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India joins the West on Syrian crisis

Not surprising.

The current Congress government for some reason is turning India into a lap dog of the west, especially of the USA.

For example, India was the only Asian country that voted against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC.
Not surprising.

The current Congress government for some reason is turning India into a lap dog of the west, especially of the USA.

For example, India was the only Asian country that voted against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC.

All Muslim countries except Iran are anti-Assad. But we voted against Sri Lanka according to wishes of our people.
This is exactly the reason India should NEVER EVER be a permanent member of UNSC, let alone get veto power.

It has no independent foreign policy at all and they only care about themselves, they are not a responsible stakeholder in the international community. They are frightened to do anything the west don't like.
India is a gutless country that grovels to some country.

India proves once again that it's still a western colony.
After all the most powerful person in India is a European woman.

This is exactly the reason no one cares about India's opinion, because everyone knows they obey the orders given by the west.

Once these guys decide they want to have an independent foreign policy, the world might start taking these people seriously, until that happens India will remain an irrelevant player in global geopolitics.
Who in this forum is surprised?
Instead of standing firm and strong with fellow asian neighbours, India has consistently sought to be 'lumped' with the west, even when they are not seen as equals.
The west colonised India and looted then trashed their country, but still hold a leash on the psyche of the Indian people to this day.
The tables will turn for China and Russia once Assad regime falls. And when the Syrian rebel leaders come to power, both China and Russia will get the boot. Lets hear from the chinese then :P
The tables will turn for China and Russia once Assad regime falls. And when the Syrian rebel leaders come to power, both China and Russia will get the boot. Lets hear from the chinese then :P

So you want to see what happened in Libya reenacted in Syria?
The West cannot use their fighters to perform strikes on behalf of the Syrian rebels because China and Russia has the guts to veto any such resolutions in the UN. We stand out but we also stand proud. Cant say the same for India, always searching for a pat on the head from western masters.
Yeah, when hundreds are dying in Syria, no one is trying to stop it rather they are busy in playing international politics.

A country almost declares sea coast of couple of countries and EEZ of their and calling entire its own whereas India didn't declare Indian ocean India's ocean.

India doesn't stop importing oil from Iran rqather oopted to reduce it just like "a" country.

India even told those "masters" to take away their aid and rejected their fighters coz it didn't meet their requirement no matter h hard British PM, and other countries' heads asked India to re look at Typhoon.

We rejected 2 fighters of the most powerful nation in that process too. Still no economic retaliation coz India is too important for them in Indian subcontinent, SE region.

India is providing jobs to thousands of people in Europe and US and people call us a slave rather than a business partner of those countries.

Tell me where did India change its economic policies to allow foreign players like Walmart even after its economy is slowing down just to protect its local industries.

After all these points, kindly point out more instances so that you can call us "slave" and not worthy of Permanent member of UN with veto power.
Tell us what you want to do, please. Just like what your master did in Iraq and Libya?

People's lives in the two countries are totally ruined, much worse than before. Do you want to repeat that in Syria?

If this were the 1970s,

I'm sure the Chinese would have said the same about Khmer Rouge and justified it. :fie:

Let check China's deviant track record when it comes to supporting slaughter.

1971, Pakistan Operational Searchlight many East Pakistanis are killed and Chinese response: Internal matter of Pakistan.

1979, Khmer Rouge has killed a million, Chinese response: Continue supporting puppet Pol Pot and , even went to war with Vietnam which kicked out Pol Pot. The most bizzare part is Pol Pot himself was killing ethnic CHinese in Cambodia.

2012, Voted against Sri Lanka, where the Govt forces are accused of HR violations and had even killed 12 year old son of the Terrorist leader.

Based on the above pattern China's support is obvious.

Even India doesn't support military intervention in Syria, however sanction must be put on Syrian Govt and people can later choose what is to happen.
We being a democratic country will not support any violence on our Muslim brothers . How ever we oppose NATO staying there for long time .
Dumb as ever. Behave you psycho !! :angry:

We are with the people seeking end of a tyrant. What do you know ? You are ruled by tyrants !!

What makes you think china is not toeing Russia's line ?? And do you even know why Russia is supporting Assad ?? Do some research on Putin's tactics on Syria and then come back. Assad fall is near. Be ready to face the onslaught of the Syrian rebels

How is supporting people of Syria, bowing to Western masters ?? You guys are so used to being tank rolled by your masters. But Sorry, we love freedom !!!

Freedom my arse.

Once you get independence from your western masters, they talk about freedom.

A European woman is ruling over 1.2 billion Indians.
Says all you need to know about India.

Breaking news, Pakistan didn't do what China did and abstained from voting. :o lol

If anything that shows Pakistan actually has an independent foreign policy.

Only India follows the white man like a good slave.
Freedom my arse.

Once you get independence from your western masters, they talk about freedom.

A European woman is ruling over 1.2 billion Indians.
Says all you need to know about India.

If anything that shows Pakistan actually has an independent foreign policy.

Only India follows the white man like a good slave.

Just shows you don't know anything.

It was you chinese that said india needs to get rid of its NAM before lol
This is exactly the reason India should NEVER EVER be a permanent member of UNSC, let alone get veto power.

It has no independent foreign policy at all and they only care about themselves, they are not a responsible stakeholder in the international community. They are frightened to do anything the west don't like.
India is a gutless country that grovels to some country.

India proves once again that it's still a western colony.
After all the most powerful person in India is a European woman.

This is exactly the reason no one cares about India's opinion, because everyone knows they obey the orders given by the west.

Once these guys decide they want to have an independent foreign policy, the world might start taking these people seriously, until that happens India will remain an irrelevant player in global geopolitics.
done with your crap...now go and take your medicine as you are suffering from diarrhea........Btw if India didn't have any good foreign policy then by now we would have ganged up with U.S,Japan,Australia and South Korea to make an Anti-China Allied Force...
Good move..one out of pragmatism...

Assad is going sooner or later...but he is definitely going....hard reality..
Not surprising.

The current Congress government for some reason is turning India into a lap dog of the west, especially of the USA.

For example, India was the only Asian country that voted against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC.

We voted against you in UN because you were killing innocent tamilians civilians in the name of war ......

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