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India just hanged Kasab

Pakistan impressed by Indian army’s tackling terror in Kashmir

JAMMU: Terror tackling in Kashmir by army and the security forces has got support from unexpected quarters-Pakistan, the mother of terrorism and the sponsor of alien gun-culture in the land of saints and suffis.

“We should take a leaf from the Indian experience where in the states like Kashmir, East Punjab, Nagaland, Assam and Mizoram, armed insurgency and partial breakdown of government machinery took place for a number of years, (and) still democracy and successive elections afforded the people and the government a good chance to overcome their difficulties and defeat the militants with political process which was allowed to continue unhindered, undisturbed, compromised or violated,” read a report submitted by Pakistan’s Interior Secretary in the country’s Supreme Court.

The surprise development has left the secessionists in Kashmir dumb stricken. Always on toes to corner India and its armed forces on the issues of rights violations and so-called atrocities, the secessionists find themselves in a very awkward and embarrassing situation, more so because the report admits Kashmir as a state of India. This may be for the first time when Pakistan has omitted the much misused word ‘occupied’ preceding Kashmir.
The report also describes the Kashmir disturbances as armed insurgency and not the Jihad.
If the reality about India’s capacity and capability to marginalise terrorists and diluting their evil impact has impressed Islamabad now, this fact has been well recognised by the comity of nations. That is why the international opinion on Kashmir has undergone a major shift over the years, especially after 9/11. Pakistan has been finding herself isolated for mushrooming terrorism on its soil and spreading its tentacles in the immediate neighbourhood. The monster of terror has ultimately turned so violent that it is now eating up the vitals of its own master. The situation in Baluchistan, especially the Swat valley is alarming. Radical gunmen have left the people traumatised. Lakhs of tribals have been forced to migrate from the Swat valley.

The situation is so grim in Baluchistan that armed insurgents have killed the nephew of the Chief Minister. Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudhry has taken strong exception to the callousness of the federal government in combating terrorism, saying the Governor, the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary of the province were being attacked by the insurgents and Interior Secretary sitting in Islamabad was saying that everything is fine.

Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik blames Taliban and Baluchistan Liberation Army for the unrest.

This brings home the point Pakistan has been racking up against Indian army and its security forces in every forum across the world, alleging large scale human rights violation in Kashmir. Isn’t the report of the Interior Ministry contradictory to all such allegations? In fact, it is negation of what Islamabad has been alleging for the past two decades. Their cronies and paid agents in Kashmir also keep trumpeting the same. At times, mainstream parties join them to castigate the army and the security forces. The uncharitable words like ‘removing footprints of the army in Kashmir’ has become a fashion with mainstream leaders instead of expressing gratitude for bringing a semblance of normalcy in the valley, where they can at least move around freely. One of the enthusiastic political ‘stalwarts’ stooped so low that he started smelling the army’s hand in low intensity grenade blasts and other acts of terrorism to, what he said, avert repealing of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act. Some responsible politicians went to the extent of issuing ‘good moral’ certificates to terrorists saying every act of violence is not necessarily a terror act thus pointing towards the clandestine role of army. They even absolved the involvement of terrorists in ongoing attacks on Pancha-yat members but the open threat by Unified Jihad Council chief Syed Sallahu-ud-Din exposed this bluff.

The mainstream leaders who had suffered sun-burns due to scorching summer heat in plains outside the valley during better part of nineties have forgotten the trauma they and their families underwent due to terror threat back home. They lived virtually on doles as migrants away from their habitats for fear of their lives. Many of them issued paid advertisements to denounce their association with any political outfit. Several prominent leaders attained notoriety for changing the sides and aligning with terrorists.

And, when the situation turned near normal in Kashmir, they started tirade against the security forces who continue to offer sacrifices to make situation conducive for the people to live freely and fearlessly. Therefore, instead of basing their politics on India and army bashing, both mainstream and off-stream (secessionists) should take a lesson from the experience gained by Pakistan in witnessing her efforts getting grounded in Kashmir and elsewhere. This has been admitted unequivocally acknowledged by Islamabad in a report to Supreme Court.

guys just now i read this news. please express your opinions about this news
You guys even dont know the right of free trail. Everytime you charged him before proving anything.

