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India just hanged Kasab

at last ....... he should have been hanged in 2008 .GOOD RIDDANCE!!!:butcher:
Killing an innocent man over Raw's dirty politics..and some Indians things justice has been done,pretty shamefull act to say the least..!!
Killing an innocent man over Raw's dirty politics..and some Indians things justice has been done,pretty shamefull act to say the least..!!

evil Indians.... we really don't know sir, that terrorists in rest of world is innocent man in your country... we are happy for your loss...
Killing an innocent man over Raw's dirty politics..and some Indians things justice has been done,pretty shamefull act to say the least..!!

Thanks for bringing this to our notice.

We Indians hang our heads in shame on these ' acts' of the R&AW.
I met a Turkish guy and we had some discussion about the relations of India and Pak n thn he told me tht there was a Turkish couple during the attack in Taj hotel,attackers let them go when they said they are from Turkey.. as for Kasab he shudnt have surrendered

Kasab didn't surrender ,he was captured by a policeman barehanded who lost his life in the process .

Constable Tukaram Omble got the highest peacetime gallantry award " Ashoka Chakra " posthumously for bravery.
Finally Justice to the victims of 26/11.

RIP to the victims who died in that attack.
I can see that in all of ur 24,271 posts

Ok, than say NM for PM & i'll give u benefit of doubt :P

You need to scane the forum and you will find that i already delcared him next PM of India

Constable Tukaram Omble got the highest peacetime gallantry award " Ashoka Chakra " posthumously for bravery.

And Karkaray was killed for the same by his own people.
At least they don't blow up people like Islamist terrorists.

That's because they are too cowardly to do anything in real life.
They will hero worship a bigot but love their lives to much to actually heed his advice.
It is failure of humanity, his life was hell. It doesn't make any difference if he go to hell after life too. No education, poverty, brainwashing, separation, torture, abuse. He went through trauma his whole life.

I feel very very sad considering his age. I am not sad at his death but at his pain and suffering in short life.
"......Indian mission in Islamabad informs Pakistan govt about Kasab's hanging through letter. Pakistan refuses to take the letter, which was then sent through fax."

Source - TOI news.

And Karkaray was killed for the same by his own people.

Hellllooo ! Where this conspiracy theory comes from ?
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