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India Invaded Pakistan In 1971: Know The Facts, And The Enemy

Md Akmal

Sep 22, 2010
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Published by: Bangladesh Defence Journal

In the Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan many behind-the-scene details have been revealed regarding the 1971 war…

"It was Bhutto, not Mujib, who broke Pakistan . Bhutto’s stance in 1971 and his stubbornness harmed Pakistan ‘s solidarity much more than Sheikh Mujib’s six-point demand. It was his high ambitions and rigid stance that led to rebellion in East Pakistan . He riled up the Bengalis and brought an end to Pakistan ‘s solidarity. East Pakistan broke away."

The above statement was made by former President of Pakistan General Aga Muhammed Yahya Khan (February 4, 1917 – August 10, 1980) in his secret Affidavit placed with the Lahore High Court. Twenty-seven years after his death, in December 2005 the Pakistan government released this document for public information. In this affidavit, Yahya Khan describes many sensational incidents that occurred before the 1971 war and after, during his rule. He writes of his role as President, his shortcomings, of how he was used like a pawn in a chess game. He speaks of traitors behind the scenes, of the roles played by Bhutto and Mujib, of how and why the Pakistan army cracked down on Bengalis, how far the Generals were responsible, who were behind the genocide and so on. Other than the Hamudur Rahman Commission Report of 1972, this is the only publication containing the statements of Yahya Khan, giving his version of the events of 1971.

Once the war ended, Bhutto immediately took over power and placed President Yahya Khan under house arrest. The Bhutto government treated Yahya Khan and his family ruthlessly. When General Ziaul Huq came to power in 1977, he released Yahya Khan. It was then that Yahya decided on this affidavit, to record his statements for posterity. He made this affidavit through Advocate Manzur Ahmed Rana of the Lahore High Court.

The affidavit consists of 57 pages. Before the affidavit was filed with the court, Yahya Khan carefully scrutinised each typed page in May 1978 at his house in Rawalpindi . He made a few amendments here and there and then signed the document, declaring it to be the truth. After a long spell of illness, this military ruler finally breathed his last in August 1980 in the house of his brother Muhammed Ali in Lahore .

In his affidavit, Yahya Khan states how the government had been pushed back against the wall. Awami League President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gained immense power and Yahya Khan could not accept his attitude. He says that Mujib had brought the administration to a standstill. This was unacceptable, intolerable. This was a rebellion against the government. He says that there was no alternative to military action against this uprising. He says he did not launch Operation Searchlight on March 25, 1971 at the behest of Bhutto or anyone else. He issued these order in his capacity as President and Army Chief in order to quell the uprising.

Yahya Khan, in this document, is unwilling to accept that the cessation of East Pakistan and the surrender of the Pakistan army as a military defeat. He says this is was a naked conspiracy of India . He berates India and Russia for their role in this regard and has all gratitude for the United States and China for their support. He terms Mujib as a patriot, but says that Awami League had a section of radical leftists who were instigating him. They did not want to relinquish the opportunity to materialise India ‘s long cherished dream of breaking up Pakistan.

According to Yahya Khan, it was Tikka Khan who issued the orders to capture Mujib dead or alive. Bhutto had wanted to hang Mujib. Mujib was prepared to change his six-point demand if necessary. The news of America ‘s Seventh Fleet and China ‘s involvement in the war were rumours. Yahya claims that in the end he wanted to leave East Pakistan ‘s power in the hands of Awami League.

Abu Rush, editor of the Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan, is a journalist. He is the Editor of Bangladesh Defence Journal. His interest lies in investigative journalism, particularly in the fields of security and defence. He has dealt in this sector while working for various dailies in the past. It is his interest in this field that led him to publish this particular book and also to publish the Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan in Bangladesh Defence Journal and in Amar Desh.

This 112-page book devotes 48 pages to the original text and 24 pages to some rare photographs. It also contains a life sketch of Yahya Khan as well as Rushd’s comments on the affidavit.
The book has been dedicated to Bir Shrestha Ruhul Amin who gave his life for the country in 1971.

The book is undoubtedly of interest to those interested in the history of the Liberation War. Abu Rushd says, "Gen. Yahya is nothing but a villain in our history but his accounts on 1971 surely are valuable and matters of reference in pursuing historical evidences. I hope this affidavit will make us know Yahya’s part of the quagmire imposed upon us forcibly and unjustly by the Pak military junta."
Very unfortunate.