And that is how a legal system actually works. You charge an accused with the offences and then prove it making him guilty in an impartial court.
:lol: sorry it has nothing to do with fair or unfair trial. all it has to do is with politics be it national or international by India.

And for Congress it was more like being in a fix. But at the end it got itself bailed out :) while opposition on bold out.

Support for Congress again from across the borders............


Kuch toh Gadbad hai......Part 2 :D
Kasab exploited and exhausted all options in the Law to get himself off the hook (noose in this case). He went as far as demanding amnesty from the Indian state. On the other hand, the victims of Mombai attack never got such choice from him & his band of thugs.

India can showcase this to its advantage. The terrorist despite compelling evidence and level of his atrocity was given full protection by the law. That’s something which Americans have so far failed to achieve. Indian route of using the law of the land and following the due process to charge the suspect & convict the terrorist has not gone unnoticed and is hailed by people everywhere.
I hope his death brings closure to the sad memory of Mumbai attack.
What's shocking in this news Sir ???
It's standard protocol. Whenever any forginer is arrested/prosecuted/sentenced for criminal offence in the country it's procedure to inform that to the country to which the criminal belong. Same thing happen with the Naval commandos arrested in India

Pakistan didn't accept it cause there won't be any turning back after that.

Diplomatically and Officially, it has been proved the perpetrators were from Pakistan. Had Pakistan accepted the Intimation Letter or Verdict - This would have paved way for Possible future peace (we, would have got a signal our Neighbor is serious on terrorism and we could look at a positive future) small actions convey a Big Message.........
"This news is hell for us," Shahnaz Sughra, Kasab's aunt, told Reuters by phone. "...Even if he did something wrong, we just want his body. Even if he did something wrong, I am proud that he taught the enemy a lesson in their own country."

Profile: Kasab, the baby-faced Pakistan gunman, hanged for Mumbai attacks - Yahoo! News India

Lol if he did something wrong, what did she expect? Give him back to her aunt in baby trolley?
Such people................... :bunny:
And someone was saying Kasab was a hindu and 26/11 was a insider job.
"This news is hell for us," Shahnaz Sughra, Kasab's aunt, told Reuters by phone. "...Even if he did something wrong, we just want his body. Even if he did something wrong, I am proud that he taught the enemy a lesson in their own country."

Profile: Kasab, the baby-faced Pakistan gunman, hanged for Mumbai attacks - Yahoo! News India

All I can say is ... if thats really her Aunt and this indeed is a true statement then Lanat on that aunt and Lanat on the newspaper for printing this garbage.
Kasab exploited and exhausted all options in the Law to get himself off the hook (noose in this case). He went as far as demanding amnesty from the Indian state. On the other hand, the victims of Mombai attack never got such choice from him & his band of thugs.

India can showcase this to its advantage. The terrorist despite compelling evidence and level of his atrocity was given full protection by the law. That’s something which Americans have so far failed to achieve. Indian route of using the law of the land and following the due process to charge the suspect & convict the terrorist has not gone unnoticed and is hailed by people everywhere.
I hope his death brings closure to the sad memory of Mumbai attack.

Respect :tup: :tup:

See for urself Andromache :P
Kasab exploited and exhausted all options in the Law to get himself off the hook (noose in this case). He went as far as demanding amnesty from the Indian state. On the other hand, the victims of Mombai attack never got such choice from him & his band of thugs.

India can showcase this to its advantage. The terrorist despite compelling evidence and level of his atrocity was given full protection by the law. That’s something which Americans have so far failed to achieve. Indian route of using the law of the land and following the due process to charge the suspect & convict the terrorist has not gone unnoticed and is hailed by people everywhere.
I hope his death brings closure to the sad memory of Mumbai attack.
We know no matter what happens, you won't say anything you don't mean. I really appreciate your words Sir.
Waiting to hear a analysis from "Lal Topi" :lol: . May be we hanged a Pig rather than Kasab? But hey hang on both are from same genus by the way .. :agree:
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