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India is darling of global defense firms

You have to THANKs India for CONSTANTLY THREATENING Pakistan and that cause Pakistan to beef up her defense spending to counter the Indian threat !!!

Pakistans forces have actually to thank India that they still keep convincing people like you, that it's worth it to waste more money on arms and techs, because "India is a threat". :disagree:

Look at the facts:

- India reduced troops and fighter placements towards Pakistan and diverted them towards Chinese borders

- All new procurements are aimed on countering China, while most upgrades are meant for older equipment that are based towards Pakistan (light tanks, mortar carriers and self propelled howitzers for the north eastern areas, MMRCA, Super 30s, even FGFA / Mig 29SMT, Mirage 2000-5 upgrades to counter PAF)

- new tech developments are also only aimed on countering China (air launched Brahmos to provide more strike range, while ground launched are enough for Pakistan, SSN, SSBN and carrier development, to extend Indias power towards Chinese areas of interest and eastern coasts)

Does it has to be that way ? couldnt both live in peace?

When both would look more at the advantages this would have, especially on the economical side, it would be great. But as long as...

....any move from India will automatically related to Pakistan, even if is completelly baseless...

...Pakistan continues to increase it's nuclear arsenal, with their first strike policy...

...continues to support Terror groups at highest levels of inteligence and military...

how should peace be possible?

It's not their modernisation of force that is a problem for us, but if things should change, the first point would be changing this Indian focused point of view. If that changes, people will understand that it doesn't matter if you have 10 nuclear bombs or 100, when you live in such a close proximity, we all will be losers if they are used! And the same goes for the terror groups, that actually pose bigger threat to Pakistans civillians and even to their forces than to India. Look at how many civilians and soldiers had died in the last decade because of terror attacks and how many died in a skirmish or war against India and then ask yourself, what is a bigger threat for Pakistan?

It's not like India is perfect, but when you look at India and how it changes in the last decade, including the way of thinking, you will see a huge difference. We have our issues with China es well, but still are able to have good economical and political relations haven't we? Heck we even have smaller joint military exercises, but could somebody honestly think about a joint Pakistani - Indian exercise??? Of course not, because the mindset of the people are still to much focused on the past when it comes to this.

Change the mindset -> change the policy -> and we have a chance for peace!
are there any big defence contracts india has actually done as in paid for?

all they do is take quotations from all over the world and then chicken away.

"Ignorance is bliss" would suit good for you ...

MKI, FGFA,MRTA,C-17,P-8I, PHALCON AWACs, C-130j-30, M2k UPG,Mig-29UPG,Mig-29K etc

(unless you don't count these as big)

No need to waste time explaining ...
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