One wonders if the clock could be turned back!

Without a link, this is merely hearsay.

If Bhutto as the PM could do what he liked, one wonders what type of a President he was when it is widely believed that the Pakistan Army plays an important role.
first of all written by BD so we know what will be . second we as a new generation don't care what was in 1971 . BD should now come out in 2011 .sorry to say whole BD politicization stand on 1971 .now for god sake move on.
So, now this drunkard is a reliable source of information..
So, now this drunkard is a reliable source of information..

its hype all around the world if today zaid hamid will say some thing anti pakistan millions who oppose zaid hamid will believe him lolz.

the point is news suit on your believe
its hype all around the world if today zaid hamid will say some thing anti pakistan millions who oppose zaid hamid will believe him lolz.

the point is news suit on your believe

Yahyah was not fond of his drinks and nautch girls?

Maybe you are right.
first of all written by BD so we know what will be . second we as a new generation don't care what was in 1971 . BD should now come out in 2011 .sorry to say whole BD politicization stand on 1971 .now for god sake move on.

@ mirage2000, why you are angry ? It is all history. As a new generation we have to dig out why Pakistan became failure on the debacle of East Pakistan. What was the role played by India, Pakistan Army, politicians of both the wings and also the silent expectators of both the wings. Was it only the out come of RAW or other factors ?

@ Why you are blamming the Bengali or Bangladeshi writer alone? Do you want to say that this Secret Affidavit of General Yahya Khan to the Lahore High Court was false ? Or fabricated ?
first of all written by BD so we know what will be . second we as a new generation don't care what was in 1971 . BD should now come out in 2011 .sorry to say whole BD politicization stand on 1971 .now for god sake move on.

I dont understand your point. 1971 is what brought Bangladesh to the world map. So its our history and will be analyzed until the end. If we ask you to move on from 1947, will you? Hell no, You will always want Jinnah's pakistan, Dont you?
I always had this feeling when i read 1971 history - yahya was a typical soldier with no brain, listened to vutto blindly. Vutto was clever politician, wanted power at any cost. Muzib also wanted Pakistan's power, not the independence of Bangladesh. There was a part in awamileague that wanted independence -tajuddin ahmed and others...
I dont understand your point. 1971 is what brought Bangladesh to the world map. So its our history and will be analyzed until the end. If we ask you to move on from 1947, will you? Hell no, You will always want Jinnah's pakistan, Dont you?

so relying on past experience of 1947 independence war and 1971 independence war.which one was for a better cause?uniteing muslims or dividing muslims in bd and pk what the heck is wrong with us we are 2 billion for God Sake we are the most wealthiest people or nation in the world.
first of all 1971 elections shouldnt have happened in the first place if u look at history it was UN who forcing us to democracy and the end result was bangladesh.i dont understand why are muslims of the world so criminally negligent about our own state.war on terror is war or islam.for us in pakistan we do care about begalis as they are our brothers before they were a part of our body in both cases we are same.and i feel really sorry for the victims of bd war 1971 but if you see today the sitution in pakistan we dont know who is doing these bomb blasts everyday.america says its taliban taliban says its america america say isi isi says india invovled what is this??????can you know who is doing what????no confusion and only confusion. the same what happened in bangla confusion and killing by others blamed on army as army wont leave a note with the body that army killed him india or mukti bhani killed him.we should grow up and realise that india is the culprit with the UNO and America of dividing us we should try to look at the bigger picture around us as there are quite a few things happening right under our nose.

You want to see Episode 2 of 1971 ????? look at libya war which is going on today just replace libya with name pakistan and rebels as mukhti bhani.as simple as that.wake up before its too late
I always had this feeling when i read 1971 history - yahya was a typical soldier with no brain, listened to vutto blindly. Vutto was clever politician, wanted power at any cost. Muzib also wanted Pakistan's power, not the independence of Bangladesh. There was a part in awamileague that wanted independence -tajuddin ahmed and others...

