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India involved in terror activities on CPEC route: Defence Minister Press Conference


Aug 3, 2008
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India involved in terror activities on CPEC route: Khurram Dastagir


Pak-China ties are not against any country but in favour of the regional peace and stability, says defecne minister

Defence Minister Khurram Dastagir Khan has said India is involved in terrorism activities on the route of the multibillion-dollar China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Referring to the arrest of self-confessed Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav, Khurram said: “Calling India the region’s ‘only’ peace-maker is wrong. Kulbhushan Jadhav’s arrest is the biggest evidence of New Delhi’s involvement in terror activities in Pakistan,” he said while addressing the CPEC conference held in Islamabad on Wednesday.

“Although every country can benefit from the biggest economic project, India is involved in nothing but carrying out directly or indirectly terrorism activities on the CPEC route, the minister added.

‘India won’t allow IoK to be part of CPEC’

Geographical location and policy of confrontation among countries are creating obstacles for the regional development, Khurram said. “Indo-Pak dispute is also a hurdle on the path to development”.

The CPEC project, the minister said, is confronted with numerous challenges while conspiracies are being hatched to limit China’s influence in the region. “Pak-China relations are not against any country but in favour of the regional development and differences can be resolved through dialogue,” he added.

Referring to Trump’s statement and America’s policy on terrorism, he said: “Many countries didn’t accept the US policy as according to them it had strategic flaws. Pakistan’s sacrifices for the regional peace are however being neglected”.

Khurram went on to say that New Delhi is blaming Islamabad for its diplomatic issues while state oppression against those fighting for their rights is rampant in the occupied Kashmir. “The two neighbouring countries can move towards betterment by resolving the Kashmir issue.”
Pakistan accuses India of sabotaging CPEC; claims it indulges in terror activities
Pakistan's defence minister Khurram Dastagir Khan today accused India of sabotaging the route of USD 50 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
Updated: Sep 20, 2017, 11:40PM IST,


Pakistan's defence minister Khurram Dastagir Khan today accused India of sabotaging the route of USD 50 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Unveiled in 2015, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) connects Xinjiang province in northwest China with the deep-water Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea in southwestern Pakistan.

A part of Chinese President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road (B&R) initiative, the CPEC runs through Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) and India has raised objection to it.

"Although every country can benefit from the biggest economic project, India is involved in nothing but carrying out directly or indirectly terrorism activities on the CPEC route," Khan told a conference on CPEC in Islamabad.

He claimed CPEC was facing challenges due to conspiracies to limit China's influence in the region.

He alleged that the arrest of Indian national Kulbhushan Jadhav from Balochistan was the biggest evidence of India's involvement in terror activities in Pakistan.

Khan said the regional disputes were a hurdle to peace between Pakistan and India which in return was hurting chances of any effort for mutual development.

He claimed that the resolution of Kashmir would help both countries to improve their relations.
Won't believe a word he says until he holds up a dossier with the RAW symbol on the cover!

Of course you wouldn't... it's not in your nature to do so.

It's only for the rational minds.

Actually, you still wouldn't believe even if he did as you said.

The UN and EU examined and rejected the dossier that was full of proof.
Everybody is irrational besides you, right?

There is a video of Indian military chiefs and politicians making blatant statements.

Swiss ambassador be asked to leave Pakistan: Rabbani
Iftikhar A. KhanUpdated September 21, 2017

ISLAMABAD: Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani said on Wednesday that the Swiss ambassador should be asked to leave because the latter’s country was allowing its soil to be used for terrorism in Pakistan.

The remarks came after Law Minister Zahid Hamid, on behalf of the foreign minister, made a statement in the house about a ‘free Balochistan’ poster campaign being run by a designated terrorist organisation — the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) — in Geneva, Switzerland.

Mr Rabbani said the Foreign Office should take some serious steps and convey its reservations to the Swiss government in the strongest possible terms because “terrorism was being exported to Pakistan from Swiss soil”.

Law minister says India behind ‘free Balochistan’ campaign in Geneva

He asked the Foreign Office to expel the Swiss envoy from Pakistan, amidst thumping of desks by members from both sides of the aisle. What was happening in Geneva was a clear violation of the international law and the UN charter, he observed.

Zahid Hamid informed the Senate that Pakistan’s mission in Geneva had observed last week that posters titled “Free Baluchistan” had been displayed in well-frequented areas of Geneva, sponsored by “Baluchistan House”. These included paper and digital posters as well as banners posted on public transport vehicles. The Baluchistan House is said to be an affiliate of the BLA.

“The display of such publicity material is a serious violation of Pakistan’s territorial integrity and of international law and the UN charter. In view of the connections which India maintains with Baloch separatist leaders, and the fact that a large amount of money has been spent, it is obvious that India is behind this campaign,” he said, adding that use of Swiss soil by terrorists and foreign-sponsored secessionists for nefarious designs against Pakistan was totally unacceptable.

