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India joins Ballistic Missile Defence Club

i also heard that the barak ng can be accommodated with the mk-41 vls......
it may help its export
US offers Advanced Missile Systems to India

Dated 30/1/2007
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The US is offering India one of the world's most formidable shipboard missile systems that has the potential of being integrated with the country's indigenous missiles.

There was "some interest" in the Indian defence establishment in the Aegis system but neither has the US made an offer nor has India made any formal request for it, says Royce Caplinger, managing director of Lockheed Martin India, whose US parent manufactures the system.

"I am sure though that if you ask for it, you will get it," India Strategic defence magazine quotes him as saying.

The feelers to sell the Aegis are obviously part of the US government's agenda to help India become what the State Department called in its May 2005 policy statement "a global power."

Apparently, it is also part of the steps that are systematically being taken - like the civil nuclear deal - to draw New Delhi closer to Washington.

Aegis is named after the shield of mythological Greek god Zeus. Its sale, like of most military systems, is governed through government-to-government deals under Foreign Military Sales (FMS) or other US programmes. It appears, though, that Lockheed Martin, the world's biggest military vendor, has informal clearance to showcase the system to India.

The integrated combat system can track more than 100 missiles through its supercomputers and engage them according to priority, depending upon their velocity and height, including the sea-skimming attackers.

It is designed for multi-pronged, simultaneous warfare to engage and strike targets in the air, on sea, on the surface, as also sub-surface. Aegis has also been successful in half a dozen tests to intercept ballistic missile targets outside the earth's atmosphere.

Caplinger said Aegis had been successively modified and upgraded in technology over the years and that it was "the most advanced shipboard system" in the world to counter a variety of threats, including from aircraft and ballistic missiles.

Asked if it could be integrated with India's indigenous missiles, including the India-Russian BrahMos, he replied: "Theoretically yes." It could even be matched with the new anti-missile missile that India recently tested, "but that would depend entirely on the Indian scientists and India's requirements."

"The MK 41 Vertical Launching System (that is integrated into the Aegis system) is not currently configured to integrate the BrahMos or Agni, but it can be adapted," Caplinger added.

The fact that the Aegis system could manage vertical launch of missiles was important, particularly as the Indian Navy had a long-term plan to build several ships equipped with the facility to meet its projected requirements.

Its sophisticated SPY-I phased array radar and high-speed supercomputers read each oncoming threat 360 degrees, prioritize them according to their threat value, and then automatically launch appropriate missiles to neutralize them.

The latest version of the system is called Aegis BMD 3.6. In June 2006, it successfully intercepted even the separating warhead of a target missile in a test at the Pacific Missile Range Facility.

The system's command and decision-making core is notable. Its computers differentiate between missiles, debris, and friendly aerial vehicles - and attack only what needs to be attacked.

Thus far, Aegis has only been sold to close US allies, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Norway and Australia. It is deployed on 69 US destroyers and cruisers and is being added on 17 more destroyers.

Thus, it is the mainstay "total weapon system" of the US Navy. According to Caplinger, Aegis was a very powerful system and would give an edge like no other to the Indian Navy.

The Aegis programme was launched in 1969 due to the changing nature of warfare that required transition from guns to missiles.

In 1967, a Soviet-built missile had sunk an Israeli destroyer in the Arab-Israeli war while in 1982, Argentina successfully used an Exocet missile to sink a Royal Navy frigate during the Falklands conflict. In 1988, when two Iranian vessels fired on US ships, the US Navy had used Harpoon missiles to neutralise them.
US offers Advanced Missile Systems to India | India Defence
With the news out of India still indicating rifts between Russia and India over defense contracts, it appears Lockheed Martin is making a move set up an industrial base for Indian Defense projects they intend to bid. While the fighter replacement program is the big catch, the Project 17 stealth frigate project is on Lockheed Martins radar for its MMC version of the Littoral Combat Ship. According to todays headline, the joint ventures are beginning.

India’s defence shield is getting sharper. US arms major Lockheed Martin is in talks with engineering and construction firm Larsen & Toubro (L&T) for formalising a joint venture (JV), which would jointly develop Mark 41 Vertical Launching Systems (MK 41 VLS) in India.

“Co-developing MK 41 VLS will be a further extension of our existing relationship with L&T. As of now, talks are at a very initial stage,” a senior Lockheed Martin official told ET. The MK 41 VLS is considered to be the most advanced ship-borne missile launching system in the world.