Sheik mujib didn't want fully independence . what he wanted was to get at best fully autonomy . it was the hard liner young awami league activist some of whom were actively working for independence .infact mijib satisfied both who want to independence and who where for a more autonomy by saying ''now movement for independence""(abarer sangram sadhinotar sangram ,aberer sangram muktir sangram ) in his famous 7th march address where many expected that he will declare independence . in fact if the west
Pakistani leader had any feeling for east Pakistan or to keep relation with banglais then may be the story would writen other wise . i will blame 80% to
west Pakistani leadership for 1971 debacle .
Very unfortunate.

One wonders if the clock could be turned back!

Without a link, this is merely hearsay.

If Bhutto as the PM could do what he liked, one wonders what type of a President he was when it is widely believed that the Pakistan Army plays an important role.

@ TIKI Tam Tam, you have became General in this forum, the highest level but still I find you understand many think lately !!! Is it that you are still serving in the Indian Army in the corps of Infantry ?(As you said in your post).

@ Our country including Pakistan had experienced militay govt many a times which you have not. I tell you one thing, all the military govts are always very weak since they have come to power illegally. They always remain busy to legitimate their illegal take over. That is why they always form a political party. Once their illegal act is ratified by own formed political party only tha they became "Sher". So, in 1969 Yahya Khan came to power through a military coup by over throwing Ayub Khan. So, what he did immediately ? He at once dismissed more tha 300 senior CSP officer of Pakistan, he put lot of restriction on the 22 industrial family members, he at once ceased all the central funed of Convention Muslim Leaque. Because all these were the supporters of Ayub Khan. He was afraid if some how Convention Muslim Leaque or other fraction of ML came to power so he had it. So, he cunningly played a game so the all those " Larke Lenga Pakistan" political parties to remain divided and hence other political parties(AL & PPP) may come up. He made a secret understanding with Mujib that if elected Yahya to be made as President. He also maintained a good relation with Butto. Once all these things were hooked up with Mujib, Yayha gave him a free hand to Mujib to preach sex point demand. No other political parties were allowed for political campaign in the then East Pakistan by AL and military also remained silent expectators. Once Bashani came to know all these secret alliance he at once declined to participated in the general election. JI and Convention Muslim Leaque were not at all allowed to campaign for the election. Whenever they tried their stage were burned.
Sheik mujib didn't want fully independence . what he wanted was to get at best fully autonomy . it was the hard liner young awami league activist some of whom were actively working for independence .infact mijib satisfied both who want to independence and who where for a more autonomy by saying ''now movement for independence""(abarer sangram sadhinotar sangram ,aberer sangram muktir sangram ) in his famous 7th march address where many expected that he will declare independence . in fact if the west
Pakistani leader had any feeling for east Pakistan or to keep relation with banglais then may be the story would writen other wise . i will blame 80% to
west Pakistani leadership for 1971 debacle .
we can blame someone too easily.if bhutto was prisedent and mujeeb prime minister what will happen?????but it was designed to be like that by the power behind the curtain
so relying on past experience of 1947 independence war and 1971 independence war.which one was for a better cause?uniteing muslims or dividing muslims in bd and pk what the heck is wrong with us we are 2 billion for God Sake we are the most wealthiest people or nation in the world.
first of all 1971 elections shouldnt have happened in the first place if u look at history it was UN who forcing us to democracy and the end result was bangladesh.i dont understand why are muslims of the world so criminally negligent about our own state.war on terror is war or islam.for us in pakistan we do care about begalis as they are our brothers before they were a part of our body in both cases we are same.and i feel really sorry for the victims of bd war 1971 but if you see today the sitution in pakistan we dont know who is doing these bomb blasts everyday.america says its taliban taliban says its america america say isi isi says india invovled what is this??????can you know who is doing what????no confusion and only confusion. the same what happened in bangla confusion and killing by others blamed on army as army wont leave a note with the body that army killed him india or mukti bhani killed him.we should grow up and realise that india is the culprit with the UNO and America of dividing us we should try to look at the bigger picture around us as there are quite a few things happening right under our nose.

You want to see Episode 2 of 1971 ????? look at libya war which is going on today just replace libya with name pakistan and rebels as mukhti bhani.as simple as that.wake up before its too late

I can understand your frustration. It is sad that we are seperated. But we have to accept the fact and move forward. Same time we have to know our history to become careful so that our history doesnt repeat. And about war on terror i do believe the D-8 countries will have to play a vital role about this in the future.. So unity is must...
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