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India Invites applications for Citizenship from Non Muslim Refugees

Pakistan , country created for Muslims, can take care of all Muslims. Whats so big issue about it.

Or will Pakistan invite non muslims for citizenship?
These old winnable tactics of Hindu-Muslim, Hindu-Muslim divide and radicalization started to look plausible for Modi and BJP, after the Covid-19 catastrophe and the ruling BJP getting a lot of flak and huge erosion of electorates.

Hope Modi wins again, though.
Indian Muslims have a right to their land, they can create their own country from India, we don't want them.

Muslims took their share of land , East and West Pakistan. Indian Muslims can get back to Sanatan Dharma. Its Hibdustan. They can become Hindus Again.
Muslims took their share of land , East and West Pakistan. Indian Muslims can get back to Sanatan Dharma. Its Hibdustan. They can become Hindus Again.
Nope, they did not "take" the land, that land always belonged to them, just like the land where the 200+millions in India live belongs to them, that is their rightful land and they shall carve a new country from it if Hindus push them. The Indian Muslims have hated Pakistan to show their loyalty to you lot so why should give them any space in our country?
True Indian Muslims have .

The key word their is Indian ,not bangladeshi ..... or rohingya etc...
What you do with "your" house slaves, AKA Indian Muslims, is between you and them, don't involve our country in that.
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To be Indian Citizen, one has to pledge Nation before any mumbo jumbo. Respect law of the land. Respect Hindustan Customs and Traditions...over anything else.

Else, what Citizebship? DUTIES BEFORE RIGHTS .
What you do with "your" house slaves, AKA Indian Muslims, is between you and them, don't involve our country in that.

We are not , we are just helping out poor Minorities from pakistan afghanistan and bangladesh who have run away from your atrocities and taken shelter in 13 Indian districts.
To be Indian Citizen, one has to pledge Nation before any mumbo jumbo. Respect law of the land. Respect Hindustan Customs and Traditions...over anything else.

Else, what Citizebship? DUTIES BEFORE RIGHTS .

No one is coming to a place where RSS members hoard oxygen and other medicines for a profit. Corruption was ugly before coronavirus, but got much darker during pandemic.

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