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India is a neighbour, we cannot choose our neighbours: Pakistan FM Bilawal Bhutto Zardari to WION

See this is what I mean, when you post things like this you sound like someone who isn't well wisher of Pakistan and just want the same shit in a different bottle. Be reminded that both these personalities have done absolute sweet FA for Pakistan during their careers.

So please stop it, you sound silly now.
I can assure you that I will not cast a single vote for these two. I do not have a mandate for that either. But why do think that my prediction is silly? Who else will lead PLM and PPP if not for these two? Where will PTI be without Imran?

Based on the information available at this time, we can see that what I say is not farfetched. :pop:
I can assure you that I will not cast a single vote for these two. I do not have a mandate for that either. But why do think that my prediction is silly? Who else will lead PLM and PPP if not for these two? Where will PTI be without Imran?

Based on the information available at this time, we can see that what I say is not farfetched. :pop:
Again you are sounding silly my friend. Google is your friend.
Bad mouth doesn't help Pakistan mate. You can abuse India or Indians as much as you want, but this is reality you are in no position to put any condition. India has all privilege.

From Turks afghans English have abused you lot, who hasn’t pal!

Neither are you in any good position to come and dictate to us, your know better yourselves
7 times bigger , with west on your side you still have got no where with us.
From Turks afghans English have abused you lot, who hasn’t pal!

Neither are you in any good position to come and dictate to us, your know better yourselves
7 times bigger , with west on your side you still have got no where with us.
We already dictating you, little brain. But via other sources. 🤣🤣
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Friday (July 29), spoke exclusively to WION in Tashkent and said that there is no substance to former PM Imran Khan’s claim that current government’s foreign policy vis-a-vis America lacked substance. Bhutto Zardari said that the focus of the government is on enhancing economic co-operation with all the countries.


He was speaking to WION’s Anas Mallick in Tashkent after the conclusion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Foreign Ministers Meeting. When asked about engagement with India, the Pakistani foreign minister said that “India is our neighbour, unfortunately, you can not change your neighbour. You can choose a lot of other things in life but not your neighbour.” The foreign minister also said that there were no plans at the moment for the Pakistani and Indian prime ministers to meet on the sidelines of the SCO Heads of States meeting that is due to be held in September this year in Uzbekistan.

WION: How would you like to sum up this visit? The engagement you have had?

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari
: I think it’s an incredibly important visit for us. You know we are part of SCO family. This is the first time we managed to meet in-person post-Covid pandemic. This is an incredibly productive experience, not only within the context of the SCO. We had countless agreements today, also our bilateral meeting. We are engaged with foreign ministers of Central Asian counties. This was the third bilateral meeting with foreign minister of China. Second in-person so far. I also got chance to briefly interact with the Russian counterpart on the sidelines. Overall, it was incredibly productive.

WION: Do you see that in September there is a potential for Pakistan and Indian PMs meeting through this platform?

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari:
No such plan exists at the moment.

WION: Have you met your Indian counterpart? This was an elephant in the room.

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari:
We both are members of SCO family in that context we engage in the broader activities of SCO and council of foreign ministers but we didn’t have any bilateral engagement.

WION: Is there any level of engagement between the two countries? Even back-channel talks? As foreign minister, how do you see issues between India and Pakistan getting resolved?

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari:
India is our neighbour. You can choose a lot of things in your life but you can’t choose your neighbour. We have to live with one another. Unfortunately, the event of August 2019, the recent Islamophobic statements by officials of the ruling party obviously make it difficult for us to engage constructively.

WION: Former PM Imran Khan has been criticising the govt saying that it is lacking with respect to its foreign policy on America.

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari: I think there is no substance to those claims. Pakistan’s foreign policy is one of engagement. We engage with all countries. We are looking to find economic opportunities for our people, enhancing economic co-operation in West and East. Obviously, we engage with America as well. Mr Khan also attempted the same thing while he was in power. He tried to engage with all countries, including America, it’s not our fault that he was unsuccessful.

WION: The coalition government recently witnessed huge defeat in Punjab. The country’s economy has been on the downhill since the shocker of the defeat in Punjab. You hold a very important portfolio. How do you plan on connecting the economic policy with economic diplomacy and how do you plan on boosting the government following this defeat in Punjab?

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari:
As far as the situation in Punjab is concerned, the 20 seats where the by-election was held, all of them belonged to the opposition. The government ally still managed to secure 5 seats. The opposition lost 5 seats. But I understand there is political turbulence at home and everybody is aware of it. As far as the economic condition is concerned, every Pakistani knows the situation. The challenge which has developed has not developed in the last three months. It developed over the past 4 years (when) Mr Khan’s government increased the debt. In fact, between 2018-2022, the amount of debt Mr Khan’s government accumulated for Pakistan is equivalent to all debt in Pakistan’s history from 1947 to 2018. No one believes that economic catastrophe can be addressed in three months. As far as the foreign policy is concerned, I am trying my best. Our team members are trying their best to address the multifaceted challenges we are facing.

i dont know how many times i have heard that line!
Bad mouth doesn't help Pakistan mate. You can abuse India or Indians as much as you want, but this is reality you are in no position to put any condition. India has all privilege.

Privilege from having the HIGHEST number of acutely malnourished and growth stunted people in the world and having more than 4 million dead from coronavirus........... :azn::

Despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the west and russia, india still remains too weak, powerless, impotent and scared of taking on Pakistan.........:azn:
I wont bother.

If someone like you is not willing or able to base their argument on facts then you're just wasting my time

Get lost
Ok facts.
What India wants from Pakistan?
First, stop sending "Mujaahids" in Kashmir. You did.
Second, stop sending terrorists other part of India. You did.
Third, make peace on LOC when IA is engaged with China at LAC. You did.
Now India is pushing Pakistan to talk on so called Aazad kashmir. And it seems Pakistan is on the way.
Ok facts.
What India wants from Pakistan?
First, stop sending "Mujaahids" in Kashmir. You did.
Second, stop sending terrorists other part of India. You did.
Third, make peace on LOC when IA is engaged with China at LAC. You did.
Now India is pushing Pakistan to talk on so called Aazad kashmir. And it seems Pakistan is on the way.

As all the above has been achieved, when will 750,000 indian troops stationed in iok be returning home to central india or be stationed at the LAC ready to confront China?.......... :azn:
Pragmatic and practical. Good to hear sane words from future Pak leadership.
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