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India is an epicentre of extremism & terrorism


Sep 12, 2008
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India is an epicentre of extremism & terrorism

Asif Haroon Raja

Since 2005, Pakistan is under sustained vilification campaign. Ominous assessments are cooked up to create feelings of despondency under a well-planned agenda. Mischievous conjectures give an insight to the deep-seated antagonist feelings nurtured against Pakistan. The question is why such scenarios are not fabricated for India which is an epicentre of extremism and terrorism? India has a tainted history of meddling into the affairs of all its neighbours and indulging in terrorism. It was the first country in the region to plan the dismemberment of its neighbour Pakistan and carried out disinformation campaign and massive cross border terrorism to fulfil its sinister objective in 1971. It has all along striven to force South Asian states to accept Indian hegemony and never hesitated from resorting to naked force or economic strangulation or indulging in Chanakyan tactics to achieve its nefarious designs. In 1948 it had deprived Pakistan of canals water and again in 2008 it stole water from Chenab River in violation of Indus Basin Treaty. RAW is infamous for fuelling trouble in all its neighbours.

Hindu bigotry was witnessed in June 1984 when the Indian soldiers ransacked the holiest shrine of the Sikhs Golden Temple and massacred one thousand Sikhs holed up in the temple and made no attempt to heal their wounds. When Indira Gandhi was assassinated in October 1984 by her Sikh bodyguards, the Hindus targeted the Sikhs and killed them in thousands. The state administration closed its eyes and did nothing to prevent the frenzied crowds from committing genocide and raping Sikh women. In 1988, there were 611 cases of communal violence and in 1989, 701 incidents and 802 deaths; in 1990, 1404 incidents took place resulting in 1248 deaths; in 1991, 462 lives were lost in riots and in 1992, 1640 deaths occurred. On 6 December L.K. Advani, leader of BJP led the assault of Hindu zealots to demolish the centuries-old Ayodhya Mosque along with 30 other mosques. The Hindu zealots strove hard to build a Hindu temple in its place and anti-Muslim arson spread to all the major cities of India. Unspeakable atrocities were committed on the hapless Muslims with the active connivance of the police. In Surat, some of the gang rapes were committed under floodlights with video cameras documenting the holy crusade. Hardly had the wounds of Indian Muslims dried up when the fanatical Hindus once again targeted the Muslims of Indian State of Gujarat with vengeance in 2002. The hair-raising carnage was another blot in Indian so-called secular history. 2000 Muslims were knifed, torched and hacked to death.

Thousands of women were raped, their breasts cut off; their bellies split open, their foetuses speared. The State governor Modi himself gave a green light to the pogrom. In occupied Kashmir, over one lac Kashmiris have been killed and thousands of women raped imprudently. The tales of savagery are too harrowing and lengthy to recount. Hindu extremists ran riot against the Christians in Orissa recently where hundreds were burnt alive, nuns raped and churches desecrated on the self-created suspicions that the Christian missionaries were involved in converting untouchable Hindus to Christianity. The Hindu extremists derive a sadistic pleasure in burning alive their victims and torching their houses and carry these gruesome acts as one of their favourite sports.

Every year thousands of people get killed in India on account of home-grown terrorists. Bomb blasts are a regular feature. In 2008 in Ahmedabad, as many as 21 synchronised blasts took place within a short span of 70 minutes. Latest in the series is the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. This port city has been rocked by bomb blasts six times in the past, the worst being in 1993 when 13 bombs exploded in quick succession. From 1994 to 2005, 47371 people got killed in acts of terror. In 2006, 2765 were killed, in 2007, 2598, and in 2008 2260 have been killed by left wing Hindu extremists, Hindu right wing militants and insurgents. The Nagas, Mizos, Assamese, Maghalayans, Tripurans, Manipuris, Bodos, Arunchal Pradeshis, Tamils, Naxalites, Maoists, Sikhs, and the Muslim Kashmiris are still suffering worst atrocities at the hands of Indian security forces. Scores of separatist groups and insurgents are battling the Indian security forces for the lat six decades. Hundreds of armed Hindu terrorist groups which are anti-minorities and want to establish Hindu state keep honing their weapons and receive regular training in martial arts to terrorise people of other religions directing them to follow the Hindu customs and traditions to qualify themselves as Indians.

Indian army is notorious for its savageness. It kills people in custody or in fake encounters and uses rape as a weapon. It has now been caught in the racket of terrorism. Investigations into bomb blasts in Maharashtra’s Muslim dominated towns of Malegaon and Modasa in Gujarat on 29 September led to arrest of ten suspects including a serving Indian Military Intelligence Indian officer Lt Col Prasad Shrikant Purohit, a retired army Major Ramesh Upadhye, a Hindu monk and a nun. Purohit, a founding member of Hindu extremist Abhinav Bharat Group, was found involved in providing 60 kg RDX explosive to Hindu militants to make bombs. He was also found linked with Samjhota Express Train bombing on 18 February 2007 in which 68 passengers including 50 Pakistanis were burnt to death. The arrested persons are associated with the BJP and all acts of terror were committed at its behest. Till the arrest of Lt Col Prasad, India had held Pakistan’s ISI responsible for Samjhota Train episode.

There are strong indications that radical Hindu elements have infiltrated the rank and file of Indian army and arrest of two officers is just the tip of the ice burg. The Maharashtra Police chief Karkare and two other senior police officers who had traced Lt Col Purohit network were gunned down in Mumbai on the night of 26 November to close the incriminating case. Police chief’s wife has described it a cold blooded murder by Hindu extremists.

