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India is financing terrorist activities in Pakistan, accuses Musharraf


Sep 21, 2011
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Pervez Musharraf is back, though not with an expected bang. His arrival was eclipsed by two other major news items; long-awaited selection of a caretaker prime minister by Election Commission of Pakistan and last match of ODI series between Pakistan and South Africa. The process of selection of interim prime minister was testing the nerves of the nation for so long as the politicians could not agree on a consensus nominees leading the ECP to do the honors as required by country’s constitution. People were relieved to know that the ordeal was over; though the man selected was little-known, too old to withstand the pressures and a proven yes-man of the ruling elite. As for the cricket match, the sport is the first priority of Pakistanis and a number one addiction.
Although Musharraf did not create any ripples, on his return, he asked an interesting question in his first address to his supporters’ rally; where is the Pakistan I left five years back?
Before leaving for Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf accused India for orchestrating anti-Pakistan activities. In an interview to Headlines Today, Musharraf claimed Indian consulates were involved in anti-Pak activities in Afghanistan and Indians financing terrorists in Balochistan," the former dictator alleged. If he comes back to power, said Musharraf, he will ensure that the taps are turned off on support to terrorists but went on to say that India, too, should stop fomenting trouble in Pakistan.
Both the terrorist groups Musharraf accused of having financial support from India ; insurgent TTP and separatist BLA alike were eagerly awaiting Musharraf return. They want to kill him for his perceived role in the Lal Masjid Saga and death of Baloch leader Akbar Bugti. According to latest news report, both have urged each other to join hands to take out Musharraf. One of the many sons of Bugti has also announced a bounty of Rs one billion for killing Musharraf, something which has so far escaped the attention of the activist judiciary. The son may be confident that as he and the justices of the apex court have a common cause against Musharraf he could go scot-free after making the weirdest announcement.

ALLVOICES: India is financing terrorist activities in Pakistan, accuses Pervez Musharraf
Offcource India is funding terrorists activities in Pakistan either through Afghanistan by training and providing support to BLA and TTP and directly financial support too! India is the reason Pakistan has witnessed ethnic and religious tensions and killings by providing support to such hate elements through Afghanistan's clown Govt.
Mushraff has just gained few more votes with that statement..... But not enough to get some seats.... Lets wait and see what else he gonna "EXPOSE" from what ever he learnt sitting in UK for past 5 years.....
Before leaving for Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf accused India for orchestrating anti-Pakistan activities. In an interview to Headlines Today, Musharraf claimed Indian consulates were involved in anti-Pak activities in Afghanistan and Indians financing terrorists in Balochistan," the former dictator alleged.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...pakistan-accuses-musharraf.html#ixzz2OXDgw1qQ
Ah, he's back to his old wily game of useless finger pointing without proof! So what's new? Anyway, if Pakistan can sponsor terror in India (with their 'strategic assets' as Kayani himself calls them) then why can't India pay back Pakistan with the same coin? It takes two to tango, right?! :P

So why is he so pissed off with India? First he needs to dismantle the 42 training camps most of which are alive and kicking in Pak Administered Kashmir since the last two decades, and then talk.
He he he he funny isnt it that be it yayah ,niazi, ZA bhutto ,Nawaz sharif or Musharraf who ever has to get support of pakistani publick rants the same anty India voices

infact he was the one who took up Kargil misadventure , he was the one who sided with amerikan , he was the one who attcked lal masjid , he was the one killed the nawab bugti and strted the armed rebellion in Balouchistan the same way niazi did in 1971 in bangladesh, he was the one who mistreated the judiciarry god onli knows how many skeletons are still hiding in his closet now he accuese India of aiding balouchies in there freedom struggle ...well when pakistan openli supports the kashmiri terrorist why cant India help the just cause of opressed balouchies

well apna ghar to sambhal nahi raha hindustan pe hi tohmat laga do wa bhai wah ...kya soorma hai ye bhee
He wants to be wield the power again........all what he has said(OP) and his would-be speeches will be part of his strategy to be in power again

It will be interesting to see how the his opposers(especillay hidden ones) react to his return
Mr.Musharraf,in Pakistan who knows more than you about the state sponsored terrorism in India? It's nobody.You give us prove about our involvement in terror in your country and please do care to give importance to our dossiers which you have thrown in your waste paper basket.
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