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India: hundreds of men accused of sexual violence stand in elections

In the current judicial-legal-political-social system, how many can be a Neta without being a criminal of some sort ?
Ya right. It is the west conspiring to show bad image of India?

We dont need West advice thats all.There is some problems in India and Indians must find there solution within India.Outsiders dont need to interfere in it.After all this people are accused ,not convicted .And we dont allow someone to PM like Berlusconi in Italy.
They can criticise they have 0% rape cases.Otherwise dont poke in to our matters.

So what ?
They can report whatever they like to....

Just because you dont like it?

The more people get aware of this, the better it is and less people might vote for these thugs.

Not "More people".But "More Indians".
Awareness of some Europeans and their medias doesnt bring any goodness to India.

Agreed.... But how many times these netas are convicted even if they committed a crime?????

Well it is easy in India to make someone accused and drag in to nonsense matters.One Saritha Nair in Kerala.If she say a word about any politicians and other celebrities they will become culprit and medias and public dont care whether she is a world renowned fraud.
We dont need West advice thats all.There is some problems in India and Indians must find there solution within India.Outsiders dont need to interfere in it.After all this people are accused ,not convicted .And we dont allow someone to PM like Berlusconi in Italy.
They can criticise they have 0% rape cases.Otherwise dont poke in to our matters.

Not "More people".But "More Indians".
Awareness of some Europeans and their medias doesnt bring any goodness to India.

Well, let them cover it, its their right to do so. Whether I like it or not.... and honestly, its better to feel ashamed to it rather to dig my head into the sand and to pretend that there is no problem.
We dont need West advice thats all.There is some problems in India and Indians must find there solution within India.Outsiders dont need to interfere in it.After all this people are accused ,not convicted .And we dont allow someone to PM like Berlusconi in Italy.
They can criticise they have 0% rape cases.Otherwise dont poke in to our matters.

Not "More people".But "More Indians".
Awareness of some Europeans and their medias doesnt bring any goodness to India.

The question is not about if they have rape cases. It's like why it is so prevalent in Indian society. Your capital was nicknamed the rape capital. Not something to be proud of.
Seriously man , who are you kidding . The fact is Molestation is hardly reported even in cities and in villages even rape goes unreported . Panchayati much ...

Agreed.... But how many times these netas are convicted even if they committed a crime?????

Indians collectively as an Ethnicity and a Race are EPIC Logic Fails. One of the common demonstration is given when Indians, especially Ranting (Oops Intellectual ) class applies faulty deductive reasoning and derive a Universal conclusion from particular anecdotes and that too in legal realm.

The fact that most of the Rapes go unreported does not means that All rapes that are reported are true.
The question is not about if they have rape cases. It's like why it is so prevalent in Indian society. Your capital was nicknamed the rape capital. Not something to be proud of.

Oh yes . Rape Capital .where does that come from?.What about other capitals?If someone pick each news with same subject and exaggarate it like a hydrogen balloon then there is no surprise in that .One can argue like that.
In previous decade poverty is face value of India in developed world.Now we are second fastest economy in the world .So they find out another issue and generalize whole India with that cases.
125 crore peoples with different cultures and still developing.No one is perfect .
And womens also are not that better.There is a lady in Kerala ,a world renowned fraud and media took their words as some elixir .So it will be a problem.But a developed country with 30 crore (so called superpower).and a small country that is too less than India ,both in country size and population tops list far above than India.But no one care about the brutalities in there.

Well, let them cover it, its their right to do so. Whether I like it or not.... and honestly, its better to feel ashamed to it rather to dig my head into the sand and to pretend that there is no problem.

Their covering will not help us.When time arisis they also generalize all Indians as rapists (more with racism).
They dont like our growth.Their main weapon for bring India in to bad light poverty is drastically reducing in India.So they need another weapon.who care about that hypocrites and their medias
What's wrong in it, an accused of mass murders is candidate for Prime Minister.. :lol:
Indians collectively as an Ethnicity and a Race are EPIC Logic Fails. One of the common demonstration is given when Indians, especially Ranting (Oops Intellectual ) class applies faulty deductive reasoning and derive a Universal conclusion from particular anecdotes and that too in legal realm.

The fact that most of the Rapes go unreported does not means that All rapes that are reported are true.

Who said all the rapes go unreported ?? Comprehension problem much .
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