for years for greater representation.

    Overall, the bank, on paper, attempts to redress perceived shortcomings at the World Bank, ADB and other development institutions that have been criticized by China for being top-heavy and overly controlled by the U.S. and other wealthy nations.

    “China benefited a lot from existing multilateral organizations, but it was also frustrated in a lot of ways that they didn’t increase the weight of China and other developing markets, that they are often slow and bureaucratic,” said David Dollar, a senior fellow at Brookings Institution and former World Bank and U.S. Treasury official in China who has done unpaid consulting for the new bank.

    The bank, known as AIIB, has been seen as an ambitious bid by Beijing to expand its international influence and challenge U.S. clout while at the same time bolstering opportunities abroad for Chinese construction and engineering companies.

    A low-key lobbying campaign by China exceeded expectations, attracting 56 other countries, among them U.S. allies Australia and South Korea, which faced pressure from Washington not to join.

    “China can’t lose from having an economically rational, transparent governing structure at the AIIB that it can showcase in response to the U.S.,” said Leslie Young, an economics professor with Beijing’s Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. “This is going to change the game and expand its soft power,” he said.

    Negotiators approved the basic framework last month in Singapore and agreed the bank would start with $100 billion in registered capital. A signing ceremony is scheduled for late June, according to people close to the bank. Once 10 members representing at least 50% of the share votes ratify the agreement, the AIIB can start operating, probably by late 2015, according to Chinese media.

    Voting shares are apportioned according to a complex formula that factors in each member’s capital contribution, the size of its economy, basic votes each member receives equally plus another 600 votes allocated to each founding member.

    At least 75% of share votes are reserved for members located in the Asia-Pacific region, giving smaller Asian countries a greater say than they have in other global organizations.

    According to the bank’s articles, China is providing $29.78 billion of the bank’s $100 billion capital base. Under the voting formula, that gives Beijing between 25% and 30% of the total votes, enough to block decisions involving structure, membership, capital increases and other significant issues laid out in the articles that require a “super majority” of at least 75% of votes.

    Founding members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank finalized the Articles of Agreement after a three-day meeting in Singapore on May 22. Photo: Zuma Press
    Other big prospective contributors among those listed as Asia-Pacific members are India at $8.36 billion, Russia at $6.53 billion and South Korea at $3.74 billion. Outside the region, Germany’s allocation is $4.48 billion, France’s is $3.37 billion and Brazil’s is $3.18 billion.

    Shareholding and voting amounts could shift if some founding members change their minds. “Willingness will still be decided by the president and the cabinet,” said Philippines National Treasurer Roberto Tan, part of his country’s negotiating team, who said the Philippines’s capital share in the bank would be about 1%.

    China’s finance ministry, which has been spearheading the initiative, didn’t respond to requests to comment about the bank’s structure.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the bank aims to be “inclusive and transparent.”

    “The important idea is to achieve common development and build a new model of international cooperation,” ministry spokesman Hong Lei said.

    As one of China’s biggest forays in trying to reshape the global order, the bank aims to set high standards for efficiency and transparency—and counter criticisms it will be a tool of Chinese foreign policy, the people close to the bank said.

    “They will try and increase the efficiency of investment compared to other development banks with long approval procedures,” said Cui Fan, a professor with Beijing’s University of International Business and Economics.

    ‘This is going to change the game and expand [China’s] soft power.’

    —Leslie Young, an economics professor with Beijing’s Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
    The bank is expected to maintain a lean staff, according to analysts and those close to the bank, compared with the World Bank, which has over 12,000 staff and consultants. Doing without a resident board of directors should save the bank money and friction in decision-making.

    Mr. Dollar, of Brookings, said the resident board costs the World Bank some $70 million annually. When he worked at the bank, “There was often a certain tension between the management and the board members whose resident staff wanted to find out about projects at an early stage.”

    The bank articles pledge to heed environmental risks and promote transparency, though they don’t offer specific mechanisms to safeguard against bid-rigging, environmental degradation and other potential fallout from huge infrastructure projects. These issues were of significant concern to prospective European members facing vocal domestic civic society constituencies, said the people close to the bank.

    —Cris Larano contributed to this article


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India is aspirant to be the SCO member.
India can hardly pin Veto power China down. Toothless India can not play any concrete role without being a UNSC member.

Then India has stake in the Brics along with China for an alternative to IMF type borrowing.
China has more muscles to edge India out, then otherwise.

In this game China has the leverage.

I don't understand your butt hurt response... I mean we did our best in Italian marine .. we respect Intl Court verdict.. yeah they fly away but paid their price .. do you forget about drone attack??? How many times you guys asked US no more drone attacks... do you guys able to get apologies for salala... I hope your status .. stop ranting around..
India would be getting into SCO due the support of Russia not China. It is Russia which put the condition that Pakistan's membership would be supported only India is also made a member.

UNSC membership without the Veto is useless. This is not even a China issue but an issue with all the P5 members. India should stop expending political capital on this endeavor.

With regards to BRICS and AIIB, India's membership is as important to China as it is for India. It bestows legitimacy.

Apart from the money, India brings democracy , 1/6th of world population and independent voice to the table.

China would rather have Russia and India on it's side for majority control rather than Australia & EU

India would join SCO, just because China was soft on India's entry. If China did not want India, nothing inconsequential Russians (with half the India's GDP numbers) could do to convince China.

Russia lacks money. Its their biggest drawback. Just imagine, one US company has more revenue than Russia as a country:

From Twitter:


Now if you discard the Russian angle from this trio, what do you get?

China would do what is best for its interests vis-a-vis India.
Do you see any foot print of China's promised 20 billion investment in India during its Premier's visit to India?

China is a bigger magnet which attracts smaller ones.
India would join SCO, just because China was soft on India's entry. If China did not want India, nothing inconsequential Russians (with half the India's GDP numbers) could do to convince China.

Russia lacks money. Its their biggest drawback. Just imagine, one US company has more revenue than Russia as a country:

From Twitter:

View attachment 308944

Now if you discard the Russian angle from this trio, what do you get?

China would do what is best for its interests vis-a-vis India.
Do you see any foot print of China's promised 20 billion investment in India during its Premier's visit to India?

China is a bigger magnet which attracts smaller ones.

We are not dying to join SCO. Technologically we are not going to get anything out of SCO but we will get many things out of MTCR and NSG. Moreover Russia wanted us to join SCO and mother Russia will take care of it if need arise.
India would join SCO, just because China was soft on India's entry. If China did not want India, nothing inconsequential Russians (with half the India's GDP numbers) could do to convince China.

Russia lacks money. Its their biggest drawback. Just imagine, one US company has more revenue than Russia as a country:

From Twitter:

View attachment 308944

Now if you discard the Russian angle from this trio, what do you get?

China would do what is best for its interests vis-a-vis India.
Do you see any foot print of China's promised 20 billion investment in India during its Premier's visit to India?

China is a bigger magnet which attracts smaller ones.

SCO is primarily a security organization not an economic one, even if the members may shy away from overtly stating it.

Irrespective of Russian economic woes, Russia is the lead military power in SCO. Most of the members of SCO are members of CIS & CSTO. Do you think SCO would survive without Russia?

China could choose to either freeze SCO or expand it by coordinating the decisions with Russia. China was prudent enough and selected the latter.

Bringing India into SCO would open up more opportunities for other countries in Indian subcontinent to be members of SCO.

Note that there is hardly any scope for SCO in SCS. The opportunities for growth of SCO lie in Central and South Asia.

Bring these countries into the orbit of SCO would ensure that the western borders of China are secured and would provide more space for China to concentrate in SCS.
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