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India is changing game for China & Pakistan in IOK

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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India is changing game for China & Pakistan in IOK


RAWALPINDI: The US-China trade war has provided Indian Prime Minister Modi with an opportunity he couldn’t refuse: to change the game in Kashmir for China and Pakistan.

Back in August New Delhi terminated Article 370 of the Constitution, asserting its power in the disputed Kashmir region. This week, India called on China and Pakistan to suspend activities related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Azad Kashmir. “We reject the reference to Jammu and Kashmir in the joint statement issued by China and Pakistan after the recent visit of Chinese Foreign Minister,” Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar is quoted as saying in Hindu. “India has consistently expressed concerns to both China and Pakistan on the projects in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Kashmir.”

Pakistan and China desperately need CPEC. For Pakistan, CPEC is the express ticket to building its infrastructure, and sustain economic growth. For China, CPEC is the express link between Western China, the Middle East, and Africa, where China has growing interests. That can explain why Beijing has committed $46 billion to the project.

The problem is that CPEC passes through Pakistani regions claimed by India. That makes it a bumpy road, to say the least -- Pakistan and India continue to fight for control of these regions. That’s why CPEC activities are moving slowly in the region. “So far CPEC activity in Pakistan occupied Kashmir has been limited to reconstruction and maintenance of the Karakoram Highway, which was built in the 60s,” says Ted Bauman, Senior Research Analyst and Economist at Banyan Hill Publishing. “But India has objected strenuously to new construction projects, including railways and pipelines. The problem for China is that the only other feasible route for road, rail and pipeline connections to Pakistan and its ports would be through Afghanistan's Badakhshan pedicle. Afghanistan's political instability and diplomatic alliance with India and the United States currently make that impossible.”

But India’s recent moves in Kashmir could spoil the plans of both countries, especially for China, which has multiple border disputes with India. “China is probably testing the waters with its recent reference to Jammu and Kashmir in the context of its CPEC project with Pakistan,” says Bauman. “It's notable that China is taking a gradual approach here. China has been quite aggressive in the South China Sea, but the Himalayas is a different story.”

Why? “Because in addition to the dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir, India also disputes Chinese sovereignty in several parcels on their mutual border, including the Aksai Chin region adjacent to Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh on the Tibetan border. Consequently, the Chinese and Indian governments have a respectful relationship, but they are keenly aware of the risk of any escalation.”

Besides, China cannot “bully” India, the way it bullies smaller nations in southeast Asia. “In this case, whereas China has been able to bully the smaller nations of southeast Asia, it is unlikely to succeed in intimidating India,” explains Bauman. “Not only is India a large nuclear power, it is an economic competitor, especially as Western manufacturers shift supply chains out of China as a result of US trade sanctions.”

That’s why China should appease rather than confront India. “The Chinese government knows that proceeding with significant infrastructural developments in the Pakistan controlled part of Kashmir would lead to significant conflict with India, possibly even including a suspension of diplomatic relations,” Bauman concludes. “An escalation of conflict in the region would also lead to blowback effects on China via its impact on the global economy. That leads me to believe that China is unlikely to press the matter at this point.
That’s why China should appease rather than confront India. “The Chinese government knows that proceeding with significant infrastructural developments in the Pakistan controlled part of Kashmir would lead to significant conflict with India, possibly even including a suspension of diplomatic relations,” Bauman concludes. “An escalation of conflict in the region would also lead to blowback effects on China via its impact on the global economy. That leads me to believe that China is unlikely to press the matter at this point.

L pe charhay Bauman. blowback effects on China? The progress the India is showing interms of GDP growth is on the back of Chinese imports.
If China forgoes Ladakh, its one china policy may well see cracks appearing but i guess HK is purposely there to keep them busy.
Summary :

That’s why China should appease rather than confront India. “The Chinese government knows that proceeding with significant infrastructural developments in the Pakistan controlled part of Kashmir would lead to significant conflict with India, possibly even including a suspension of diplomatic relations,” Bauman concludes. “An escalation of conflict in the region would also lead to blowback effects on China via its impact on the global economy. That leads me to believe that China is unlikely to press the matter at this point.
That’s why China should appease rather than confront India. “The Chinese government knows that proceeding with significant infrastructural developments in the Pakistan controlled part of Kashmir would lead to significant conflict with India, possibly even including a suspension of diplomatic relations,” Bauman concludes. “An escalation of conflict in the region would also lead to blowback effects on China via its impact on the global economy. That leads me to believe that China is unlikely to press the matter at this point.

Indian indulgence or satisfaction of one's own desires, self-gratification, own chest thumping, bragging and a case of India living in fake delusions...
LALA may be coward but not stupid!! They are very clever in art of diplomacy. What if they allow USA army bases in Kashmir? It is a strong possibility

LALA may be coward but not stupid!! They are very clever in art of diplomacy. What if they allow USA army bases in Kashmir? It is a strong possibility
I would argue that they should be knocked off in Kashmir immediately. Otherwise China get lot of trouble
What if they allow USA army bases in Kashmir? It is a strong possibility
No, never going to happen.

Don't forget it's only these past 15 years or so that India-US relations have been on an upward trajectory, there is great potential there but it hasn't gone kinetic or taken off. India are also very wary of the US, for good reason (Turkey now and Pakistan after the WoT)
Indian indulgence or satisfaction of one's own desires, self-gratification, own chest thumping, bragging and a case of India living in fake delusions...

Its seems the Source is Pakistani.. Why is a pakistani paper.. boosting Indian Delusion ?

No, never going to happen.

Don't forget it's only these past 15 years or so that India-US relations have been on an upward trajectory, there is great potential there but it hasn't gone kinetic or taken off. India are also very wary of the US, for good reason (Turkey now and Pakistan after the WoT)

Its Not really True. When Homi Bhabha was Alive.. India has awesome relations too... Infact we got our First Reactor and much from from "Atoms for peace"
Summary :

That’s why China should appease rather than confront India. “The Chinese government knows that proceeding with significant infrastructural developments in the Pakistan controlled part of Kashmir would lead to significant conflict with India, possibly even including a suspension of diplomatic relations,” Bauman concludes. “An escalation of conflict in the region would also lead to blowback effects on China via its impact on the global economy. That leads me to believe that China is unlikely to press the matter at this point.

Even if China makes a deal with India, Pakistan will continue to fight till the last Pakistani.

Kashmir is jugular vein of Pakistan.

If Pakistan gives up Kashmir, then Pakistan will die.
theories such as these have no basis.

The removal Article 370 has been a very long standing, openly committed promise by BJP it is not in response to any Pakistani, Chinese, American or any other external trigger.

Ladakh has been voting for UT status for decades!
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