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India is preparing a moon landing for 1st time in country's history

I'm waiting bro..
We are progressing on them but have long way to go. SUPARCO aims to land first Pakistani on the moon this century and become the first Muslim country to do so. This is part of bigger project with ambitions for Venus over the longer term.

We are progressing on them but have long way to go. SUPARCO aims to land first Pakistani on the moon this century and become the first Muslim country to do so. This is part of bigger project with ambitions for Venus over the longer term.

File petition to change the name of SUPARCO first. Remove atmosphere.
All space agencies study atmosphere, but no need to put it in name.
It's like they don't want you to expect too much.
It's like they don't want you to expect too much.
Unlike some we don't look back. SUPARCO is progressing but has a long way to go. We have ambitions on Venus and maybe after that Saturn. You guys are still stuck and can't look beyond toilets. Tsk tsk tsk ....

If one have nothing on its own have no right to teach lessons to their forebears...
both countries have launchpads but we use out launch pads to launch rockets to space while other used their launchpads to launch their _____ to _____ (very small distance)

hints are more fine for assumptions..

Anyways, I always appreciate anything happened for a good cause from any nation. Last time a read an article about EDHI foundation, it was really inspirational. All are not bad but A single fish messes up the whole pond....

Forebears?????.......I don't think so. Modern day Pakistanis and indians have very little if anything in common with one another.

Fact is, indian rockets and technology are ALL based on buying and using the inventions, discoveries, science, technology & expertise of the White race. You have created nothing yourselves. Just purchased it from other races. That is not an achievement. Just bluster and more indian BS.
Forebears?????.......I don't think so. Modern day Pakistanis and indians have very little if anything in common with one another.

Fact is, indian rockets and technology are ALL based on buying and using the inventions, discoveries, science, technology & expertise of the White race. You have created nothing yourselves. Just purchased it from other races. That is not an achievement. Just bluster and more indian BS.
Although sharing ideas among civilizations goes back centuries and today whatever ISRO invents is mostly indigenous. And if it was this simple to purchase this kind of critical tech then Pakistan would have been sending satellites regularly. There is a difference between having an idea that nuclear fission can be used as a blast and actually knowing how to make a nuclear bomb.
Although sharing ideas among civilizations goes back centuries and today whatever ISRO invents is mostly indigenous. And if it was this simple to purchase this kind of critical tech then Pakistan would have been sending satellites regularly. There is a difference between having an idea that nuclear fission can be used as a blast and actually knowing how to make a nuclear bomb.

Lol.........lol......:lol:.......indigenously made by indians??????????...........truth is, indians purchase WHITE WESTERN made equipment and technology, then use it along with WHITE WESTERN expertise to manufacture those satellites. Nothing indigenous about that. Pakistan doesn't purchase those technologies as launching satellites is not a priority for us. Simple as. If indians ever reach the same level as the West, Russia and the Chinese in terms of scientific & technological inventions then you have bragging rights. Till then you are just like the rich Arabs who purchase the items, expertise and technologies of the White race albeit you make better use of it than the Arabs do.
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Anyways, what you think about ISRO and Indians doesn't matter. Because whenever you get failed hain anything than you already have excuses and blames while OTOH if you succeed in anything that you will have your future plans, that's the core difference between both of the Nations. Both got freedom in same time even pakistan got it hours earlier than Indian. Even SUPARCO was established earlier than ISRO, than why they failed to achieve their goles is the matter of concern and hence demand an intro-inspection, if you guys still like to achieve the goles delays doesn't matter at all.

Right isro is developing a lot of the things and even cryogenic technology on their own but still you think that it is outsourced than why can't you do so? Outsource it and come forward, I will feel good to have you guys in the race.

If one fails in anything than they always said GRAPES ARE SOUR...:fie:


There are plenty of pakii guys are going off topic , and even with cheap standard thoughts which showing their standard of living... Great guys , keep it up..
But the truth always remain as "India will always be the forebears for its budding nation"

Firstly, please learn how to spell and write in English properly. You're not making much sense. Secondly, the hardest thing to do on this planet is to be jealous of indians. You just need to observe their physical characteristics, all jealousy is then eroded. You still havn't explained how using the inventions, equipment, science, technology & expertise of the White race is an "indian achievement" :lol:

Pakistan's priority is not in space but in a feat that we are the 1st ever nation to achieve in the ENTIRE history of mankind. Which is being able to thwart a nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege, for over 70 years. Now THAT'S what you call an achievement.

Your anti-Pakistani racism at the end is the result of your insecurity caused by inherited indian male defiency characteristics which is common to men of the indian race :lol::



PS indians ARE NOT the forebears of us. Modern day Pakistanis have very little if any thing in common with indians. Both peoples are racially and culturally different. Claiming indians are the forebears of Pakistanis is like saying indians are the forebears of Iranians, Turks, Jordanians and the Lebanese. Both are false & retarded assertions.
Hats off to mean scope of mentality/thought..:D

If you guys really enjoying your "well" than keep it up, in the meantime Indian effect is still growing with a great pace and will continue...

You still havn't managed to explain how purchasing & using the inventions, science, technology, equipmemt and expertise of the White race is an indian achievement. Is it because you believe that indians are the forebears of the White race as they are of the Pakistani peoples?.......:lol:
You still havn't managed to explain how purchasing & using the inventions, science, technology, equipmemt and expertise of the White race is an indian achievement. Is it because you believe that indians are the forebears of the White race as they are of the Pakistani peoples?.......:lol:
Go to ISRO thread, it will be easier for you...

laughing on yourself is a great practice to keep healthy , keep it up...

Good Day..
Go to ISRO thread, it will be easier for you...

laughing on yourself is a great practice to keep healthy , keep it up...

Good Day..

Where is the news/evidence that a nation of over 1.3 billion has 100% indigenously invented or pioneered some form of advanced high tech system without buying it from White people?
Where is the news that a nation of over 1.3 billion has 100% indigenously invented or pioneered some form of advanced high tech system without buying it from White people?
why are you too much worried about 100%..

even almost none of the nation is purely self reliant in every field..

Even perfect has scope of improvement and we are doing the same in right direction...
why are you too much worried about 100%..

even almost none of the nation is purely self reliant in every field..

Even perfect has scope of improvement and we are doing the same in right direction...

WRONG!!!!!!!!...........The White nations are the most developed, advanced and powerful nations as they ONLY use the Inventions, Sciences, Technology, Equipment and Expertise of eachother. They DO NOT rely on non-White nations for this which is why they are way above them. The ONLY non-White nation which is nearly at the same level as them is China. If and when a non-White nation ever reaches that level then and ONLY then can you claim to be an advanced powerful nation. Till then you are just purchasers and buyers. Nothing more. Purchasers and buyers can ALWAYS be overtaken by others in a similar position depending on what they aquire. Bragging rights are only relevant if you ever reach the same level as White people.
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