The law minister said the Swiss government had been asked to be alert about the presence of BLA terrorists or elements linked with such terrorists in Geneva. He said that in his second communication with the Swiss authorities he had asked them to immediately remove the posters and banners from public places and transport vehicles and prevent such recurrence in future.

“This year’s poster campaign by the Baloch dissident elements is being conducted by the affiliates of a declared terrorist organisation. According to the UN Security Council’s resolutions, states are obligated to not support terrorists or their affiliates, associates or abettors. Allowing this campaign and use of Swiss land is not only an attack on Pakistan’s territorial integrity, but also a violation of the international law, UN charter and Security Council resolutions. As a country that hosts the UN headquarters it is Switzerland’s duty to ensure that nothing against the international law and UN charter is conducted on its territory,” he remarked.

He pointed out that this was not the first time that such a thing had happened in Geneva. In March, a Pakistani Christian Association had placed banners in Geneva against the “violation of Christians’ rights in Pakistan”. An ordinary NGO could not have the means to do this, he said, adding that the matter had been raised with the Swiss authorities who said there was freedom of expression in the country and this was not in violation of the Swiss law.

Mr Hamid said this time as well the Swiss authorities were taking no steps to get the posters removed.

At this, Mr Rabbani said: “They are doing nothing. What are you doing? How can they allow use of their soil for exporting terrorism to Pakistan?”

Malpractices in CAA department
Setting a precedent in the country’s parliamentary history, the Senate chairman decided that the entire house would take up the issue of breach of privilege arising out of an apparently misleading reply to the question about implementation of the recommendations of a board of inquiry into malpractices in the Aero Medical Department of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) last year.

Speaking on his motion, Senator Farhatullah Babar waved a copy of the CAA’s letter on the subject conveying approval of its director general to certain actions to be taken in the light of recommendations of the board of inquiry.

He said that instead of taking action, incomplete replies were furnished to the house. It appeared to be a case of cover-up, protecting some individuals and misleading the house, he said and demanded that the matter be referred to the privileges committee.

Mr Rabbani placed the matter before the house and sought opinion of the members on whether it should be sent to the committee or dealt with by the house itself. After ascertaining the sense of the house, he referred the matter to the privileges committee and said the house would take a decision on it after the committee examined the witnesses and the record in two weeks. “I find that prima facie there is a breach of privilege,” he said and ordered that notices be issued to the Aviation Division secretary and the CAA director general.

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmad informed the house that according to the reply received, an officer found guilty of approving forged bills had been issued a show-cause notice, but the punishment awarded to him was merely a censure. Mr Rabbani and some members noted that this was not mere negligence, but a clear criminal act.

Published in Dawn, September 21st, 2017
The UN and EU examined and rejected the dossier that was full of proof.
Everybody is irrational besides you, right?
For now, they are rejecting sooner or later world will know it's just a matter of time. Also, what exactly proof you want? Live terrorism plan coverage? We have kalbushan that's enough for us to proof. Now just because they are US and west milking from INDIA doesn't mean they don't trust. It's just like report of 9/11 where they said that Saudia could be involve but did nothing and made another 100 billion dollar deal.
For now, they are rejecting sooner or later world will know it's just a matter of time. Also, what exactly proof you want? Live terrorism plan coverage? We have kalbushan that's enough for us to proof. Now just because they are US and west milking from INDIA doesn't mean they don't trust. It's just like report of 9/11 where they said that Saudia could be involve but did nothing and made another 100 billion dollar deal.
Well, the Saudia still do their stuff with impunity.:D And nobody gives a damn about it.

At the moment things are going in India's advantage. Earlier it used to run in Pakistan's advantage all thanks to OBL. If he hadn't did 9/11 nobody would understand the issue of terrorism.

I hope India will churn this situation to it's advantage. Keep Pakistan in it's place, inshaallah we will have Kashmir forever.
Well, the Saudia still do their stuff with impunity.:D And nobody gives a damn about it.

At the moment things are going in India's advantage. Earlier it used to run in Pakistan's advantage all thanks to OBL. If he hadn't did 9/11 nobody would understand the issue of terrorism.

I hope India will churn this situation to it's advantage. Keep Pakistan in it's place, inshaallah we will have Kashmir forever.
Many Congrats in advance for that dream :D
Nobody in the world will believe that India is involved in terror activities
Will anyone take Pakistan's barking seriously after Osama was killed on Pakistani soil?
Nobody in the world will believe that India is involved in terror activities

Time... is always on the side of the Truth. Pakistan just needs to keep on exposing the Indian terror.

Will anyone take Pakistan's barking seriously after Osama was killed on Pakistani soil?

