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India just hanged Kasab

Which Genocide in Kashmir . Pray Tell me the Names of all those countries which term Kashmir Anti-Terrorist Ops as Genocide . I bet Even Pakistani Government doesn't say it . :rofl:

Abhinav Bharat members have already been jailed . You should listen to news more often before embarrassing yourself further .

Pakistanis Tend to use English words far too liberally without understanding the Nuances .

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SSB and BSF puts on hight alert fearing angry terrorist may infiltrate into India.
Innocent until proven guilty....

Yeah dude. I know the definition. Difference is Abhinav Bharat members are behind bars and not roaming free; while the counterpart is
I agree with RazPak.

We have killed a pawn.

Sure there is a sense of satisfaction for every Indian.

But nothing compared to that we will get with the news that we have gone into Pakistan and got the guilty out.

Or executed them there.

Give us a government that can do that, and we will give you two guaranteed back to back terms in power.

That is a fantasy that will live for eternity.
hang afzal guru after kasab . why govt is feeding him since 10 years ??? ,and he was guilty just like kasab.
My mother's response after seeing the news
thankGod chalo acha hua mar gya
dad's response
mar gya sala acha hua
my lil sirter's response
:D :lol: :woot:
O no...you are one of those who think ZH represents the other side ? Seriously, have you heard that guy ? .

He indeed represents the other side which believe in conquering India (which in my personal view is NOT possible neither should be the goal. Nor i support that)
just a few days after arresting illegally that Muslim girl of just 21 years now we come to know that they have hanged a suppose Pakistani Terrorist. WOW timing of this incident is applicable.
Would have been poetic justice if hanging could be done five days from now (26/11).
My thoughts go to Late Constable Tukaram and his family. A brave soul would be very content in heavens today.:happy:
He got what he deserved. He owed the blood of 166 innocent people. TV reports are saying that a letter regarding his execution has been sent to Pak government, but they refused to accept it, also they are not taking back the body of Kasab as well. For me, they should have hanged Guru first, then Kasab. But I am fully confident , its a political move for preperation of early election.. B@stardf congressis..:sick:
They should have hanged him on 26/11 , not even a week left . Bal Thackrey would have died with happiness if he was executed a week before . Who knows we might have left him die of dengue with out treating him . :P

Did you fail to comprehend my post or u want me to write in urdu ?? . I said Give the NAMES of the countries Which call Anti-Terror ops in Kashmir a Genocide and you give me a grainy YOUTUBE video with such a shitty quality that i almost got blinded by it .
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