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India highest recipient of remittances at $79 billion in 2018

45 Lakhs and poor:lol:.

Man, I worked for 5 years and I couldn't make 40 Lakhs out of it.
i think the age when you can save money and buy house at retirement is gone.. property value increase sharply per year.. w/o mortgage it is nearly impossible now.. especially in countries like US and UK... even at north of UK a small house cost 100k pound same is not true for Italy and France.

That costs 1.8 million DOLLARS in my city....
Looks like I'm never going to own anything :(
I have worked many years in Europe. The Indians are the worst at praising their homeland and almost froth at the mouth in praise for it and its huge economy and shiny Mumbay building work. But I am often met with complete silence when I ask why they are so desperate for visa to move out of India!
Fair point. But by that measure India's population must be touching 1. 4 billion in 2019.

Well do you have any doubts ???? :D:D:D

I have worked many years in Europe. The Indians are the worst at praising their homeland and almost froth at the mouth in praise for it and its huge economy and shiny Mumbay building work. But I am often met with complete silence when I ask why they are so desperate for visa to move out of India!

I guess exactly the same reason why you left your home for Europe. ;)
No regret in being poor.
Good that finally you admit being a shameless beggar ..
BTW, by 2020 you're turning into a superpuwea which is only 267 days away..so are you planning to call millions of Indians working in GCC and rest of the world back to India because...Superpowers don't send their citizens for labour in other countries.
The difference is I and many of my folks don’t go around beating our chest and screaming about our growing economy and superpower status - but still grabbing visa rushing to leave this great country!

Say's who a Pseudo Nigerian. LOL :lol::lol::lol:
If we go by figures its 10 times the neighbors Forex reserves.
And almost 1/5 of our Forex reserves.

Having said Pakistan makes a lot more via remittances at $20bn.
Going by that number we only make 1/2 of that given our population size.
Awww, ur obsession with us is cute.
Say's who a Pseudo Nigerian. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Yes fine I am Martian but you will believe anything. Despite that do you disagree with my point? Why are Indians chest beating about their economy but still leaving India in droves?
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