Lockheed Martin has a very good chance of getting the Project 17 contract. Both Israel and India are interested in the LCS, and both are expected to utilize the Barak missile system in the MK41 if they choose the Lockheed Martin version of the LCS.

For its size, the Lockheed Martin Multi-Mission Combatant version of the Littoral Combat Ship may end up being one of the best armed small warships ton for ton in the world. The Barak missile is smaller than the ESSM, and it may be able to be multi-packed in strike length MK41 VLS cells. I'd be interested if anyone knows for sure if that is possible, or being planned.
Information Dissemination: Lockheed Martin Pushing MK41 For India
Buying US equipment does not makes us a global power. This is all bull $hit.
Buying US equipment does not makes us a global power. This is all bull .
i dint say that:disagree:........i was trying to say that if it is compatable with mk-41vls then its export prospects might be bright........and may be we can jointly export the barak ng sam to mk-41 users:)
i dint say that:disagree:........i was trying to say that if it is compatable with mk-41vls then its export prospects might be bright........and may be we can jointly export the barak ng sam to mk-41 users:)

Im not saying that you said that mate. Im just disagreeing with the article. The article makes it seem that buying top notch US equipment will make India a world power. You are right, but i doubt that the missile would get exported. Israel is quite cagey with its top-of-the-line equipment, for many countries.
yes indian media has always posed as if us equipment were the best be it mrca,p-17 or any other purchase,,,,,,i do agree many do not understand the fact that other global firms may be equally superior if not more........and india wont be a super power even if it buys from russia,france or any other country for that matter........the dream will be a reality only if we develop and produce a majority of our own indegenous solutions.
yes indian media has always posed as if us equipment were the best be it mrca,p-17 or any other purchase,,,,,,i do agree many do not understand the fact that other global firms may be equally superior if not more........and india wont be a super power even if it buys from russia,france or any other country for that matter........the dream will be a reality only if we develop and produce a majority of our own indegenous solutions.

Exactly, even if there was some kind of super aegis system on offer, i'd rather we'd go for a 10km range SAM instead if it was a JV...
What stop gap measure mate? Its what will actually be guarding the strategic sites of India. This is no stop gap measure. This is the final thing. Apart from Delhi, all the other places of strategic importance would have this SAM. This is India's Long Range SAM system.

Correct me if I am wrong anywhere but according to me for most of the major sites (major military airports and all vital installations including big cities) there will be three or four layer of defense

Layer 1: Indian ABM system: This will include or AAD and PAD: primary defense against the incoming ballistic missile with LRTR radar

Layer 2: Akash and MR SAM and LR SAM (Barak NG): I mentioned Akash AND because there are plans to increase the range from existing 24-40 km to 70 km. But things are not clear they might think like having MR SAM and Akash Both here with Rajendra radar. For cruise missiles and PGM's and in case the ballistic missiles have MIRV to counter those threats as well as aerolanes and attack helos for army (That is why army seems to be interested towards Akash on a T72 chassis). Barak NG will be used by Navy mainly.

Layer 3: Here is the problem cos of seeker of trishul but that will be taken care by maitri and the gap filler is spyder.

So we will have a very good network of missile defense with redundant radars in terms of our AWACS which is again on two fronts (Phalcons and DRDO on Embraer platform). As well as good redundancy in terms of different type of radars.
Correct me if I am wrong anywhere but according to me for most of the major sites (major military airports and all vital installations including big cities) there will be three or four layer of defense

Layer 1: Indian ABM system: This will include or AAD and PAD: primary defense against the incoming ballistic missile with LRTR radar
Long time from being operationalized.

Layer 2: Akash and MR SAM and LR SAM (Barak NG): I mentioned Akash AND because there are plans to increase the range from existing 24-40 km to 70 km. But things are not clear they might think like having MR SAM and Akash Both here with Rajendra radar.
I wish that it happens. As of now, IAF has only placed token orders while Army is cribbing about needing something or the other in Akash before it inducts it.

Barak NG will be used by Navy mainly.
Not mainly, it will only be used only by the Navy.

Layer 3: Here is the problem cos of seeker of trishul but that will be taken care by maitri and the gap filler is spyder.

