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India: It refuses to be part of China’s 'One Belt, One Road' at SCO

ndia has refused to be part of China’s "One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) which is also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit.

India on Monday did not join the other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in backing China’s "One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) which is also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), President Xi Jinping’s flagship programme on trade and connectivity.

In the joint communique issued on the conclusion of the 19th meeting of the Council of Heads of Governments (Prime Ministers) of the SCO, all member states, barring India, “reaffirmed” their support for OBOR.

“The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, reaffirming their support for China’s "One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) Initiative (BRI), note the ongoing work on joint implementation of this project, including efforts to bridge construction The Eurasian Economic Union and OBOR,” said the statement.

India has always maintained that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which is a part of BRI, runs through Pakistan-Occupied-Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) and therefore is violative of India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

In fact, in his opening remarks, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu, who chaired the meet as India holds the presidency of the forum, reminded the gathering of the need to safeguard “the sovereignty and territorial integrity of SCO Member States”, albeit in the context of countries raising bilateral issues in such multilateral platform. He was alluding to Pakistan.

On coronavirus outbreak
While addressing the issue of the coronavirus outbreak, the Vice President also highlighted the need for a reformed multilateral structure in a post-Covid world and how there is a need for “transparency” if global trade has to succeed and flourish.

India demands countries to be transparent
The other issue that India has with countries in the region joining the BRI is the lack of transparency in the projects that China is investing in and the terms and conditions of loans being given by Beijing.

Without naming China, VP Naidu said that for trade to be fair, all the members should be transparent.

“For trade to play its part in the recovery process, all the partners must be trustworthy and transparent. It is trust and transparency that determines the sustainability of our global trade and nations must demonstrate their compliance with multilateral rules of trade to remain a part of the system,” he said.

He asserted, “While undertaking individual efforts, we must take note of collective efforts to work on this situation. The ongoing crisis has exposed the world to vulnerabilities, forcing us to find ways to support each other.”

New Delhi’s concerns regarding any Beijing driven economic grouping was precisely the reason why India’ decided against joining the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), world’s largest trade deal recently signed by the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Australia, China, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand.

No country worth its salt will join a pact with an enemy that is deliberately violating its sovereignty. OBOR is a pure debt trap nothing special or extraordinary about it.
Now India should grow spine and leave this Chinese organization in protest

When is shuppa pawwa leaving SCO
I am still waiting for ganga supapowa to leave SCO. Once they left RCEP, things actually get done. Lol. And you wonder why they can't contain the virus, they talk more than they do.
I am still waiting for ganga supapowa to leave SCO. Once they left RCEP, things actually get done. Lol. And you wonder why they can't contain the virus, they talk more than they do.
india will stay in sco on it's own terms and conditions , india is not begging dollars from china . cheerleaders can't understand meaning of independence.
I don't think Pakistan nor China's territorial integrity is compensated any bit by CPEC, a bilateral agreement between Pakistan and China.

The Jammu Ladakh corridor of CPEC will help lift millions out of poverty in the region and form the connected world of the 21st century.
how much time it will take ?
If China is India's enemy and you seek no cooperation why is it your biggest trade partner?
you probably typed this via a 'made in china' cellphone/laptop.
shaksgam is central asia others are sino asia they have got nothing to do with ganga.
America is China's enemy but there's trade between both , this is connected world .
pakistan is India's enemy but we have trade with them too .
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what about slaves who wave the arse for 1billion dollars to saudi arabia and china ?
Slaves aren't victorious:-
As usual Indians are hindering progress of a block by their mere presence. First it was SAARC and now SCO. One wonders what india is even doing in this block in first place when they already decided to be western lackeys. China should just form an economic block for countries willing to be part of BRI and CPEC for better management of BRI projects.
I don't think Pakistan nor China's territorial integrity is compensated any bit by CPEC, a bilateral agreement between Pakistan and China.

The Jammu Ladakh corridor of CPEC will help lift millions out of poverty in the region and form the connected world of the 21st century.

The whole world is yet so see an example where millions are uplifted out of poverty or there was a financial gain/ economic status uplifted of the other country (other than China) in any of the OBOR agreement. On the other hand we have examples as Somalia, Sri Lanka, Maldives etc....

Once any such example is visible to the world...acceptance of OBOR will increase.
Either India leave graciously from Southern Tibet
or be hog tied and thrown back across their border.

View attachment 692430

On top of that, the brown bananas of India slapped on KY jelly onto their own arse for Anglo
to have a jolly good time as well

:rofl: :rofl::rofl:
Nope, we will throw out the Chinese from north Tibet and askai chin instead
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