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India is the Epicenter of Regional Conflicts and Terrorism in South Asia

Blah Blah Blah...BrainFart!!
are you in such a denial mode that you are not seeing that not only India but whole "World" is blaming Pakistan.

You know what they are blaming for, sometimes your fellow countrymen say it proudly what you did in Mumbai or in Parliament.
So now when you are getting back what you spread why complaining ??

No, we are in no denial. We are endeavouring to change this perception and are gradually succeeding. However, it is not Pakistan that we are discussing here - it is India.

Parliament and Mumbai was an Indian false flag operation, perpetrated by Indian intelligence agencies. A senior Indian official said it recently. Of-course he was forced to retract his statement by the same coercive agencies who in order to advance India's foreign policy objectives killed their own.

Don`t be a nut ...

there are 100s of thread about Indian regional unrest, in PDF only.

We are talking about that all the time & handling it beautifully ...

Now go & find some creative in KPK...

If the beauty you are referring to mean the responses put forth by Indian members here on this thread alone - what can I say, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder who may be blind to the existing ground realities inside India.
Nassr A Friendly 3 step solution for your codswallop :

Step 1: Cry us a River

Step 2: Build a Bridge

Step 3: Now Get over with it whiny boy

If the beauty you are referring to mean the responses put forth by Indian members here on this thread alone - what can I say, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder who may be blind to the existing ground realities inside India.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...cts-terrorism-south-asia-4.html#ixzz2aXDZ0tTY

Yes After All a Faislabadi has got Bird's Eye View . We all Believe You . Nassr Ahoy !!

After All China has blamed ETIM issue on Pakistan .
Iran has Blamed Jundullah
Afghanistan is Sick and Tired of Talibaboon Mujahids which you created with U.S.A.
And India has always been sick and Tired .

But Yeah Pakistan is a Land of greenery . How can Madina-e-sani be involved in such Activities .

It is all Lies i say to malign beautiful green Image of fort of Islam .
No Sir. Read the threads here and listen to Pakistani media where such things are being openly discussed. This is for our betterment.

Openly discussed? What topics? 71', 99', Osama, presence of other internationally wanted terrorists?

India as an epicentre of terrorism? How, by hoisting numerous international terrorist (including the no 1) and having terrorist camps all over? By supporting so called 'non-state actors'? By having terrorist sympathisers in populace/politicians/govt/army/secret agencies? Having so many terrorists hidden in general population that a combined force of many nations have to bomb them every day by drones?

India creates regional conflicts. How? Like by trying to attack a neighbour 4 times in 60 years? Like having its troops cross the border trying to capture neighbour's land and shamelessly labelling them militants when caught?

Can you please elaborate on the above, so as to get a better understanding on how 'India' is the evil one.

Parliament and Mumbai was an Indian false flag operation, perpetrated by Indian intelligence agencies. A senior Indian official said it recently. Of-course he was forced to retract his statement by the same coercive agencies who in order to advance India's foreign policy objectives killed their own.

Which senior officer said that? Can you quote the exact officer saying India did the false flag?
I am the link as I penned down my own thoughts. Is it disallowed on the forum.

Whether it is India which sent its tribal into occupying a free kingdom in 1948?
Whether is it India which sent its soldiers dressed as locals into another country in 1965?
Whether is it India which massacred and did a genocide on a different race of the same country and made the citizens fled to the neighboring country and launch the pre-emptive strike on the neighboring nation?
Whether is it India which occupied the peaks during winter and tortured and killed the search party in 1999?
Whether Indian spy agency trained terrorists in India and send them to the other country to kill innocent unarmed civilians in 2008?

This is a typical reply of Indian posters. Blame others for India's weaknesses.

What is India's weakness? I don't understand clearly!
Says a byproduct of indoctrination policies of world fountain head of terrorism and international migraine!!!

Must mean something.
can you please write a book about it? m sure it will sell a million under funny sections:lol;
“India” should return to what it was before the British came。

Thank you for telling your wish, Sorry we are here to disappoint you again and again!
can you please write a book about it? m sure it will sell a million under funny sections:lol;

That book is already written and he's quoting from it, you think these ''useful'' people are given the intellectual freedom to THINK for themselves? All the writing and reading is done at the school syllabus level.

Check out the various reports on what these bots are taught in school to understand their subhuman state.
I do not read manipulated history written by Indian historians.

Ha ha ha.... It was written by the English! Sorry epic fail!
No wonder the whole world makes fun of Pakistanis of their conspiracy theories and everything.
If one needs to get famous in Pakistan, one needs to cook up a story, with RAW behind it, fix the danger to Islam to the news, and that guy becomes a personality. Good luck to Nassr too :D
I wonder why she hates India. It is such a beautiful nation.
India is the biggest country in South Asian region. It has border disputes with all the countries bordering India and yet, hardly any sincere effort is made to solve these border disputes which have resulted in many regional conflicts.

Though India proudly presents itself as a status-quo power which is not hegemonic in nature and does not seek expansion of its territories, the facts are exactly the opposite. India has impinged on the sovereignty of all its neighbours and has illegally occupied territories belonging to all countries around India and even beyond.

Though India is the largest regional country and professes peace in the region, it has the largest armed forces and yet acquired nuclear weapons. Though it was the first country that conducted nuclear tests in 1974, it blamed Pakistan and China for weaponising its nuclear programme.

Though India bemoans about peace in the region, it is responsible for spreading state sponsored terrorism in all the regional countries. India’s involvement is raising and training terrorist outfits in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Maldives is a known fact. Many Indian intelligence and army officers who were involved in such acts have written books about it. India uses export of terrorism as an extension of its foreign policy objectives.

It is supposed to be the largest democracy, though this democracy is soaked in blood of its own people. The oppression carried out by its security forces on its own minorities, who in turn seek support from criminals and mafias that exist in regional and out of region countries, cause numerous problems for these countries.

Though India propounds regional political and economic cooperation, it undermines all such regional endeavours by undercutting forums like SAARC and refuses to open its own economy while asking other countries to liberalise theirs.

It is therefore India which is the major hindrance in prevalence of peace in South Asia and beyond and is the epicenter of regional conflicts and terrorism.

Why not you forward this article to editor of Rupeenews which help you to earn few bucks & motivate you to write more these type of articles.
replace all the Letter India mentioned every where with Pakisthan then the thread would look meaningful...
replace all the Letter India mentioned every where with Pakisthan then the thread would look meaningful...

And also south asia with the world..mashay
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