So we will have a very good network of missile defense with redundant radars in terms of our AWACS which is again on two fronts (Phalcons and DRDO on Embraer platform). As well as good redundancy in terms of different type of radars.
I'd feel a lot better with 3 more Phalcons if you get my drift.

But yeah, in the overall context in 10-12(2020) years time, its as though the entire military would be on the last cycle of modernization. The LRSAM, MRSAM and SRSAM would be in place, The Navy would have 2 Carriers, along with a three tiered AAW cover with Barak NG, Barak and Kashtan-M. With ATV and the Scorpene's already in and the new line of subs being produced. More than that, the ship producing capacity would have been tripled by then! That means IN would no longer be constrained by the building capacity as they are now.

The Su-30's would have undergone MLU, MRCA's would be almost in, PAK-FA would be under intial production(hopefully). All the IAF's bases would have been networked, with all three services having an independent fiber-optic network.
The new 155mm, 52 cal arty would have been inducted. Basically, it seems that only the Army does not have major projects in the offing apart from the overhaul of the arty and F-INSAS program. Poor dogs.
Long time from being operationalized.

I don't think so max in 6-7 years time frame some more info will come out after test that is pending. Even this might be some extra edition of Arrow II and S 400 (not only assumption). Because we neeed to make the sytem up and running asap.

I wish that it happens. As of now, IAF has only placed token orders while Army is cribbing about needing something or the other in Akash before it inducts it.
The main problem was the ripple fire in dense electronic environment that has been tested successfully and army wants the system on T 72 chassis.
I am not leaving my hope because the way NAG tests have gone and army has not issued any statements against it.

Not mainly, it will only be used only by the Navy.
Well I thought that barak will be used here. Can you please help with some sources

he he he somewhere you agree with me

I'd feel a lot better with 3 more Phalcons if you get my drift.

According to the latest AFM issue the order has been placed. (not posting because of copy right issue)

But yeah, in the overall context in 10-12(2020) years time, its as though the entire military would be on the last cycle of modernization. The LRSAM, MRSAM and SRSAM would be in place, The Navy would have 2 Carriers, along with a three tiered AAW cover with Barak NG, Barak and Kashtan-M. With ATV and the Scorpene's already in and the new line of subs being produced. More than that, the ship producing capacity would have been tripled by then! That means IN would no longer be constrained by the building capacity as they are now.

Some how I feel that it will be 3 carriers as the building capacity is increasing.

The Su-30's would have undergone MLU, MRCA's would be almost in, PAK-FA would be under intial production(hopefully). All the IAF's bases would have been networked, with all three services having an independent fiber-optic network.
PAK-FA seems to be on track I don't forsee any major slipages as of now

The new 155mm, 52 cal arty would have been inducted. Basically, it seems that only the Army does not have major projects in the offing apart from the overhaul of the arty and F-INSAS program. Poor dogs.

Army will see major transformation in terms of UAV's this portion needs be tracked.
Some more good news:

AFP: India places $2 billion missile order: report

India places $2 billion missile order: report
2 hours ago
MOSCOW (AFP) — The Indian army has placed a two billion dollar (1.36 billion euro) order for cruise missiles from the Russo-Indian company BrahMos, the Interfax news agency said Tuesday.
"The order by the Indian armed forces comes to two billion dollars," the firm's chief executive Sivanthanu Pillai was quoted as saying by the Russian Interfax news agency.
BrahMos Aerospace is a joint Russian-Indian venture established in 1998 to design, develop, produce and market a cruise missile.
The BrahMos missile has a range of 280 kilometres (175 miles).
Russia is India's main arms supplier. New Delhi was one of the key allies of the erstwhile Soviet Union.
it goes like this
*pad,aad will require much more time and drdo is looking for possible collabration with lockheed for 'hit to kill' capability available only with the US.
in the meantime india will issue an rfp for pac-3,s-400,aster-15,arrow-2(possibly) to fill the gap till pad,aad enter....but there wont be a missile in the class of PAD
as the american Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) is not available for export.....
*the older pechoras will be replaced by the spyder which has both quick reaction(python)medium(derby) missiles{surface python derby} and medium range akash mrsam. if everything goes well with akash production,and iaf suggested changes(such as improved low level interception,weight) are made then more orders will be placed ,if not more spyders will be bought....the newer pechoras will be replaced by air force version of barak(100-120km) which was approved after naval version(70km) and cleared now......till then improved akash or spyder will be used, but spyder induction is inevitable as trishul failed......the maitri qrsam will be developed with mbda and will follow python of spyder.......
*the naval version of the barak is in the advanced stages of development and will be a part of p-17,p-15 and future,,,,,,,,it can take out sea skimming missiles,uavs.......the naval version of the maitri will constitue a system similar to the american phalanx with sidewinder....
*thus the barak will have two versions.....it will have a indian solid ramjet propulsion which the israelis lack,indian navigation and guidance,israeli seeker(which indians are not good in ,maitri and astra will have mbda seekers of respective versions),israeli counter measures.......
*the barakng,the akash,s-derby will be supported by ground 'rohini' aesa radar and naval missiles will be supported by 'revathi' radar....these missiles can take on uavs,cruise missiles,fighters,helicopters,pgms,air to air missiles....
*pad,aad will be mainly for strategic air defence of cities while the others will be used for tactical air defence along the borders......