Terrorists get killed the world over... even in most major capitals of Europe.
Sinister Indian moves on Balochistan, CPEC


The Indian government has established the Hind-Baloch Forum in India, a development that was rather expected. Pawan Sinha is the President of the forum while Swami Jitendranad Sarswati is its General Secretary. On June 20, 2017, the forum organised its first event, a seminar titled "How Indians can play a role in the freedom struggle of Balochistan" at Hotel Howard Plaza, Fatehabad Road, Agra. The forum is now planning more such activities, giving a new dimension to the existing Indian animosity towards Pakistan.

Speakers on the occasion included Maj Gen (retd) G 0 Balohi, ex RAW director Col RSN Singh, Pushpendra Kulshrestha, bureau chief of a local TV channel, and Govind Sharma, Gen Secretary, Ganga Mahasabha, who tried their best to raise the Indian stakes in the region.

A new upping of the ante came when US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited MQM (London) office and met with founder of the party. A special arrangement was made whereby dissident Baloch nationalist Khan of Kalat also joined Rohrabacher for photo session. This is a clear reflection of US collaboration with anti Pakistan elements in exile in some Western capitals. The Indo-US collaboration has one major target i.e. CPEC. On the other hand, Pakistan has lodged a protest with the Swiss government for letting a banned-outfit, the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), operate from its soil to spread ‘free Balochistan’ propaganda.

In a letter to Ambassador Valentin Zellweger, the permanent representative of the Swiss government at the United Nations, Pakistani envoy to Switzerland Farukh Amil has taken up the matter of posters raised in the area around Rio de Ferney in Grand Sacconex, Geneva, terming the incident as a belligerent attack on the “sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan” by giving calls for ‘free Balochistan’.

Farukh Amil also drew the attention of the ambassador towards the failure of the Swiss authorities in taking action against terrorists of BLA, a group of Baloch separatists listed by Pakistan, the United Kingdom (UK) and other states as a terrorist organisation.

The envoy said the BLA had been using its Geneva hideout, the Balochistan House, to attack the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state of Pakistan, despite the fact that attack on the sovereignty of any state is a violation of the UN charter.

“Any notion of free Balochistan is a flagrant attack on sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan. The fact that such attack emanated from Switzerland is deeply regrettable. Excellency you may kindly note that Balochistan House, which apparently sponsored these posters, is an affiliate of Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA),” the letter reads.

“The mutually overlapping leadership of Balochistan House and BLA have committed grave crimes against security forces and civilians in Pakistan, including attacks against women and children. These included targeted assassinations as well as bombings to execute mass killings,” the envoy stated. Ambassador Farukh Amil added that the BLA was also involved in religious and sectarian violence, including attacks against Christians and Shia Muslims in Pakistan.

The envoy also urged the Swiss government to proceed against the local accomplices of the BLA and deal with those individuals/companies like APG SA advertising agency who wittingly or unwittingly support BLA. The envoy noted that the BLA is a listed terrorist organisation under the laws of Pakistan and other countries, including the United Kingdom. The US State Department has also categorised several of its activities and actions as acts of terrorism, the letter adds.

Admitting to the calculus of Indian interference in Balochistan, an Indian commentator commented in his blog last year: "It is no secret that India has been supporting the separatists in Balochistan in their fight again Pakistani military without openly admitting it. Baloch activists have repeatedly admitted of receiving India’s ‘moral’ support and a representative of Balochistan Liberation Organisation (BLO) has been living in New Delhi since 2009.

"Pakistan has been regularly accusing India for using its consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar to fund, train and arm Baloch militants. A decade back, senior officials of Pakistan had even alleged that 600 Baloch tribals were being trained by India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in Afghanistan to handle explosives, engineer bomb blasts, and use sophisticated weapons."

It is very much likely that India will use such forums like the Hind-Baloch Forum to gain support of anti-Pakistan elements, create unrest in Balochistan and project the Balochistan issue at the international level to create impediments for CPEC projects. As an effort to move the Balochistan issue centre-stage, Baloch separatist leaders mostly visit New Delhi and Kabul where they are hosted and taken care of.

It is no secret India is now openly supporting the Separate Balochistan movement by spreading anti Pakistan propaganda on electronic, print and social media. Raising the issue of Balochistan, India's larger strategic game is unlikely to succeed both in short and long terms. It also shows ineptness in foreign affairs by the Modi Sarkar.


Just look at the Hindutva guy on the right with the dot on his forehead....be looks like your typical Rapist and Lyncher of Muslims in India and the typical sponsor of terror in pakistan!!! -
India has been using terrorism as an extension of its foreign policy.

The criminal silence of the world on the issue despite having full intelligence sharing is deafening.

The world should do more against terrorism.
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