Uranium ore theft from mines in India and nuclear smuggling has become a routine affair. Several cases of smuggling of uranium ore took place in 2008. If there is any country with nuclear capability in the world which is vulnerable to theft of its nuclear bombs by terror groups, it is none other than India. India is the only country which is afflicted by such large number of terrorist groups, extremist groups and separatist movements with dangerous agendas. It also ranks equal to Israel in human rights violations.The iron-clad four-fold caste system under Brahmans continues to reign supreme in India while the so-called secularism has been reduced to a farce. The Hindu Dalits as well as other religious minorities have been reduced to serfdom. Some of the most bigoted and ruthless Hindu organisations in India advocating Hindutva are RSS, VHP, Shev Sena, Bajrang Dal, Jana Sangh, Abhinav Bharat and Kar Sevaks.

No state institution has the courage to touch any member of these groups/parties. Patronised by BJP and RAW, these are intolerant towards Islam as well as Christianity and carry deep-seated animosity against Pakistan. Narindar Modi who has been behind Gujarat and Orissa massacres, is favourite of Mossad and has been tipped by BJP as future PM of India. With Lok Sabha already heavy with fascist ministers, Indian federation is likely to be taken over by fascists in next elections.

Taking into account the rising Hindu fascism and terrorism, which has given rise to dozens of separatist movements; it seems that India is ripe for implosion and a real danger to world security. With such a dismal track record of India it is amazing that USA and western countries still consider Pakistan as the epicentre of extremism and terrorism and not India.

—The writer is a Retired Brigadier & contributes regularly for national & foreign newspapers.

Pakistan Observer - Newspaper online edition - Article
I wonder what the authors views are on his own country...obviously a victim of some ' grand conspiracy" !
reply to india is epicenter of terrorism from following points
* 11 July 2006 Srinagar bombings
* 1987 Punjab killings
* 1989 kidnapping of Rubaiya Sayeed
* 1991 Punjab killings
* 1993 Bombay bombings
* 1993 Chennai bombing
* 1995 kidnapping of western tourists in Jammu and Kashmir
* 1998 Chamba massacre
* 1998 Chapnari massacre
* 1998 Coimbatore bombings
* 1998 Prankote massacre
* 1998 Wandhama massacre
* 2000 Amarnath pilgrimage massacre
* 2000 terrorist attack on Red Fort
* 2001 Chalwalkote massacre
* 2001 Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly attack
* 2001 Kishtwar massacre
* 2002 Kaluchak massacre
* 2002 Qasim Nagar massacre
* 2003 Nadimarg Massacre
* 2006 Doda massacre
* 2006 Kulgam massacre
2008 Mumbai attack
2001 Parliament attack
1999 Kandhar hijacking

these are some of the list from big one which are continued with the help of ISI,Talibani,Pakistani army and other pakistani aided group

killing innocent people is jehad.please ask your self where muslim stand in world due to extremist

Today muslims(100 crore muslim)(palestine) are beaten by Jews(Israel)(1 crore) in every field because you donot want to educate your childern
you donot want to earn money
you gives false knowledge killing of other religious peoples to childern
You are not united like shia-sunni

These things give bad impression of Islam to world.If you kill peoples in the name of islam then you are not muslim and non islamist becuse islam means peace

Today world most poor and uneducated persons are muslim that is main diffrernce between muslim vs world.because mllas donot want to give scientific knowledge

Today if muslim want to No 1 position that one is also possible because Oil producing nations are Muslim countries If you love islam them please donot hate human beings because if you kill human which is creation of god is sin
^^^^^^^^^^To the newbie from india. If you dont have proof suporting your claims, then dont type nonsense in this forum [mod edit]
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^^^^^^^^^^To the newbie from india. If you dont have proof suporting your claims, then dont type nonsense in this forum [mod edit]
I have reported this post because of personal attack ..
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^^^^^^^^^^To the newbie from india. If you dont have proof suporting your claims, then dont type nonsense in this forum [mod edit]

Did author gave proof for this...

...Uranium ore theft from mines in India and nuclear smuggling has become a routine affair. Several cases of smuggling of uranium ore took place in 2008. If there is any country with nuclear capability in the world which is vulnerable to theft of its nuclear bombs by terror groups, it is none other than India.....
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It is very common to see that whatever Pakistan is blamed of from whole of the world, India is blamed for the same by the Pakistanis.

1) Pakistan is blamed for diminishing Minorities in Pakistan by the world => India is blamed for ill-behaving with the minorities by Pakistan.

2) World calls Pakistan a 'Failed State' => An article pops out from a Pakistani paper stating India as a failed state.

3) People all over the world call Pakistan the 'Epicenter of Extremism and Terrorism' => India is called the same by Pakistan.

4) World says Pakistani nukes MIGHT NOT be safe => Pakistani news articles claim that Indian nukes are not safe, whereas whole world applaud us for our Non-proliferation record.

But if something is good then it is the reverse. See for yourself:-

1) India is called 'Rising economy of the world' => Some time later Pakistan is also a one. And in terms of Pakistani papers better than India.

2) India is a off-shoring and IT outsourcing hub => Articles from Pakistani papers convincing its public how Pakistan is better for IT outsourcing than India, because of its "Gifted Location".

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
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Police chief’s wife has described it a cold blooded murder by Hindu extremists.

Now that is just false reporting. If the Pakistani media wants to be taken seriously, it needs to learn some basic fact-checking.
pakistani media is in it's infancy...it is gullible...i still remember they caught some poor fellow in the wake of the pressure from india...and reverted back to caling it a mistake!
it's like they have a plethora of 'INDIA TVish' channels(india tv is a third rate non-sense channel in india for the un-initiated)!
One cannot disagree to any of the points in that article.

These pakistani article writers are so incompetent. All they do is look at the latest headlines from anywhere in the world and replace Pakistan with India.

Damn these pakistani conspiracy theorists are looking much more worthwhile in comparison. Atleast there is something original to read.
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