this should have cleared all your doubts.

DRDO looking for lockheed martin help in AAD and PAD now this is news check Dr. saraswat interview he had openly denied it
This is interesting:

DRDO seeks help from MNNIT Allahabad to build missiles- Engineering-Ind'l Goods / Svs-News By Industry-News-The Economic Times

DRDO seeks help from MNNIT Allahabad to build missiles
19 Aug, 2008, 1458 hrs IST, PTI

ALLAHABAD: As the nation resolves to achieve new milestones in 62nd year of its Independence, a move is afoot to build strong, heat-resistant, light-weight missiles which will add to Indias military might.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has approached the Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) here to study the mechanical properties and characterisation of carbon nano tubes (CNT) composites, which are likely to be used to build such robust missiles.

"We have been sanctioned Rs 1.26 crore by the DRDO for the project which has been taken up by our nano-technology cell, and is likely to take three years to complete," MNNIT Director A B Samaddar said. Samaddar said the institute will conduct advanced research for finding the mechanical properties of CNT based polymer composites, which are "micro in size, ultra light in weight but a very strong matter with high tensile power and capacity of surviving in high temperature."

Elaborating on the project, Project Investigator Mukul Shukla from MNNITs department of Mechanical Engineering said that due to its high tensile capacity of surviving in high temperature, CNT-based polymers could be used for missiles "which sometimes suffer a serious problem of structural failure due to the enormous heat energy created during the launch."

DRDO looking for lockheed martin help in AAD and PAD now this is news check Dr. saraswat interview he had openly denied it
India in talks with U.S. for ballistic missile defence

Dallas: Barely a month after carrying out successful tests of interceptor missiles, India is in talks with a leading American aerospace firm to apparently seek collaboration for developing a robust ballistic missile defence (BMD) system.
‘In touch with DRDO’

“We are still in touch with Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) officials,” Dennis D. Cavin, vice-president, International Air and Missile Defence Strategic Initiatives (IAMDSI) of Lockheed Martin, told PTI.

The IAMDSI is developing the PAC-III anti-missile system for the U.S.

U.S. experts said New Delhi could be looking for Washington’s help and that of other nations in developing crucial sub-systems for the BMD.
Expert to visit India

Mr. Cavin, who would be flying to India next month, said New Delhi could be looking at the U.S. help to develop “hit-to-kill” technology for its interceptor missiles. He would be meeting V. K. Saraswat, who is known as the father of the Indian interceptor missile programme.

The U.S. is developing a multi-layered anti missile defence system, of which the PAC-II, III and Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) would form the essential components.

While the PAC-II and III systems are being deployed to tackle threats from air-breathing cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, the THAAD system is developed to take care of threats from “Eco and Endo” atmospheric ballistic missile threats. The Americans, who have already deployed the PAC-II and III systems, are likely to deploy the THAAD system between 2009 and 2010 to give cover to the U.S. troops deployed overseas.

“Our doors of cooperation with India on the BMD system are open,” Mr. Cavin saidThe Hindu : International / India & World : India in talks with U.S. for ballistic missile defence
these talks ma or may not be successful..........but the talks are surely on,even robert gates suggested that the us was interested in assisting india to execute the project by supplying subsystems which can be replaced by indegenous systems through the induction..........we must make use of us expertise without worrying abt sanctions as these are only for a short term....

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